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Discuss the use of compliance techniques By Mr Daniel Hansson.

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Presentation on theme: "Discuss the use of compliance techniques By Mr Daniel Hansson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discuss the use of compliance techniques By Mr Daniel Hansson

2 Compliance techniques Reciprocity Commitment

3 Reciprocity The social norm that we should treat others in the way they treat us

4 Commitment The personal and interpersonal pressure to behave consistently with an earlier commitment

5 Supporting studies Reciprocity: Door-in-the-face-technique: Cialdini (1975) Commitment: Low-balling: Cialdini (1974), Foot-in-the-door: Dickerson et. al. (1992), Hazing: Aronson & Mills (1959)

6 Explanation of compliance Conformity/Obedience to authority/Social learning theory/Social identity theory Cognitive dissonance

7 Cognitive dissonance theory (Carlsmith & Festinger 1959) When our behaviour is not in line with our cognitions, or when we have conflicting thoughts, we experience a state of tension (cognitive dissonance) In order to reduce cognitive dissonance we are motivated to harmonize/change/justify our behaviour/cognitions/attitudes so that they are in line with each other (self persuasion) Ex: Milgram study, Festinger & Carlsmith (1957)

8 Evaluation, strengths Supporting research (e.g. Cialdini) Can be used to understand and predict behaviour (e.g. sect behaviour, marketing, persuasion) Applications (e.g. marketing)

9 Evaluation, limitations Ethical issues of using these techniques Individual differences in suggestibility for these techniques (dispositional factors) Methodological/ethical problems of supporting studies (generalisability, use of deception)

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