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KTH Employee survey 2016 Report SK - Inklusive undernoder.

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Presentation on theme: "KTH Employee survey 2016 Report SK - Inklusive undernoder."— Presentation transcript:

1 KTH Employee survey 2016 Report SK - Inklusive undernoder

2 Background In this document you can take part of the result for your department and compare it to the result for your school and the entire KTH. KTH’s employee survey was conducted between March 7 – March 24. The survey was conducted through personal email to all employees. In total, 2653 persons responded to the entire survey, which gives a total response frequency of 70%. The response scale has 6 steps and goes from ”1. Totally disagree” to ”6. Totally agree”. All questions also have the alternative ”Don’t know/No opinion”. Response frequency Total number of employees:3768 Total number of responses (respondents):2653 Response frequency: 70 % This is how you read the result Scale Totals and averageAnswers and ”No opinion” Filtered result is your result School total KTH total Total, your result Total, school result Total, KTH Total number of responses Percentage of respondents who answered Don’t know/No opinion Totally disagree Totally agree Don’t know/No opinion

3 Employee index – KTH total The index questions are divided into 4 different index areas; Climate, Leadership, Organization and Goals and visions. The traffic lights below shows KTH’s total result for each index area and also the overall Employee Survey Index (ESI). Employee index – Your result ESI total Organization Goals and visions Climate Leadership ESI total Organization Goals and visions Climate Leadership QS Benchmark ESI total 71% Climate 71% Leadership 72% Organization 77% Goals and visions 69%

4 Strengths Based on those questions where most share of respondents answered ”6. Totally agree”. Improvement areas Based on those questions where most share of respondents answered ”1. Totally disagree”.

5 Index area; Climate QS Benchmark Influence decisions 61% My work efforts contribute 76% Time for reflection 60% Workload 66%

6 Index area; Climate - follow-up question about workload What are you not satisfied with regarding your workload? (Those who answered 1, 2 or 3 on the question about if you have a workload that you are content with, got this follow-up question.)

7 Index area; Leadership QS Benchmark Constructive feedback 60% Encourages me to participate in decisions - Manager supports my work development - Supports, encourages and inspires 70%

8 Index area; Organization QS Benchmark Balance between demands-competence 75% Committed 82% Confidence in management group 67% Justice and equality 77%

9 Index area; Goals and visions QS Benchmark Clear link between objectives 59% Know/understand dep. objectives - Pride 80%

10 Other areas – Manager questions - only managers answered these questions


12 I have completed KTH's work environment course. Other areas – Manager questions - only managers answered these questions

13 Other areas – Doctoral questions - only doctorals answered these questions

14 Other areas – Doctoral questions - follow-up question about relationship with supervisors The following area(s) needs to be improved for a better working relationship with my supervisors.

15 Other areas – Health and balance


17 Other areas – Pain/stress - The questions below are about how work has affected you over the last 4 weeks. On account of my work situation, I have:

18 Other areas – Pain/stress

19 Other areas – Pain/stress - follow-up questions The negative impact due to my work situation has been going on... I have actively sought help and/or received help to address the negative effects of my work situation.

20 Other areas – Physical environment

21 Other areas – Physical environment - follow-up question about the physical environment The following needs to be improved in order to improve the physical work environment. (Those who answered 1, 2 or 3 on the question about if you think that the physical work environment is good, got this follow-up question.)

22 Other areas – Field of activity and self-control


24 Other areas – Competence

25 Other areas – Competence - follow-up question about confidence in KTH’s management group The following max three measures would improve my confidence in KTH's management group. The management group at KTH consists of the President, Deputy President, Dean of Faculty and Vice Dean of Faculty, the vice Presdidents, the University Director all the Heads of Schools and two student representatives. (Those who answered 1, 2 or 3 on the question about if you have confidence in KTH’s management group, got this follow-up question.)

26 Other areas – Competence - follow-up question about confidence in school’s management group The following max three measures would improve my confidence in my school’s management group. (Those who answered 1, 2 or 3 on the question about if you have confidence in your school’s management group, got this follow-up question.)

27 Other areas – Meetings Do you participate in departmental/group meetings?

28 Other areas – Meetings

29 Other areas – Motivation


31 Other areas – Development dialogue I have in the last 12-month period been offered a development dialogue. My development dialogue...

32 Other areas – Development dialogue My development dialogue resulted in...

33 Other questions I have access to the information I need to do my work. I feel that KTH makes it easier for employees to combine parenthood and professional work.

34 Other questions Do you know who the safety representative at your workplace is? At my workplace there are scheduled and periodic meetings to discuss work environment issues.

35 Other questions - I know… … where to report occupational injury/incident. … where to go in crisis situations.

36 Other questions - I know… … where the nearest defibrillator is. … where escape routes and fire extinguishers are.

37 Recommendation (eNPS) To find out the eNPS, you subtract the percentage of employees who are Promoters with the percentage of employees who are Detractors. The result will be a value in percentage between -100 and 100.

38 Recommendation (eNPS) eNPS value QS Benchmark eNPS 10% How likely is it that you would recommend KTH as a place to work to a friend or acquaintance?

39 Recommendation (eNPS) What improvement do you think should first and foremost be made for you to recommend KTH as a workplace? (Those who answered 0-6 on the question about recommendation) What do you think should first and foremost be changed for you to be even more likely to recommend KTH as a workplace? (Those who answered 7-8 on the question about recommendation)

40 Recommendation (eNPS) What is the main reason for why you would recommend KTH as a workplace? (Those who answered 9-10 on the question about recommendation)

41 Recommendation (pNPS) pNPS value How likely are you to recommend studying at KTH?

42 Survey and report was conducted by Quicksearch About Quicksearch Quicksearch combines systems and knowledge of ongoing surveys that quickly creates measurable results and provides long term success. Smart feedback solutions deliver increased customer and employee loyalty by focusing on improvements 365 days a year. Quicksearch deliver results by combining great technology, proven expertise and best practices in customer and employee experience solutions. Quicksearch Sweden AB, Slottsmöllan, 302 31 Halmstad Klarabergsviadukten 63, 101 23 Stockholm

43 Questions that were included in the 2013 survey - download the report from 2013 to compare


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