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US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® USACE New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquake Response OPLAN USACE DCO/G3 14 June 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® USACE New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquake Response OPLAN USACE DCO/G3 14 June 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® USACE New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquake Response OPLAN USACE DCO/G3 14 June 2016

2 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 2 Agenda  Area of Concern  Key Facts and Assumptions  Mission  Concept of Operations —Phase 1 - Steady State —Phase 2a - Immediate Response —Phase 2b - Deployment —Phase 2c - Employment & Sustained Response  Command & Control

3 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 3 Memphis St Louis I mpacts  No-Notice event, w/multiple aftershocks  Mass care/shelter/resources may be inadequate  Housing/evacuation/population relocation challenges  Long-term impacts to incident area and the Nation requiring years to recover  National Assessment (7.7 magnitude event, source MAEC Report) —Households without Water 1,089,814 Power2,481,271 —Tons of debris50,056,000 —Injuries82,500 —Fatalities3,500 —Buildings damaged715,000 —Bridges damaged3,600 MO IL IN KY TN AR AL MS 12 Million people / 160 – 200 Cities Memphis 1-1.5 Million St. Louis 1.5 -2 Million Area of Concern Approximate area 126,575 sq mi

4 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 4 Key Facts  7.7 magnitude NMSZ EQ impacts the Eastern Interconnection of the US Power Grid  Communications systems impacted directly by EQ or by loss of power region-wide  Transportation systems damages impact flow of responders and resources  Level of damage by state: Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Mississippi, Illinois, Indiana, and Alabama in that order  Memphis District, USACE Finance Center (UFC) and Logistics Activity (ULA) reside vic ground zero

5 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 5 Assumptions  USACE operates in an environment without normal communications in the impacted area between HQ USACE and subordinates due to loss of power in the Eastern US  Movement into the impacted AO requires detailed coordination and integration with FEMA Movement Control Group/Cell  Memphis District will be unable to respond and require reconstitution, UFC and ULA will have to COOP to alt sites impacting RM and log capabilities in the short term

6 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 6 Mission In response to a catastrophic earthquake in the NMSZ, USACE assesses and repairs flood protection and civil works infrastructure, supports efforts to restore navigation ICW the USCG, executes missions in support of (ISO) FEMA under the NRF, supports restoration of DOD installations, and provides support to others to repair critical infrastructure in order to save lives, protect property and critical infrastructure, and set conditions for the long-term re-establishment of public utilities and services in the impacted area of the Central United States.

7 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 7 VI Albuquerque Fort Worth Tulsa Dallas Phase 1- Steady State VIII I Mobile Nashville Atlanta Louisville VII Omaha IX San Francisco Sacramento Los Angeles X Seattle Walla Portland New York POA St. Paul V Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands Philadelphia Colorado Springs Miami XXX ARNORTH San Antonio XXXX NORTHCOM NWD XX SPD XX Kansas City Little Rock Memphis Jacksonville Savannah Charleston IV III Huntington Baltimore NAU - Europe II Chicago Vicksburg New Orleans Galveston St Louis Rock Island Wilmington Detroit Buffalo New England Pittsburgh Norfolk Denton SWD XX MVD XX NAD XX Winchester TAD XX HQUSACE XXX SAD XX POJ JAPAN KOREA POF Guam & American Samoa Honolulu XXXX PACOM POD XX USACE DIV HQs USACE Dist HQs FEMA Regional HQs USACE Boundaries - Military Programs - Civil Works FEMA National HQs NCR USACE Authorities  Restore flood protection/civil works  Mississippi River: MVD w/NAD/SAD DS  Ohio River: LRD w/NAD DS NRF/ESF #3 Support  TN is Main Effort  Priority States: TN, AR, MO HQUSCG XX DA XXXX JCS HQ/8-DLMSUMSOH US Coast Guard Cincinnati LRD XX Jackson

