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Sample of a Research Proposal Trudy Corrigan/Jane Murnaghan.

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1 Sample of a Research Proposal Trudy Corrigan/Jane Murnaghan

2 Thesis Proposal Title Can I improve motivation by using learning style questionnaires and applying teaching strategies to aid these learning styles?

3 Proposed Title Aims 1. To enhance and improve intrinsic motivation for students in Youthreach. 2.To encourage lifelong learning.

4 Learning Outcomes 1.Students will be able to identify and recognise their learning styles. 2.Teachers will be able to assess and identify the student learning style and strengths and engage them in the teaching and learning process.

5 Learning Outcomes 3.The learning styles programme will accommodate the learning styles of the students by implementing teaching methodologies suitable for the student’s individual learning styles. 4.Develop students self-efficacy.

6 Philosophy guiding the research For many years Youthreach students have been previously excluded from mainstream education because of varying socio-economic difficulties ie social disadvantage. The researcher aims to find a teaching and learning strategy that is inclusive of these students.

7 Literature Review Eurydice (2002,p3) states that “Preparing young people both to successfully face the challenges of the information society and derive maximum benefit from the opportunities it provides has become an increasingly important objective of education systems in Europe.”

8 Literature Review Kolb, Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles. This is in addition to Felder and Silverman’s work on learning styles. These have influenced the researcher. Howard Gardner opened the door to other forms of intelligences.

9 Literature Review Jere Brophy’s theory based on the “failure syndrome”..the researcher aims to counteract this syndrome and allow for each learner to be motivated and to learn in ways which allows them to develop holistically. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs also influences this research study.

10 Methodology- Kurt Lewin’s Action-Reflection Cycle. Jean Mc Niff model of planning, acting, observing and reflecting.

11 Methods The research project will use both qualitative and quantitative measures. Questionnaires Focus Group Observations Brainstorming exercises

12 Methods Formal and informal interviews Group discussions Learning Logs

13 Time plan Outline of Research Time plan from September until January. From February until April.

14 Ethical Considerations Permission from the principal. Permission from the teachers. A letter of consent to be sent to each student. Ensure anonymity and confidentiality. Researcher will be fair, honest and truthful at all times.

15 References: (Sample) Cohen,L and Mannion L,(2000) Gardner, H (1985) McNiff, J and Whitehead J (2002) Santrock, J.W. (2008)

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