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Seven chapter © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education.. 7-2 Writing Persuasive Messages and Proposals chapter seven.

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1 seven chapter © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education.

2 7-2 Writing Persuasive Messages and Proposals chapter seven

3 7-3  Describe strategies for persuasive messages.  Write persuasive requests.  Discuss ethical concerns.  Compose sales messages.  Write persuasive proposals. Learning Objectives

4 7-4  Know your readers.  Choose and develop targeted reader benefits.  Make good use of persuasive appeals.  Make it easy for readers to comply. Persuasion Advice

5 7-5  Especially important with persuasion  Can use formally gathered information (marketing reports, surveys, focus groups)  Can gather information informally (customer notes, talk with service personnel and other employees, look at other successful messages) Know Your Readers

6 7-6  Winning reader benefits can be – tangible – intangible  They can also be – intrinsic – extrinsic Identify Benefits

7 7-7  Logic based (logos)  Emotion based (pathos)  Character based (ethos) Win with Appeals

8 7-8  Don’t neglect the action part of the message.  Make the desired action clear.  Make the desired action as easy as possible to perform. Make It Easy

9 7-9  Your goal is to ask for something the reader is likely to oppose.  You must develop a strategy that will convince the reader to comply. Persuasive Requests

10 7-10  Open with words that −set up the strategy and −gain attention.  Present the strategy (the persuasion), using persuasive language and you-viewpoint.  As a logical follow-up, make the request clearly and without negatives.  End the message with the request or with words that recall the appeal. Persuasive Requests

11 7-11 Sales techniques are useful:  in writing other messages,  in actual sales work,  in selling yourself. Sales Messages

12 7-12  Learn the product or service you sell. – How it is made – How it works – What it will do  Learn about the prospective customers. – Their economic status – Their nationalities – Their ages – Etc. Sales Writing Steps

13 7-13  Logical −appeals to the thinking mind (saving money, making money, doing a better job, getting better use)  Emotional −appeals to the senses (feeling, tasting, smelling, hearing)  Character based −uses the writer or spokesperson’s voice and projected image to win trust and invite readers to identify with the speaker The Central Appeal

14 7-14  Begin with words that set up the sales presentation and gain attention.  Present the sales message using imagination, persuasive language, and you-viewpoint.  Include sufficient information to convince.  Drive for the sale, making it clear, and using appropriate strength.  Urge immediate action.  May recall basic appeal in final words. Conventional Plan

15 7-15  Like reports, are usually well researched.  Like reports, can range widely in format, length, and formality.  Like reports, can be direct (if invited) or indirect (if uninvited).  Unlike reports, are overtly persuasive. Proposals Source: Copyright © 2005 Ted Goff.

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