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YETS activities at ISOLDE Richard Catherall EN-STI-RBS ISOLDE Technical Coordinator 75th ISCC meeting 2 nd February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "YETS activities at ISOLDE Richard Catherall EN-STI-RBS ISOLDE Technical Coordinator 75th ISCC meeting 2 nd February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 YETS activities at ISOLDE Richard Catherall EN-STI-RBS ISOLDE Technical Coordinator 75th ISCC meeting 2 nd February 2016

2 2 PhD Melanie Delonca The LIEBE target (Liquid Eutectic Lead Bismuth loop target for Eurisol) Test for shower feasibility done: Minimum droplets size is 0.4 mm diameter (diffusion) Design finalized Manufacturing started Modifications at Front-End to be presented next Thursday – ENTM ALARA Full target manufacturing and assembly planned for April 2016 Improve exotic Hg beams by up to factor 10!

3 1 2 H He 345678910 LiBeBCNOFNe 1112131415161718 NaMgAlSiPSClAr 192021222324252627282930313233343536 KCaScTiVCrMnFeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr 373839404142434445464748495051525354 RbSrYZrNbMoTcRuRhPdAgCdInSnSbTeIXe 555671727374757677787980818283848586 CsBaLa..HfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRn Carbonyl beams of refractory elements 3 PhD Jochen Ballof Carbonyle compounds V(CO) 6 Cr(CO) 6 Mo(CO) 6 W(CO) 6 Tc 2 (CO) 10 Re 2 (CO) 10 Ru(CO) 5 Os(CO) 5 Co 2 (CO) 8 Rh 2 (CO) 8 Ir 4 (CO) 10 Ni(CO) 4 Principle: Mo CO (g) Neutron converter 3 U Foils, 25 µm Mo Container, Filled with CO 105 Mo production yield: ~ 10 8 ions / uC Proton beam

4 Modified VADIS Ion source 4 Carbonyl beams of refractory elements Cathode Extended copper cylinder Manometer ~ 200 mbar Classic injection path (hot vadis) Water cooled target base Heating ~ 110 C Mo(CO)6 Calibrated leak PhD Jochen Ballof

5 Eu scheme development at RILIS with PISA -Integrated PhotoIonization Spectroscopy Apparatus (PISA) -To be used as reference for in-source laser spectroscopy and ionization scheme development -Make use of RILIS set up during shut down -Enables exploratory scheme development at RILIS, prior to test with dedicated ISOLDE target -First candidate: Europium (Eu) -Scan of 2 different dye lasers and new grating TiSa -Many new autoionizing states discovered -Two promising schemes with dye or TiSa identified Autoionizing states in Europium -> most efficient scheme? More tests needed Slide by K. Chrysalidis Eu 311.14 nm IP 5.7eV 585 nm to 918 nm 2 nd step TiSa 2 nd step dye

6 Shutdown work outline MEDICIS Target Area ISOLDE Hall Separator areas HT room Many interventions in different areas nearly all requiring the services of RP Avoid co-activities especially in sensitive areas

7 Mise à jour 5.1.2016 - KK, SM Bat. 179: Planning juin 2015 … mars 2016 10. Portes et Etagères (méc.) 16. Installation blindage chicane 19. Installation MONTRAC mécanique + câblage et mise en service partielle 13. Lisol Magnet: Transport B --> CH et modifications Yury–Vincent Matteo Vincent - Yisel 17. Création SAS ventilation 2 portes Matteo 3. Analyse de Risques et Upgrade réseau secouru et UPS Ana-René 9a. Porte et supply point Vincent 20. Système d’accès MEDICIS mise en service Z6 21. General safety MEDICIS Eva Ana-Paula 25. NEW task: HOT CELL étanchéité, ventilation, contrôle, UPS, réfection sol Ana-Paula / Paul 5. Raccordements et Tests préliminaires robot Medicis 5a. Adaptation points d’échange robots Isolde selon ECR de Matteo Jean-Louis 22. Radioprotection MEDICIS Joachim 18. Mise en service ventilation SAS Alexandre 20a. NEW task: Modification Access Isolde selon ECR de Matteo Eva En cours MEDICIS Interface S. Marzari

