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Goal 7 Part 1 Progressive Era 1890-1917 (Gilded Age – U.S. entry into WWI)

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1 Goal 7 Part 1 Progressive Era 1890-1917 (Gilded Age – U.S. entry into WWI)

2 Progressivism Pamphlet Essential Questions: For each RED section (11) *Use each section to answer 1 AND 2 (below) 1 – Explain the conditions that led to the rise of Progressivism (PROBLEMS) 2 – Analyze how different groups of Americans made economic and political gains in the Progressive Period (SOLUTIONS) P. 513-518 Format: Pamphlet – Front side must have a title and a statement that embraces the attitude of the Progressive Era *THIS IS FRESH START FOR YOUR GRADE!!!! Due: TOMORROW

3 Women in Public Life (p. 519-522) Essential Question: For each RED section (6) *Use each section to answer the questions below 1 – What women and movements during the Progressive Era helped dispel / dissolve the stereotype that women were submissive and nonpolitical. – Analyze the goals of women to bury the “cult of domesticity” Format: Pamphlet Front side must have a title and a statement that embraces the attitude of WOMEN in the Progressive Era

4 Progressive Movement Reasons why we need change…. (1) ________ conditions at factories (____________) (2) questioned the dominant role of corporations (___________________________) (3) Corrupt political practices (______________) Most famous Political machine: ________________ *Aimed to return control of the government to the PEOPLE (_____________), restore economic opportunity, and correct the injustices of America

5 Ways to grant “PEOPLE” more control in politics at the “STATE Level” 1. ______________ – a bill by the people 2._________________– a vote on the bill by the people 3. ___________ – take out leaders (aimed at corruption) 4. _______ Amendment : Direct election of _____________ (***** DIRECT PRIMARY*****) ***** _______ Amendment **** - graduated income tax (the more you make, the more you pay) / fair taxation Purpose: to help pay for social welfare programs (Ex. ______________/ Social Gospel Movement)

6 4 MAIN GOALS OF PROGRESSIVISM (1) Protecting social welfare (2) Promote moral improvement (3) Create economic reform (4) Fostering efficiency

7 (1) Protecting Social Welfare Social ______________Movement:  Late 1800s reform programs that focused on helping the _____________ through services of community centers, churches and social services. Leads to: 1. ________________________(Jane Adams) 2. _________ (Young Men’s Christian Association) 3. _________ Army (fed the poor in soup kitchens) 4. ____________: influenced by Jane Adams and dedicated her life toward improving the lives of (a) _________ and (b) _______ (b) Helped pass the ________________Act 1893 *No more Child Labor – becomes a model for other states

8 (2) Promoting Moral Improvement Morality is taught through ________________-: not the workplace TARGET: ____________– assimilation _______________- Banning the production, sale, and transportation of alcohol! Women’s Christian ________________ Union _____________________(Prohibition Crusader) *Largest Women's Group in HISTORY! __________________ HATED THE WCTU = Reason: Bars = Cash Checks and Food _______ Amendment VS. _________ Amendment

9 (3) Creating Economic Reform Capitalism is in question due to the rise of Socialism Why? ____________/ IWW “SOCIALIST”  Founded the _____________________(1901)  Ran for president numerous times  Socialism  Equal distribution of _______  Government owned property / businesses “uneven balance” between people, businesses, and government = NOT GOOD!!!!

10 *****___________***** American journalists, novelists, and critics who in the first decade of the 20th century, attempted to “__________________________________________________ _______________________________________” MAIN PURPOSE: To expose the corruption and convince American citizens to protest for change and reform. Examples (1) ______________– History of the Standard Oil Company (*) Spoke of the outrageous business practices of Rockefeller’s Oil company (2) Lincoln Steffens – ___________________ (*) attacked corrupt election practices and shady dealings in businesses and city governments across the nation

11 Muckrakers (continued) (3) Frank Norris – _____________ (*) Spoke about how _____________ are taking over America! (4) ____________– _______________ Half Lives (tenement) ******* MOST IMPORTANT MUCKRAKER******** (5) _______________– _______________ (*) Spoke about the harsh conditions in a ____________________ industry in Chicago * Will influence Teddy Roosevelt years later to pass the ____________________

12 (4) Fostering efficiency Scientific Management / “_________”  Breaking down large assignments into smaller, individual assignments in order to have a “stronger, more efficient” product  Example: Taco Bell *** ASSEMBLY LINE, by HENRY FORD ***  MOST IMPROTANT ADDITION TO SOCIETY FROM HENRY FORD!!!!!!  BENEFIT: ____________________  PROBLEM: Not everyone can work at the same pace

13 Cleaning up LOCAL government Spurred by “_____________” (1) Hurricane in Texas (2) Flood in Ohio *Both led to the adoption of “______________./ public councils / administration (fixing the problems)  Regulate railroads and large businesses (fair comp.) STATE LEVEL: _______________________________“FIGHTING BOB” Wisconsin Governor / later Senator “doesn’t want to smash corporations, just drive them out of politics” Major Target: _________________ Tactics: tax the railroads ____________as other businesses & NO free passes for state officials _____________ gets rid of ______________ TACTICS TRIGGERED OTHER GOVERNORS TO DO THE SAME!

14 Protecting Working Children Child Labor (UP) = Protection of children (regulation) – (UP) Why Kids? (a) __________________ (b) __________________ (c) Handle small tools and _________ - National Child Labor Committee (1906) - sent investigators to gather evidence of children working in harsh conditions - ____________________(1916) = goods cannot cross state lines that were produced by children *Ruled _______________ – states CANNOT regulate “interstate commerce”

15 Women’s Fight for Suffrage (voting) ________________: Fought for a constitutional amendment for “WOMEN”S __________________” National Women’s Suffrage Association (NWSA) Led by: Susan B/. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Staton (Seneca Falls Convention – 1848) ________________– Women’s suffrage *(voting)

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