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Benefits of multiple CoAs and HoAs for low power multimode mobiles S. Charles Tsao National Chiao Tung University.

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits of multiple CoAs and HoAs for low power multimode mobiles S. Charles Tsao National Chiao Tung University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits of multiple CoAs and HoAs for low power multimode mobiles S. Charles Tsao National Chiao Tung University

2 Multimode Mobile Node (MMN) MMN might have several wireless interfaces accessing the Internet simultaneously All-IP Network WiMAX BSWLAN AP Bluetooth AP MMN Mobile Ad Hoc Network CN 3G

3 Power Consumption Issue of MMN Power consumption posts a serious problem of an MMN even some of the interfaces are idle Multi-mode Mobiles WLANGSM/GPRS To turn on WLAN(PSM) increases 30% energy consumption To turn on WLAN(CAM) increases 138% energy consumption 0.313A GSM+WLAN(off) 0.411A GSM+WLAN(PSM) 0.748A GSM+WLAN(CAM) 0.17A GSM only

4 Solutions for Low Power MMN Turn off wireless interface(s) (IF) if there is no packet to send or to receive –But lose IP connectivity Benefits of using multiple CoAs and HoAs –Turn off IF(s) to save the power –Still provide IP connectivity to these interfaces that are switched off

5 Use Case Scenarios Use Case I –Multiple IFs, Multiple HAs, Multiple HoAs, Multiple CoAs –Each IF is associated with an HoA and a CoA Use Case II –Multiple IFs, Single HA, Single HoA, Multiple CoAs –Each IF is associated with a CoA

6 IF is associated with HoA/CoA Use one HoA as a CoA of the IF which is switched off All-IP Network 3G/HA#2WLAN AP/HA#1 MMN CN IF#1, CoA#1, HoA#1IF#2, CoA#2, HoA#2 1. Use HoA#1 as CoA#2 to register to HA#2 2. Turn off IF#2 3. Inbound sessions 4. Tunneled to CoA#2(HoA#1) 5. Tunneled to CoA#1 6. BU CN (CoA#1) or Turn on IF#2, BU CN (CoA#2) Binding Cache@HA#2 HoA#2, CoA#2 HoA#2, HoA#1 Binding Cache@HA#1 HoA#1, CoA#1 Binding Cache@CN HoA#2, ---

7 IF is associated with HoA/CoA Use one CoA as a CoA of the IF which is switched off All-IP Network 3G/HA#2WLAN AP/HA#1 MMN CN IF#1, CoA#1, HoA#1IF#2, CoA#2, HoA#2 1. Use CoA#1 as CoA#2 to register to HA#2 2. Turn off IF#2 3. Inbound sessions 4. Tunneled to CoA#2 (CoA#1) 5. BU CN (CoA#1) or Turn on IF#2, BU CN (CoA#2) Binding Cache@HA#2 HoA#2, CoA#2 HoA#2, CoA#1 Binding Cache@HA#1 HoA#1, CoA#1 Binding Cache@CN HoA#2, ---

8 IF is associated with CoA Register multiple CoAs to an HoA & set preferred CoA(s) All-IP Network 3GWLAN AP MMN CN IF#1, CoA#1, HoA#1IF#2, CoA#2, HoA#1 4. Inbound sessions HA 1. Use CoA#2 to register HA 2. Use CoA#1 to register HA (preferred CoA#2) 5.Tunneled to CoA#2 6. BU CN (CoA#2) or Turn on IF#1, BU CN (CoA#1) 3. Turn off IF#1 Binding Cache@HA#1 HoA, CoA#1 HoA, CoA#2(*) Binding Cache@CN HoA, CoA#1 HoA, CoA#2(*)

9 Conclusions Benefits of using multiple CoAs and HoAs for low power MMN –Not yet discussed in “Goals and Benefits of Multihoming” –Should we cover these benefits and use cases in the document?

10 Conclusions (Cont.) Two use case scenarios –Each IF is associated with an HoA and a CoA Use one HoA or CoA as CoA(s) of the IFs which are switched off –Already in “Analysis of Multihoming in Mobile IPv6” –Should we add more text to describe these situations ? –Each IF is associated with a CoA Register multiple CoAs to an HoA –Already in “Analysis of Multihoming in Mobile IPv6” Set preferred CoA(s) –Already in “Analysis of Multihoming in Mobile IPv6” –Should we add more text to describe these situations ?

11 We appreciate for your comments

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