8 Bat. 179: Planning juin 2015 … mars 2016 MEDICIS Interface S. Marzari

9 MEDICIS Interface in pictures

10 Target Area Frontends … ALARA L3 intervention Annual Frontend maintenance Modification of target coupling table and its control Change of GPS target coupling piston Faraday cage piston exchange Preparation for LIEBE target tests General maintenance BTY line checks Robot programming checks Ventilation

11 LIEBE target test preparations Test on-line (GPS) planned for end of 2016 Less risk for ISOLDE operation Preparations need to be done during YETS To benefit from lower dose rates Review in view of operation planned for June 2016 Maybe a second ALARA L3 meeting required Work includes FE modifications Cables through HT transfer tubes FE supports and guide for pump trolley Water connections Shelf position modifications Robot programming

12 Frontend modifications/revision Change coupling table Relieve forces on ball-bearings Introduce an adjustable end-stop for the same reason Profit to make minor changes for potentiometer and be compatible with LIEBE target

13 Frontend maintenance/revision Modification of potentiometer Inability to confirm that target is correctly clamped due to too much hysteresis in rotational axis. Micro-switches will also be added for redundancy/verification Rotated return Potentiomètre linéaire

14 Frontend maintenance/revision Exchange of GPS piston for new design (already done on HRS) Inability to clamp target Confusion with potentiometer feedback has led to unnecessary filling of exhaust gas tanks New design tested 1000 times off-line

15 Ventilation A lot of work has been done on the ventilation systems over the last year. Acceptance of new and modified ventilation system for Class A labs and MEDICIS Integration of hot cell into new ventilation system (on-going) Monitoring and evaluation of fluctuations in tunnel ventilation Cause related to oversized ducting resulting from the separation of the ventilation system of the tunnel from the Class A labs Ducting modified in January 2016. To be tested at start-up.

16 ISOLDE Hall Upgrade of vacuum controls TE-VSC Verification of beam instrumentation Will be done with beam in cold check out Installation of Fast Tape Station Separator areas Change of vacuum valve HRS section 2 and 3 Laser window exchange HRS + GPS HT Room HT maintenance Preparation for modulator tests

17 A new modulator circuit has been developed with relatively low power components to provide a robust and accurate charging device capable of re-establishing the 60 kV with improved recovery time. It has been designed especially to sustain the expected increases in beam energy (2GeV) and higher intensity beams for HIE-ISOLDE. Modulator HT pulsing specifications - Recovery times to within +/-1V with a simulated target of ~1ms. To be measured with neutron converter target at ISOLDE facility. -Maximum voltage overshoot < 0.2% Power supply specifications - HT set-point from 10kV to 60 kV with 1V resolution - HT stability +/- 1V (external regulation) - HT warm up delay (drift compensation) < 5 mn Monitored signals - HT recovery time signal acquired and monitored - HT long term stability acquired and monitored - Post-impact loading current acquired and monitored MD at ISOLDE facility The modulator characteristics have been measured in a simulated environment. To confirm our findings we aim to operate our new set-up installed in the HT room running in pulse operation mode with the ISOLDE target loads installed and with proton beam. MD at ISOLDE facility will give the possibility to evaluate the new modulator. A mock-up can be installed in the present modulator tank by replacing the ASTEC power supply this way we can re-use the high precision ROSS divider. New modulator 30kV recovery signal measurement (Heinzinger HVPS 65kV – 40mA) Protons time of arrival Our mock-up installation in ASTEC tank (ISOLDE HT room) Recovery time Test in a simulated environment Test description at ISOLDE facility The worst case scenario concerning ionization is the neutron converter target with the highest possible proton beam intensity (3.3e13ppp). As the target is pre-charged at the moment of the beam impact, there is a risk of flash-over at the Isolde front end. The presence of Medicis target and its faraday cage can have an influence on this risk. This can be evaluated at the same time. A new 60kV modulator for ISOLDE/HIE ISOLDE

