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FINANCING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLES the commitment of Fondazione Cariplo.

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Presentation on theme: "FINANCING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLES the commitment of Fondazione Cariplo."— Presentation transcript:

1 FINANCING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLES the commitment of Fondazione Cariplo

2 FONDAZIONE CARIPLO and the ENVIRONMENT  Fondazione Cariplo (FC) is one of the largest Italian banking foundations. Founded in 1991, mainly operates in Lombardy and Piedmont (North western Italy)  Assets: 7,2 billion € (31/12/2013)  Grants (2013): 139 M€  Grants for environmental projects (2013): 10,5 M€  Mission: fostering innovation in social problem management and solution identification  Mission for the environment: o Spreading sustainability culture and behaviors; o Promoting innovative management and efficient use of natural resources; o Developing and spreading knowledge to orientate private and public decisions.

3 WHAT HAVE WE DONE FOR ENERGY SUSTAINABILITY?  Call for project «Energy audit of public buildings for small and medium Municipalities» (2006-2008)  Call for project «Fostering energy sustainability of small and medium Municipalities» (2010-2012)  Call for project «Fostering local investments in energy efficiency and renewables» (2013)  Call for project «100 efficient and sustainable Municipalities» (2014-2015)  … (2016) Knowledge & Planning PHASE A PHASE B Assessment & Realization The beneficiaries are public administrations of Lombardy and the Provinces of Novara and VCO

4 ENERGY AUDIT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM MUNICIPALITIES (2006-2008) AUDIT DATA BASE 650 Municipalities with less than 30k citizens funded with more than 8 million euros  Energy audits for 3.700 buildings: 2.350 «light» audits and 1.350 «deep» audits  3.775 energy renovation works planned  39% of Municipalities under 30k citizens

5 FOSTERING ENERGY SUSTAINABILITY OF SMALL AND MEDIUM MUNICIPALITIES (2010-2012)  50% of Municipalities of our territory (1.712)  33% of Italian Signatories (3.181)  14% of European Signatories (6.028)  50% of Municipalities were funded also for energy audits 862 Sustainable Energy Action Plans for Municipalities with less than 30k citizens funded with more than 8,5 million euros PAES DATA BASE http://www.

6 FOSTERING LOCAL INVESTMENTS IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLES (2013) We funded all the activities (gathering data, drafting preliminary project, technical and legal support) in order to send an application to ELENA EEEF PDA-MLEI KYOTO FUND Only 5 projects applied ELENA 1 EEEF 3 KYOTO FUND 1 Funding Action in Bergamo for Emission Reduction (FABER) 1.3 M€ from ELENA  Only 14 (1%) Municipalities with more than 50k citizens!  minimum investments too huge  Lack of energy skills in many municipal techical offices  need of capacity building  Need to group many Municipalities  FABER gather 124 Municipalities!!!  … CRITICAL ISSUES – why low participation on this call?

7 EFFICIENT AND SUSTAINABLE MUNICIPALITIES (2014-2015…2016 is still open) Managing & monitoring electrical consumption Action 1 (abolished in 2016) Technical Assistance (TA) for energy investments Action 2 MAIN CRITERIA Maximum grant of 5k euros. What do we fund? purchasing and installing sensors, hardware and software, training public employees. Grant between 25 k and 500k euros, minimum leverage of 10, realization of projects in 36 months. What do we fund? legal support for drafting public tenders and manage disagreements; technical support for diagnostic assessment, preliminary project, projects evaluation and monitoring plans; economic support for managing relationship with financial bodies. in 2 years funded TA for 100 municipalities with 3.7 M€!! ESCos should preferably participate in public tenders Investments below 5M€  «Micro ELENA» In 3 years we expect Investments for 60 M€ Energy efficiency for 212 public buldings Energy efficiency of whole public lighting for 60 municipalities - 9.700 tons of CO2 per year 100 new jobs

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