8 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 8 CW2/MVD II CW1/MVD II NORTHCOM XXXX ARNORTH XXX MVD XX LRD XX HQ XXX NAD XX NWD XX SWD XX SAD XX TAD XX SPD XX San Francisco Portland Vicksburg Atlanta Cincinnati New York POD XX Honolulu Kansas City Little Rock Memphis Mobile Jackson Dallas Phase 2a – Immediate Response Rock Island St. Paul St. Louis Colorado Springs NCR XXX MCP XX JTF-CS XX CCP1 San Antonio EN Staff Aug EN Staff Aug EN Staff Aug NAD Task: DS to LRD Purpose: Spt LRD response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, and DoD NWD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in Missouri Purpose: Execute response efforts under USACE authorities and ISO FEMA and DoD in Missouri SPD Task: GS to USACE, as directed by HQUSACE Purpose: Support response efforts as directed POD Task: GS to USACE, as directed by HQUSACE Purpose: Support response efforts as directed SAD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in Alabama, DS to MVD Purpose: Execute response efforts under USACE authorities and ISO FEMA in AL, Augment MVD to restore navigation on the Mississippi River and establish RFOs in Mississippi and Illinois SWD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in Arkansas Purpose: Execute response under USACE authorities and ISO FEMA, & DoD in Arkansas (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) MVD Task: Lead Div for restoration of navigation of the Mississippi River, Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in Mississippi & Illinois Purpose: Execute response efforts to restore navigation and flood control projects along the Mississippi, serve as lead for coordination with MS and IL for response ISO FEMA LRD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana and for navigation on the Ohio River Purpose: Execute response efforts under USACE authorities and ISO FEMA, & DoD in TN, KY, and IN HQUSACE Task: Deploy DCG CW&EO & stand up the SIRC Purpose: Provide C2, SIRC provides vision and recommendations for recovery DS Winchester Support General Support General DS DCG CW&EO Jefferson City

9 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 9 Phase 2a – Restoration of Navigation Fort Worth Denton Dallas Mobile Nashville Atlanta Omaha St. Paul Little Rock Memphis Chicago Vicksburg New Orleans St Louis Rock Island Louisville LRD XX Cincinnati Kansas City SWD XX MVD XX SAD XX Lower Mississippi River Upper Mississippi River Ohio River LRD Task: Lead Div for Navigation along the Ohio River and ISO the USCG in IN, KY, & TN Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along the Ohio River and its tributaries MVD Task: Lead Div ISO USACE and USCG response efforts in IL and MS, and along the Mississippi River Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along the Mississippi River and its tributaries SAD Task: Lead Div ISO USACE and USCG efforts in AL, and provides DS to MVD Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along navigable waterways in AL and assist MVD response and recovery efforts SWD Task: Lead Div ISO USACE and USCG response efforts in AR Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along navigable waterways in AR NWD Task: Lead Div ISO USACE and USCG response efforts in MO Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along navigable waterways in MO NAD Task: Provides DS to LRD Purpose: Assists LRD in restoring USACE civil works and navigation along navigable waterways in IN, KY, and TN, and along the Ohio River USCG Marine Transportation System Recovery Unit (MTSRU) (Joint Agency) USCG Riverine Recovery Unit (RRU) located at the State Joint Filed Office SWD MVD SAD LRD NWD  Divisions —Provide LNOs to support USCG RRUs / facilitate coordination between RRUs and MTSRUs LRD: IN, KY, and TN MVD: IL and MS NWD: MO SAD: AL SWD: AR —Lead Divisions: MVD: USCG coordination and USACE efforts along the Upper and Lower Mississippi River LRD: USACE efforts along the Ohio River HQ/8-DUMSLMSOH USCG Commands (Lower MS, Upper MS, OH River, and HQs, 8th District)

10 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 10 Phase 2b, first 24 to 72 hours: Deployment Phase 2c, 72 hours to 30 days: Employment & Sustained Response 1 - Roofing teams will augment and support Infrastructure PRT and receive OJT 2 - Teams 1 and 2 represent PRTs with two state responsibilities: first priority is team 1, with lower priority team 2 3 - Assumes MVM Power PRT, MVS Roofing PRT, and LRN Roofing PRT are victim districts and PRTs not available 4 - Assumes USACE retains Commodities PRT mission