18 Overall Planning

19 Micro –scheduling Thursday 11:00 – 12:00 26-1-022 In Outlook, open calendar: Shut-down ISOLDE

20 Cold Check Out The most efficient way of testing machine operation is to run with stable beam Power convertors, HT, magnet controls, beam diagnostics, collimators … Our goal is to make stable beam 1 month prior to taking protons 1 st March All separator systems should be operational or in test phase Water cooling, controls, power convertors, BI etc In parallel, RILIS will investigate laser ionisation schemes on specific stable beams. NToF will be making samples of 7 Be for their first physics run

21 Safety Due to an accumulation of varied incidents, ISOLDE is now in the spotlight in terms of safety. Although a draft memorandum dedicated to safety at ISOLDE is still under discussion, we can expect a few obligatory changes in the way we work.

22 ISOLDE Consolidation There is an on-going request for consolidation for ISOLDE over the next 5-years Presented initially at the Chamonix Workshop, September 2014 Submission of BCR requests to the department head… Following discussions last Friday, the following items have been retained for consolidation Work packageGroup Frontends x2 +1 ReserveEN-STI Tape stationEN-STI VacuumTE-VSC Cameras for target areaEN-STI Off line 2EN-STI Beam diagnostics electronic and mechanicsBE-BI RILIS laser power suppliesEN-STI 60kV modulatorTE-ABT Magnets (separators and REX triplet spares)TE-MSC

23 ISOLDE Lines - Survey Results Isolde Lines Survey Results – meeting 15.01.2013 Measurements of November/December 2012

24 RESULTS – vertical plane Isolde Lines Survey Results – meeting 15.01.2013 Zavg = 437.0073m Dev: -1.8mm to +1.1mm Zavg = 437.0172m Dev: -1.5mm to +1.5mm ~ 10mm step

25 RESULTS – vertical plane Isolde Lines Survey Results – meeting 15.01.2013

26 RESULTS – horizontal plane main line CA0 – CD0 Isolde Lines Survey Results – meeting 15.01.2013 NameX [m]Y [m] Distance to line [mm] CA0_Q_E 1879.39622239.1236-0.1 CA0_Q_S 1878.76612239.7807-1.1 CB0_Q1_E 1877.35752241.2535-0.6 CB0_Q1_S 1876.72722241.91310.1 CB0_Q2_E 1874.90362243.82061.4 CB0_Q2_S 1874.27332244.47850.9 CC0_Q1_E 1872.85992245.95450.2 CC0_Q1_S 1872.23012246.61401.2 CC0_Q2_E 1871.37512247.50590.0 CC0_Q2_S 1870.74432248.1640-0.7 CD0_Q1_E 1869.33412249.6383-0.3 CD0_Q1_S 1868.39202250.6219-0.9 Line: CA0-CB0-CC0-CD0Bearing [g]: 351.4005 Deviation scale 500:1 Relatively to the scale along the beam

27 RESULTS – horizontal plane bearings comparison Line Theoretical Bearing Calculated Bearing Difference Calc-Theo [g] [cc] CA0-CB0-CC0-CD0351.4121351.4005-116 LA1245.8565245.8974409 LA2279.1898279.2213315 LA0-LA3312.5232312.4988-244 LC0312.5232312.5030-202 RA0390.2997390.308083 RB0390.3010390.2699-311 RC0-RC2-RC6390.3010390.2941-69 RC329.189929.1670-229 RC4323.6343323.6108-235 +409cc Theoreticl Bearing Calculated Bearing +315cc -244cc -116cc +83cc -202cc LC0 10cc ~ 0.16 mm/10m

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