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Welcome to Mrs. Helms’ 8 th grade Language Arts Class Room 092.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Helms’ 8 th grade Language Arts Class Room 092."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Helms’ 8 th grade Language Arts Class Room 092

2 What’s Important to Know Notebook sections Out of class passes Toro Bucks My webpage Summer reading Freak the Mighty by August 30 th

3 Seven Notebook Sections 1.WOD 2.DGP 3.Analogies 4.Grammar 5.Writing 6.Literature 7.Novels An Example Notebook is being passed around

4 Out of Class Passes Passes handed out during homeroom Fill out a pass, bring it to me to sign Keep the pass while you’re out of the room – it is your hall pass Return the signed pass to me when you come back Only ONE AT A TIME out of class

5 Toro Bucks A reward system Each student has an account and is given 10 toro bucks each quarter. Students earn toro bucks by being helpful (like “Caught Red-Handed). Students lose toro bucks by breaking school rules, being disrespectful, not completing study hall café assignments. In order to participate in special school activities such as field trips, dances, & pep rallies, a student must have a certain number of toro bucks in his/her account.

6 My Webpage School Staff to Jacque Helms MOST IMPORTANT: Calendar ALWAYS CHECK MY WEBPAGE –Most assignments are there –Sometimes bonus questions/assignments are there –Lots of test & quiz hints My email:

7 Outside Novels Summer reading will be tested TOMORROW –AR type test –Counts as a TEST grade (60%) Must have Freak the Mighty by Monday August 30 th –Available at Barnes & Nobles, Books A Million, libraries –If you’re having difficulty getting it, PLEASE let me know (I can help)

8 Class Rules 1.Show respect to teachers, peers and all property. 2.Be in your seat writing when the bell rings. 3.Bring needed supplies to class. 4.No gum, food, or drinks in the classroom. 5.No personal grooming.

9 1. Show respect to teachers, peers and all property Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself No bad language or teasing Wait for permission to speak

10 Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Refrain from touching others, especially with a pen or marker. Keep your feet on the floor, not on the chair legs of the desk in front of you. Nothing goes airborne.

11 No bad language, teasing or bullying. No bad language, teasing or bullying. This applies to “joking” and “just kidding” comments too.

12 Wait for permission to speak Listen quietly while I’m teaching or another students is addressing the class. Raise your hand to answer questions or participate in a class discussion. Often we’ll be doing “group work” that will require talking. Please keep the talking on topic. Don’t worry, I’ll be listening.

13 2. BE ON TIME You must be seated and working on your Word of the Day (bellringer) Students will lose one toro buck for each tardy –4 th tardy will be written up and sent to the office

14 3. Bring ALL books & supplies to class. Sharpen pencils BEFORE class starts. Have your textbook, binder & a pen or pencil every day. Always keep a good check on your paper supply. (We use A LOT of paper) You will occasionally need a blue or black pen and highlighters (at least three colors).

15 4. No gum, food, or drinks in the classroom. I may occasionally bring a homebaked treat or have candy, but that’s the only time you’re allowed to have or show food items in this classroom. That includes sneaking things from your purse or pocket.

16 5. No personal grooming during classtime.

17 If you choose to break a rule 1 st time – Write name and offense in the discipline log, loss of one toro buck 2 nd time – Name in the discipline log again, serve lunch detention, loss of a second toro buck 3 rd time – Name in the discipline log, lunch detention & parent contact, loss of a third toro buck 4 th time – Office referral

18 CELL PHONE POLICY If I see you texting, see the phone, or hear it, an administrator will be called to the room to take the cell phone from you. FIRST OFFENSE IS A ONE DAY SUSPENSION.

19 The Discipline Log Kept in the front of the classroom Sign when you break a class rule Starts over at the beginning of each nine weeks (quarter)

20 Rewards for Good Behavior Weekly – Class to treasure box Monthly – Home baked snack Quarterly – Movie Day ;)

21 Follow the five class rules Up to 4 consequences for choosing to break a rule Up to 3 rewards when a class is well behaved Welcome to Mrs. Helms’ 8 th grade Language Arts class. Let’s work together, following directions and doing our assignments, to create a fantastic 8 th grade experience Welcome to Mrs. Helms’ 8 th grade Language Arts class. Let’s work together, following directions and doing our assignments, to create a fantastic 8 th grade experience How does this work again?

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