11 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 11 Command and Control National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) USCG HQs DA Operations Center Joint Chiefs of Staff Operation Center OCE 1 - TL 1 - ATL 1 - LNO National Infrastructure Coordination Center (NICC) National Operations Center (NOC) 1 - LNO HQUSACE Nashville Louisville Kansas City Memphis St Louis Cincinnati LMSOHHQ/8-D (New Orleans) Little Rock Vicksburg Mobile Jefferson City Atlanta Paducah Rock Island Cairo Peru Ft. Campbell Manchester Montgomery Columbus Air Force Base Camp Robinson Arnold Air Force Base Grissom Air Force Base Rantoul Rantoul National Aviation Center Maxwell Air Force Base MOARNG Center Chicago SAD XX FWD/SWD XX LRD FWD XX UACG LRD XX NWD FWD XX UMS SAD FWD XX CCP1 XXX NORTHCOM MCP XX JTF Columbus CW1/MVD II CW2/MVD II MVD XX Spt/NAD Spt/SAD Grenada Greenville Jackson Spt/NAD TL/Atl ESF3 Cadre TL/ATL TL/Atl Indianapolis Vandalia ECCV3 EERT1 RRV1&5 DTOC 2 RRV RRV3 DTOC 1 EERT2 ECCV2 ECCV1 VI VII V IV TL/Atl DCG CW&EO

12 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 12 Discussion 202-761-0394

13 B UILDING S TRONG 13 UNCLASSIFIED USACE NMSZ Response Lines of Effort LOE#3 NRF Disaster Response LOE #4 Support DOD Installations Recovery Operations LOE #1 COOP-Devolution-Reconstitution Stafford Act LOE #2 Civil Works and Navigation NWD and subordinates able to execute MEFS Civil Works Projects Operational/ Navigation Restored

14 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 14 Phase 2b - Deployment Phase 2c - Employment & Sustained Response NWP Debris NWS Cmdts NWS IN-AS NWW PWR RRVs 1&5 ESF-3 Cadre LPRT Jefferson City MOARNG Ctr NAB Debris MVR Cmdts SPK-1 IN-AS POH PWR ECCV-3 LPRT Rantoul National Aviation Center SWF Debris SWG Cmdts POA IN-AS SWT PWR Camp Robinson SWF RRV ESF-3 Cadre LPRT DTOC-2 SAJ IN-AS (Roof) SAS PWR Maxwell Air Force Base EERT-2 LPRT MVK Debris SAW Cmdts NWO IN-AS( Roof) Columbus Air Force Base LPRT ECCV-1 SAM Debris LRE Cmdts LRB-2 IN-AS NAP PWR Arnold Air Force Base LPRT ESF-3 Cadre DTOC-1 RRV-3 Pre-Assigned Missions Incident Support Base SWD MVD SAD LRD NWD Team (PRT) LRL Debris NAO Cmdts LRB-1 IN-AS LRP PWR ECCV-2 Fort Campbell SPK Debris SPN Cmdts SPK-2 IN-AS Grissom Air Force Reserve Base EERT-1 Key Tasks:  2b: first 24 to 72 hours  2c: 72 hours to 30 days  Complete deployment  Co-locate DCG CW&EO with UACG  Engineer reconnaissance and assessments of civil works and critical infrastructure  Initiate temporary repairs to flood protection infrastructure ISO flood fighting measures  Execute public works missions under ESF #3 and ISO FEMA and other agencies

