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William Shakespeare 1564-1616. Let’s Discuss the Rumors… 1: There was NO Shakespeare. His work is written by many people. 1: There was NO Shakespeare.

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Presentation on theme: "William Shakespeare 1564-1616. Let’s Discuss the Rumors… 1: There was NO Shakespeare. His work is written by many people. 1: There was NO Shakespeare."— Presentation transcript:

1 William Shakespeare 1564-1616

2 Let’s Discuss the Rumors… 1: There was NO Shakespeare. His work is written by many people. 1: There was NO Shakespeare. His work is written by many people. 2: Shakespeare was really Marlowe who had previously faked his own death 2: Shakespeare was really Marlowe who had previously faked his own death 3:The man who we know as Shakespeare was just an actor not a writer 3:The man who we know as Shakespeare was just an actor not a writer

3 His beginnings Born in 1564 to John and Mary Shakespeare (Arden) in their Stratford-upon-Avon home Born in 1564 to John and Mary Shakespeare (Arden) in their Stratford-upon-Avon home Dad was a wool and leather merchant, trained to make fine leather for female nobility Dad was a wool and leather merchant, trained to make fine leather for female nobility Mom was Catholic, from old, rich, aristocratic, family Mom was Catholic, from old, rich, aristocratic, family Dad gets first public office appointment as Town’s “ale-taster” Dad gets first public office appointment as Town’s “ale-taster”

4 Education 1566-Due to his father’s position, the Shakespeare children got a free grammar education 1566-Due to his father’s position, the Shakespeare children got a free grammar education 1568-William is pulled out of school to help family---$ and health problems 1568-William is pulled out of school to help family---$ and health problems This is why people say William had no “formal” education This is why people say William had no “formal” education His best education came from hanging out at the docks where he spoke to sailors from all over the world; he learned new languages, and was exposed to worldly ideas His best education came from hanging out at the docks where he spoke to sailors from all over the world; he learned new languages, and was exposed to worldly ideas

5 Adult Life in Stratford At 18 he married Anne Hathaway, a 26 year old who was already 3 months pregnant. At 18 he married Anne Hathaway, a 26 year old who was already 3 months pregnant. They had to move in with William’s parents They had to move in with William’s parents Will worked as a teacher, assistant to lawyer, helped father Will worked as a teacher, assistant to lawyer, helped father He and Anne had 3 children. 1 died in childhood He and Anne had 3 children. 1 died in childhood

6 Here He Is:

7 Will Leaves Home…Alone!!! He heads to London to seek work as an actor, alone He heads to London to seek work as an actor, alone 10 year gap where he’s working as a traveling actor 10 year gap where he’s working as a traveling actor 1592 settled and is well know as actor/playwright in London 1592 settled and is well know as actor/playwright in London 1594 becomes share holder(12.5%) of The Lord Chamberlain’s Men acting co. 1594 becomes share holder(12.5%) of The Lord Chamberlain’s Men acting co.

8 Life in London He’s popular He’s popular 1603 the co. is renamed the King’s Men and James I is patron 1603 the co. is renamed the King’s Men and James I is patron They build the Globe theatre-”wooden-O” with wood taken from a previously burned down “Theatre” that they owned. They build the Globe theatre-”wooden-O” with wood taken from a previously burned down “Theatre” that they owned. Actors are not thought of highly Actors are not thought of highly

9 The Globe Open Air Open Air Built with trap doors, cranks, cranes, quick change rooms, stage projected into audience Built with trap doors, cranks, cranes, quick change rooms, stage projected into audience Plays were on if flag was flying. No flag =plague. Plays were on if flag was flying. No flag =plague. Pay a penny and stand, or pay more to sit Pay a penny and stand, or pay more to sit See picture See picture

10 The Globe

11 His Works Writes 37 (or more) plays and 134 sonnets Writes 37 (or more) plays and 134 sonnets Plays written in blank verse=not rhymed, and Iambic pentameter(5 syllables, stressed and unstressed) Plays written in blank verse=not rhymed, and Iambic pentameter(5 syllables, stressed and unstressed) His plays weren’t published in his lifetime so what we have isn’t exactly what he wrote His plays weren’t published in his lifetime so what we have isn’t exactly what he wrote

12  His Death  He retires to STRATFORD and lives as a rich, respected man He retires to STRATFORD and lives as a rich, respected man Dies on his birthday, April 23, 1616 Dies on his birthday, April 23, 1616

13 Scotland





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