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E-mails USING E-MAILS AS COMMUNICATION CHANNEL. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘e-mail’

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Presentation on theme: "E-mails USING E-MAILS AS COMMUNICATION CHANNEL. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘e-mail’"— Presentation transcript:


2 What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘e-mail’

3 Background  300 Billion e-mails are sent every day  80% are spam  Average office worker spends about 30% of his word day on e- mails  64% of people say they open the e-mail because of subject line  E-mails are not informal of unofficial!

4 Three steps in writing e-mails PlanComposeRevise

5 Common E-mail mistakes  Mechanical mistakes  Not reader-friendly  Negative/offensive tone  Sent to wrong people

6 5 Things to consider 1. Is e-mail the best method of communication? 2. Who should receive the information 3. When should you send the e-mail? 4. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 5. What is the best way to present the information?

7 Business Communication PlanComposeRevise

8 Effective E-mail is sent…  At the right time  To the right people

9 Effective E-mail has a clear…  Purpose  The reader knows what he/she is expected to do  Subject  Clear and specific subject line  Introduction  First or second sentence indicates the purpose

10 Effective Business Communication is…  Reader-friendly  Body is well-organized  Free of errors  Proof-read and with attachments

11 E-mailing the right people

12 Using e-mail lists  Make sure that every single person on the list is meant to receive your e-mail!  Possible reactions of sending to the wrong person  Surprise  Awkwardness  Embarrassment

13 Example of misusing E-mail list:  UK company Aviva sent an e- mail about being fired to all 1,300 employees

14 Concerns of sending e-mail to multiple people  Sending e-mail to wrong recipient  Replying all unnecessarily  Forwarding sensitive information

15 Sending e-mail at the right time

16 When do you think is the best time to send an e-mail?

17 Factors to consider  Prime time for e-mail varies among companies  Ask your clients the time they prefer to receive e-mail  Send e-mail at the time your readers need the information  E-mail should never be the channel for giving bad news  Avoid rumors by sharing information at the right time

18 The right time = Maximum value to readers

19 Using the right tone

20 What does tone mean? Examples of things that can be communicated:  Humor  Sincerity  Sarcasm  seriousness

21 Consequences of wrong tone  Misunderstanding  Hurt feelings  Lost accounts  Anger

22 How reader analyze tone in e-mails 1. Readers will analyze their relationship with the writer 2. Readers will analyze the e- mail wording and formatting  Don’t use all capitals  Don’t bold words  Don’t use excessive punctuation

23 Examples of inappropriate tone  WHEN will you have the report ready???  You need to stop by my office IMMEDIATELY!!!!

24 When composing an e-mail 1. Analyze your tone 2. Read your message aloud 3. Use appropriate wording and formatting

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