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CPIT 251: S OFTWARE E NGINEERING Lecture 1 Introduction to Software Engineering 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CPIT 251: S OFTWARE E NGINEERING Lecture 1 Introduction to Software Engineering 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPIT 251: S OFTWARE E NGINEERING Lecture 1 Introduction to Software Engineering 1

2 W HO I AM ? MASc in Computer Science Specialty: Information Technology BASc in Computer Science King Abdul-Aziz University 2

3 C ONTACT INFORMATION Office: 2-161 Ext: 6952000 –- 26504 My webpage: Office hours: Sat, Mon: 8  9 & 10  11 Wednesday : 10  11 & 12  1 Group email Add yourself Be sure to change your contact name. 3

4 W HAT IS S OFTWARE E NGINEERING ? Your thoughts….. 4

5 W HAT IS S OFTWARE E NGINEERING ? My thoughts programming in the large many people, more complex systems disciplined development repeatable practices full life-cycle of activities 5

6 W HY S TUDY S OFTWARE E NGINEERING ? The “software crisis” software hard to create well budget over runs time over runs faulty products SE is an attempt to apply engineering principles to software development 6

7 W HAT IS A SOFTWARE ? Software is a set of items or objects that form a “configuration” that includes programs documents data... software is engineered software doesn’t wear out software is complex software is like an ‘aging factory’ 7

8 W HAT IS A SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ? The study of systematic and effective processes and technologies for supporting software development and maintenance activities Improve quality Reduce costs 8

9 C HARACTERISTICS OF S OFTWARE P RODUCTS General characteristics o Usability o Maintainability o Dependability o Efficiency Good software products require good programming, but... Programming quality is the means to the end, not the end itself. 9

10 S OFTWARE AS A P RODUCT Software is expensive!! Every software project has a trade- off between: 1. Functionality 2. Resources (cost) 3. Timeliness 10

11 C ATEGORIES OF P RODUCT Categories of client and software product:  Generic (e.g., Microsoft Excel)  customized (e.g., IRS internal system) 11

12 V ARIETY OF S OFTWARE P RODUCTS Software products are very varied --> Client requirements are very different --> There is no standard process for software engineering --> There is no best language, operating system, platform, database system, development environment, etc. A skilled software developer knows about a wide variety of approaches, methods, tools. The craft of software engineering is to select appropriate methods for each project and apply them effectively. 12

13 G OALS OF THE C OURSE Learn to design & build real systems learn factual SE information apply SE “book” knowledge to real problem develop interesting software systems learn how to work together on a team project practice communicating your results key to your future success 13

14 S OFTWARE P OSES C HALLENGES How do we ensure the quality of the software that we produce? How do we meet growing demand and still maintain budget control? How do we upgrade an aging "software plant?" How do we avoid disastrous time delays? How do we successfully institute new software technologies? 14

15 A GAIN.. W HAT IS SE Software engineering is an engineering discipline whose focus is the cost effective development of high quality software system. 15

16 SYLLABUS Overview of software processes (ch1, 2, 4) Requirements (ch6, 7, 8, 10) Design(ch11, 12, 14, 16) Development (ch17, 19) Verification and validation (ch22, 23) 16

17 A SSIGNMENTS ( TENTATIVE ) Individual 2 written Group 5 written assignments 1 presentation 17

18 G RADING A combination of individual assignments (10%) midterm (20%) in class participation / pop quizzes (15%) group project (25%) Final exam (30%) 18

19 P ROJECTS  Project teams, about 4 to 5 people.  Select your own project in CPIT 250.  Real project for real client who intends to use the software in production.  Presentations: requirements design final 19

20 B OOKS I. Sommerville, "Software Engineering", 7th Ed., Addison Wesley, 2004, ISBN 0321210263. R. S. Pressman, "Software Engineering: A Practitioner Approach", 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2004, ISBN 007301933X 20

21 S UMMARY Questions? Next lecture on discovering SE in depth Chapters 1 21

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