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Nick Cottrell Tom Sheehan CSE 321 Fall 2010 PO NG P rogrammable O bject N avigation G ame.

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Presentation on theme: "Nick Cottrell Tom Sheehan CSE 321 Fall 2010 PO NG P rogrammable O bject N avigation G ame."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nick Cottrell Tom Sheehan CSE 321 Fall 2010 PO NG P rogrammable O bject N avigation G ame

2 CRC – Starting the game ResponsibilitiesCollaboration Playing the songSpeakers - Nick/Tom InitializationBluetooth - Nick/Tom

3 CRC – Playing the game ResponsibilitiesCollaboration Move forwardMotors - Nick/Tom Detect wallFluke Sensor - Nick/Tom Turning when wall is detected Sensors and Motors - Nick/Tom Beep when wall detected Speakers - Nick/Tom Print which wall was detected Display - Nick/Tom

4 CRC – Scoring ResponsibilitiesCollaboration Awarding a pointLight Sensors - Nick/Tom Beep for correct player Speakers - Nick/Tom Print which player scored Display - Nick/Tom Restart gameTimer - Nick/Tom

5 CRC – End Game ResponsibilitiesCollaboration End the gameLight Sensors - Nick/Tom Play game over song Speakers - Nick/Tom Print final score and who won Display - Nick/Tom

6 Project Details The robot should be placed in the center of the game to start. It will then play a short song signifying the start of the game The robot will move forward until it detects a wall and, depending on which wall, turn the opposite direction and beep accordingly [and print out which wall was detected] When a player scores a point, the appropriate light sensor should be covered to award the point. The robot will beep to verify this and then update the score depending on who was awarded the point The robot will wait for four seconds before restarting the game If the center light is covered, a short song will play signifying that the game has ended. It will then print out “game over”, the final score, and which player won

7 Lessons Learned How to control a robot using its sensors to gain knowledge of its surroundings How to control a robot to make decisions based on its surroundings Python programming How sensitive the fluke sensor is How quickly 6 batteries can run out

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