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Allison Nichols, Ed.D. Extension Specialist in Evaluation.

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1 Allison Nichols, Ed.D. Extension Specialist in Evaluation

2  Anyone who delivers an educational session or program for WVUES ◦ Specialist ◦ County Agent ◦ Program Instructor ◦ Program Assistant

3  Evaluation includes all efforts to determine the impact of our programs. ◦ Process evaluations to determine if our method of program delivery works  Keeping track of people and events  Determining which educational methods work and don’t work  Finding out what people like or don’t like ◦ Outcome/impact evaluations to determine if we are having an impact on individuals, communities, state, region, or nation.  Learning changes  Behavior changes  Conditional changes

4  At the planning stage ◦ Determine what you want to know ◦ Figure out how to get the information you need  At the implementation stage ◦ Collect baseline data in order to calculate change  In the middle of the program ◦ Determine how things are going  At the end of the program ◦ Collect end-of-session data to compare with baseline data ◦ Collect satisfaction data (see handout)  After the program is over ◦ Collect information on how participants are doing

5  It’s your job  Inquiring minds want to know ◦ USDA ◦ Grant Funders ◦ WVU ◦ Other Stakeholders  Participants  Citizens  County commissions  WV legislators  Other educators and researchers






11 SITUATIONSITUATION INPUTS What we invest Staff Volunteers Time Money Materials Equipment Technology Partners OUTPUTS Activities Participation What we do Workshops Meetings Counseling Facilitation Assessments Product development Media work Recruitment Training Who we reach Participants Customers Citizens OUTCOMES Short Medium Long What the short-term results are LEARNING Awareness Knowledge Attitudes Skills Opinions Aspirations Motivations What the medium term results are ACTION Behavior Skills Policies Procedures Certifications What the ultimate impact(s) is CONDITIONS Social Economic Civic Environment OUTCOMESINDICATORS METHODS All outcomes stated aboveHow will you know that you were successful in achieving each outcome? Description (200 farmers) Action (who used pesticides) Result (increased their output by 50%) How we will collect data Surveys Observations Focus groups Content analysis Tests/assessments Logs LOGIC MODEL: Program Performance Framework*

12  Call Allison Nichols  Ask your colleagues  Join a program team that is working on an evaluation  Find resources on the Internet  Just jump in. Some information is better than no information

13  Based on your Faculty Assignment Document  Choose goals and objectives  List programs, initiatives, and activities  Report each time you do an activity  Describe location, audience characteristics, products  Indicate effort time  Assign it to teaching, research, and service  Describe evaluation results

14  You will be able to generate many types of reports, including ◦ FAD ◦ Productivity Reports ◦ Narratives ◦ County Reports ◦ Program Reports ◦ Volunteer Reports


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