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DMI 261 RADIATION BIOLOGY and PROTECTION. UNIT 1 THE ATOM  Nucleus Protons Protons Neutrons Neutrons  Shells / orbits electrons electrons.

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Presentation on theme: "DMI 261 RADIATION BIOLOGY and PROTECTION. UNIT 1 THE ATOM  Nucleus Protons Protons Neutrons Neutrons  Shells / orbits electrons electrons."— Presentation transcript:


2 UNIT 1 THE ATOM  Nucleus Protons Protons Neutrons Neutrons  Shells / orbits electrons electrons

3 Protons  Nucleon  + electrical charge  1.00728 mass  Opposite charge of the electron

4 Neutrons  Nucleon  No charge – neutral  1.00867 mass

5 Shells / Orbits  Electrons Exist in electron cloud Exist in electron cloud Arranged in precise orbits or energy levels Arranged in precise orbits or energy levels - electrical charge - electrical charge.000549 mass.000549 mass

6 Maximum electrons / shell  K = 2  L = 8  M = 18  N = 32  O = 50  P = 72  Q = 98

7 Binding energy of an atom  Holds electrons in orbit  Measured in electron volts (eV)  Inner electrons are tightly bound  Outer electrons are loosely bound and easily ionized

8 Valence shell  The outermost shell of loosely bound electrons.  # of electrons in valence shell determines the atom’s combining ability.

9 Ionization  Ionize – to remove electrons from an atom.  Occurs when an x-ray photon transfers its energy to an orbital electron and ejects it from its shell.  An ion pair is formed.

10 ION PAIR  + charged atom  free electron

11 Atomic Number  Number of protons in the nucleus  “Z” number  Written at the bottom of the chemical symbol

12 Atomic Mass  Sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.  “A” number  Written at the top of the chemical symbol

13 Isotopes  Atoms that have the same atomic number but different mass number.  Atoms that have the same # of protons but a different # of neutrons.  Most elements have more than one stable isotope and some radioactive isotopes.

14 Medical Radioisotopes  Used in Nuclear Medicine Imaging  Man-made in particle accelerators called cyclotrons  Technetium 99m  Iodine 123  Xenon 133 gas

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