15 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 15 HQUSACE OPLAN Changes  The NAD and SPD O-6 led USACE Forward Task Forces are OPCON to LRD. They will respectively support LRD operations at the Tennessee and Kentucky JFOs.  SPD will deploy a General Officer to lead MVD's TF Navigation.  MVD retains lead for ESF 3 operations in Illinois and Mississippi, with SAD will operating the RFOs in those two states.  The DCG, CW&EO does not necessarily forward deploy since the NRCC will adjudicate issues and resources.  The UROC, ICW MVD and LRD, has lead to develop and implement a USACE Critical Infrastructure reconnaissance plan.  CECI, in coordination with ACE-IT, the UROC and SAM / DTOS, will develop an overall USACE communications plan as part of the Signal Annex.  The Strategic Infrastructure Recovery Cell utilizes a GS-15 or PM from the supported divisions ICW the DCO to adjudicate USACE resources and manage USACE Infrastructure priorities.  A revised CONPLAN (Annex A) accounts for recent PRT inactivations and changes to MSC response plans.  The ULA is tasked to provide two logisticians to support the FEMA Movement Control Cell at the NRCC.  Based on predicted damage levels (MAE Center Report), USACE will not need to establish an RFO in Alabama.  The Retired Annuitant Office (RAO) serves as the USACE lead to coordinate with the Department of Interior (DOI) to fill ESF 3 personnel support requirements.

16 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 16 Concept of Operations USACE Support to FEMA MSC’s and District’s responsibilities aligned by state. MVD retains responsibility for IL & MS ESF 3 missions but SAD operates the RFOs Support FEMA/DHS through ESF # 3 mission assignments Worst Case Scenario assumes Memphis and St. Louis will be impacted districts (their PRT’s will not be available ) State District MO Kansas City IL Rock Island IN Chicago KY Louisville TN Nashville AL Mobile MS Vicksburg AR Little Rock

17 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 17 Concept of Operations Civil Works Response Support to USACE Civil Works Projects Will Be Within Current Civil-Works Boundaries

18 UNCLASSIFIED B UILDING S TRONG 18 CW2/MVD II CW1/MVD II ARNORTH XXX MVD XX LRD XX NAD XX NWD XX SWD XX SPD XX San Francisco Portland Vicksburg Atlanta Cincinnati New York POD XX Honolulu Kansas City Little Rock Mobile Nashville Dallas Rock Island St. Paul St. Louis Colorado Springs NCR XXX MCP XX JTF-CS XX CCP San Antonio NORTHCOM / JCE Aug. Cell Winchester General Support Jefferson City HQ XXX 249 NORTHCOM XXXX Tupelo Memphis TN JFO (O-6 TF) IL RFO G.O. to TF Navigation / KY JFO (O-6) SAD XX MS RFO NWD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in MO, and lead Div ISO NORTHCOM Purpose: Execute response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, and DoD (NORTHCOM) Task: SCRP NORTHCOM and JCE Augmentation Cells Purpose: Coordinate with DoD (NORTHCOM) on response support efforts USACE NMSZ Response Plan: Phase 2a – Immediate Response SPD Task: G.O. support to MVD TF NAV; O-6 TF to KY JFO (LRD) Purpose: Manage response efforts ISO USACE authorities and FEMA. POD Task: GS to USACE, as directed by HQUSACE Purpose: Response efforts ISO FEMA, USACE authorities and DoD as directed SWD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD (ARNORTH), FEMA, & USCG in AR Purpose: Execute response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, & DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) Task: SCRP ARNORTH Augmentation Element Purpose: Coordinate DoD (ARNORTH) response support efforts MVD Task: Lead Div ISO FEMA & USCG in MS & IL and the Mississippi River Purpose: Execute response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, & DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) UROC Task: Be prepared to provide comms equipment Purpose: Provide comms sets as needed SAD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in AL; DS to MVD for Navigation restoration and RFOs in IL & MS Purpose: Execute response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, & DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) NAD Task: DS to LRD, O-6 TF support to LRD at TN JFO Purpose: Response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, and DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) LRD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in IN, KY, & TN, and the Ohio River Purpose: Execute response actions ISO FEMA, USACE authorities & DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) HQUSACE Task: Stand up the SIRC Purpose: Adjudicate resources and provide recommendations for recovery



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