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Creating new things Brain science behind. Bad news An hour later you will forget 95 % of this deck.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating new things Brain science behind. Bad news An hour later you will forget 95 % of this deck."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating new things Brain science behind

2 Bad news An hour later you will forget 95 % of this deck

3 Good news to everyone This will change your filters of reality permanently!

4 By Daniel Simon and Christopher Chabris 1999 Harvard Perception filters

5 What is strange here?

6 Did you saw the Godzilla behind?

7 Why brain science is so important?

8 Where good ideas come from?

9 Lean startup?

10 You can’t just test hundreds of hypos and wait if you are was so lucky to pick the winning one

11 Iteration without a bold plan won't take you to a global max

12 “There are two kinds of secrets: secrets of nature and secrets about people” Peter Thiel

13 Secrets people don’t know about themselves Secrets people hide because they don’t want others to know Secrets about people

14 Your job is to reveal these secrets

15 Can we just directly ask people about those secrets?


17 We are terrible at predicting the future

18 Forecasting of our emotions illusion By economist Andrew Clark 2007 Life satisfaction

19 We are terrible at recalling the past

20 By neuroscientist David Eagleman Do you remember how to change lanes while driving?

21 1st rule of validating your idea: Do not talk about your idea

22 2nd rule of validating your idea: Do not ask about the future would you..? will you?


24 Getting into others mind 101

25 Brain science for 15 minutes

26 Brain is lazy and trying hard to minimize energy consumption 1

27 Lazy brain => cognitive biases

28 2 You are not alone in your head

29 Prefrontal cortex rationalizes Amygdala and Limbic system decide Emotions first

30 People are not rational by design

31 Neurons that fire together wired together 3

32 What do you fear more? More than 1 million deaths a year Several deaths a year

33 Our emotions are programmed with chemicals by evolution 4

34 Love formula DopamineOxytocin

35 Are there any free will left?

36 Most of the time you are in zombie mode Perceived self Real self

37 Habit forming => long-term product success

38 BJ Fogg – is the one who inspired Instagram founder


40 Stop making vitamin or painkiller products Make drugs instead

41 Starbucks drugs

42 Starbucks Social validation Sugar intake Empathy

43 Instagram addiction

44 Instagram Amplify your personal experience through social validation

45 Tinder social validation

46 Tinder Reduce the cognitive load of social acceptance

47 Houzz porn

48 Houzz Every day something new to desire Never ending dopamine – oxytocin cycle

49 Further Reading

50 Have you read all these books? Write me and will send more

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