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Ethnography and social networks in Barcelona May-9 / June-8, 2016 Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethnography and social networks in Barcelona May-9 / June-8, 2016 Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethnography and social networks in Barcelona May-9 / June-8, 2016 Overview

2 Goals 1. To introduce students to the network analysis of social media data, textual, and discourse analysis. 2. To further develop ethnographic training and skills. 3. Documenting and analyzing textual data.

3 Professors Sílvia Dominguez – Diana Ramirez Joan Miquel Verd / Mireia Bolíbar Beatriz Patraca / José Luis Molina

4 Modules Ethnographic Methods II - Seminar B7/1140 with the exception of May-24 and 26 (Seminario A, just in front of the Seminar B7/1140). Teaching social media tools – Social Media. Tuesday 24th-Thursday 26th, 9h, 15:00-18:00, Computer Lab 506. Text analysis, and qualitative interview analysis. Monday May-30 - Thursday June-2, 15:00-18:00, 12 h. Seminar B7/1140 and Computer Lab 506.

5 Evaluation (1) Social Media (3 pts). Practical exercises in group with Gephi during the sessions. Text Analysis and Interview Analysis (4 pts). – 1 point based on the proven skills to develop a semidirective interview to a classmate – 3 points based on the proven skills to develop an analysis of the interview by using the programs ATLAS.ti and Visone.

6 Evaluation (2) Presentation of communications during the final workshop (3 pts). – 1 point based on the capacity to present a ‘research question’ and to analyze your data accordingly – 1 point based on the use of social network analysis applied do textual analysis to answer your ‘research question’ – 1 point based on your skills to communicate to the audience your analysis and findings

7 Teaching social media tools – Social Media Beatriz Patraca

8 What about SNS? Social Networking Sites (state of art) The everyday online connections in SNA context. What do we do with all this big data? (giving meaning) Teamwork and network in SNS

9 Matrix: nodes and edges From digital to craft: How to make a data matrix with social data (Instagram) Manual data extraction to understand the basic mechanisms of a data matrix and the relevance of the SNA Gephi tutorial: Centrality measures, graphics and visualization.

10 Gephi and SNS data Simple extraction tools and export to Gephi: (Twitter) and group (Facebook). How to use Gephi program with SNS data (Netvizz and Socioviz) Looking for institutional accounts Compare and review your information with other sources and accounts. Review and questions. Presentations.

11 Evaluation Practical exercises in group with Gephi during the sessions (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter networks)

12 Text analysis, and qualitative interview analysis Joan Miquel Verd – Mireia Bolibar

13 Contents Introduction to the interview as a tool of social research. (Monday May 30, Lecture room, 15:00- 18:00). Introduction to qualitative analysis with Atlas.ti (Tuesday May 31, Computer Lab 506, 15:00- 18:00). Introduction to network text analysis with Visone (Wednesday June 1, Computer Lab 506, 15:00- 18:00). Workshop: conducting and recording interviews (Thursday June 2, Lecture room).

14 Cont. Paper Presentations. Monday 6 and Tuesday 7th of June. Seminar B7/1140. Monday June-6. Workshop: Codifying interviews and producing semantic and actors’ networks. Tuesday June-7. Paper presentations.

15 Evaluation Exercises on interviewing, coding, and semantic networks based on the programs introduced in class --> ATLAS.ti and visone. Presentation of communications during the final workshop.

16 … And we hope you will have a really good time here!

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