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Medical Terminology List 10 Abreviations. A.M.A Against medical advice.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology List 10 Abreviations. A.M.A Against medical advice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology List 10 Abreviations

2 A.M.A Against medical advice

3 abd Abdomen

4 a.c. ac Before meals (Ante cibum)

5 ad lib Freely as desired (ad libitum)

6 ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

7 ADL Activities of daily living

8 AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

9 ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome

10 ARF Acute renal failure

11 b.i.d. bid Twice a day (bis in die)

12 BLS Basic life support

13 BM Bowel movement

14 BPB/P Blood pressure

15 bs Bowel sounds Blood sugar Breath sounds

16 Bxbx Biopsy

17 c With (cum)

18 C1-C7 First cervical vertebra, second cervical vertebra

19 Ca Calcium

20 CA Cancer

21 cap capsule

22 CNS Central nervous system

23 cath Catheter Catheterization

24 c/o Complains of

25 CO 2 Carbon dioxide

26 CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

27 COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

28 CP Cerebral palsy

29 C&S C+S Culture and sensitivity

30 CT Computed tomography Computed axial tomography CT scan CAT scan (x-ray images in cross sectional view)

31 CVA Cerebrovascular accident Stroke

32 D/C Discontinue

33 decub Decubitus ulcer

34 DM Diabetes mellitus

35 DOB Date of birth

36 DWI Driving while impaired

37 Dx Diagnosis

38 ED Erectile dysfunction

39 EMS Emergency medical system

40 ENT Ear – nose - throat

41 ER Emergency room

42 F/Uf/u Follow-up

43 Fx Fracture

44 GI Gastrointestinal

45 gtt drop

46 hhr Hour

47 H20H20 Water

48 hct Hematocrit

49 Hgb Hemoglobin

50 HIV Human immunodeficiency virus

51 HTN Hypertension (high blood pressure)

52 I&O In & out

53 ICU Intensive care unit

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