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 What’s Good about Woodlands All Saints?  What’s Good about God / Jesus?  Why do we come to Church?

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Presentation on theme: " What’s Good about Woodlands All Saints?  What’s Good about God / Jesus?  Why do we come to Church?"— Presentation transcript:


2  What’s Good about Woodlands All Saints?  What’s Good about God / Jesus?  Why do we come to Church?

3  Interest  Something to do  To find out more  Because we need God’s help  Because of what God has done for us  Because we want to be better disciples  We want to be disciples more like Jesus  We want to Worship

4  Worship and Music  Worship and Creativity / Imagination  Worship is more than Music  Worship is more than Creativity

5  Worship = From old English weorthscipe  Weorth = Worth  Scipe = ship  So Worship = Worthship  - giving or acknowledging worth.  GRATITUDE

6  Worthship involves recognising what we’ve got what we’ve received.  Worthship involves giving  Engagement  Worship because God has given to us

7 In Creation

8  Abraham  Moses  The Law and the Prophets  Jesus “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but may have eternal life” John 3:16

9 What You Are Worth God’s Worship

10  GRACE  God’s  Riches AtAt  Christ’s  Expense

11 Forgiveness New Life Holy Spirit Eternal Life

12  We worship Because of Grace Because of what God has done for us  What is it Worth?

13  God sacrificed his Son.  Worship  Worthship  Sacrifice

14  Time  Money  Reputation  Family  Lives

15  “I appeal to you therefore brothers and sisters by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is your spiritual sacrifice” (Romans 12.1).

16  Giving to God  Giving to Church  Not Easy

17  Widow’s mite – Luke 21:2 (the proportion)  Give the whole Tithe Malachi 3:10 (10% an example) (5% = Anglican Target)  Give Cheerfully – 2 Cor 9:6  Give Regularly – 1 Cor 16:2

18  Give because the Church Needs the Money!!  How Much does All Saints Cost?  £71,000 per year!!!!!!!!

19  Heat & Light, Water, Insurance & Telephone £6,800 p.a. £570 p.m. £130 p.w!  Repairs, Sunday Services, Expenses... £10,100 p.a. £840 p.m. £195 p.w!  Giving Away £1,000 p.a. £ 84 p.m. £19 p.w.  Total (so far) £18,900 p.a. £1,294 p.m. £344 p.w!

20  Stephen! £44,000 p.a. £3,666 p.m. £850 p.w. (Pay + Housing + NI + Pension)  Diocesan Support (including Me and Mike) £10,000 p.a. £833 p.m. £190 p.w.

21  Total £71,000 p.a. £5,900 p.m. £1,365 p.w.

22  £71,000 Who Pays? Government Queen People Like us!

23 £71,000  Help from other Churches - £26,000  Fees from Weddings & Funerals - £4,000  Leaves £41,000  Gift Aid- £4,000  Leaves £37,000  For us to find!!!

24 We need at least£ 37,000per year £ 3,100 per month £ 711 per week A Big Ask – THANK YOU But unfortunately we haven’t been managing. £6,000 or £115 per week SHORT

25 Pray Remember Grace Ask can I give more? Give Regularly Bank Standing Orders Or Envelopes Gift Aid

26 How Much Extra £2 each per week (every week) OR £10 each per week (every week) each! OR 5% of income (10% or more) OR The BEST YOU CAN DO

27 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were an offering far to small. Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.


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