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SD.Futures Training Session 7 Road to Employment Please view in Slide Show Presentation Mode to hear the audio.

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2 SD.Futures Training Session 7 Road to Employment Please view in Slide Show Presentation Mode to hear the audio.

3 Review Progress: Curriculum Components 1. Interest Inventory 2. Employment Team Meeting 3. Community-Based Job Exploration 4. Employment Options 5. Employment Supports 6. Final Plan for Employment

4 Final Plan for Employment  Identify the agencies and people who can help the student obtain supports they need to be employed  Introduction to people and agencies who can help the student connect to the supports he/she needs to get the job and assist with an appropriate job match  Assist with the transition process

5 Who can provide assistance  Identified in the transition process but provides an introduction for students to these entities  Rehab Counselor  Benefits Planner  Provider Agency  Job Coach  Case Manager or Care Coordinator  Assistive Technology Act Program Consultant  Independent Living  Self-Advocates


7 Who can provide assistance  Have you met with these people?  Do you think they would be helpful to you?  Would you be interested in finding out more?

8 Portfolio and Letters

9 Conclusion  Portfolio and Letters  Move forward toward self-directed employment


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