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Form I-9 SAU Policy & Requirements What is the Form I-9?  Federal Requirement  Result of reformed immigration laws  Completed for each new employee.

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Presentation on theme: "Form I-9 SAU Policy & Requirements What is the Form I-9?  Federal Requirement  Result of reformed immigration laws  Completed for each new employee."— Presentation transcript:


2 Form I-9 SAU Policy & Requirements

3 What is the Form I-9?  Federal Requirement  Result of reformed immigration laws  Completed for each new employee hired after 11/6/86  Verifies employee identity & employment authorization  Should only be completed after the employee has accepted a position to become an employee of the university  The I-9 form can be found at

4 Section 1 – Employees  Name – print full name & other names used (maiden)  Address – print full address (do not use a PO Box)  Date of Birth – 00/00/0000 format  Social Security number – voluntary (unless using E-Verify)  Email address & phone number – optional (insert N/A)

5 Section 1- Employees (continued)  Citizenship – check the box that applies (follow instructions on page 2 of Form I-9)  Signature & Date – sign in presence of employer or notary  Preparer/Translator – Complete only if employee requires assistance to complete Section 1 (employee must still provide signature)


7 Section 2 – Employer or Notary  Ensure proper completion of Section 1 by employee  Must physically examine original, unexpired documents in the presence of the employee (before or within 3 business days of employees first day)  The person who examines the documents must also be the person who signs section 2

8 Section 2 – Employer or Notary (continued)  Employers cannot specify which selections the employee may present  Employee can provide  One selection from List A Or  One selection from List B & one selection from List C

9 Section 2 – Employer or Notary (continued)  List A – establishes identity & employment authorization  List B – establishes identity  List C – establishes employment authorization

10 Section 2 – Employer or Notary (continued)  Enter the employees last, first name (at top)  Record document title(s), issuing authority, document number & expiration date (if any) – also make photocopies of documents  Certification –  Do not enter employees first day of employment  Provide signature, date & title of person completing Section 2  Record organization name & address (SAU)



13 Section 2 – For Notary Only  Acting on behalf of SAU  Follow all steps for Sections 1 & 2 as previously noted  Also complete the Remote Hire Notary Form for Completion of I-9 & place your notary seal on this form (do not place seal on the I-9)

14 Section 3  Only Human Resources will work within this section

15 Helpful Tips  Do not write in the Employee Sections  Do not use white out  Print clearly  If the Employee makes an error, please have them draw one line through the error, enter the correct information, initial & date

16 Form I-9 Handbook  Please refer to the Handbook for Employers – Guidance for Completing Form I-9 at t/files/files/form/m-274.pdf  This guidebook includes detailed instructions & examples of various identity & employment authorization documents

17 You be the Auditor – spot 6 errors


19 Documents are available on SAU Portal

20 Please contact us in Human Resources with any questions. We are happy to help! Melissa x1426 & Heather x1576

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