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HEP Group Activity Kihyeon Cho (KISTI) KISTI-Belle II Open Meeting, KISTI, Daejeon, Korea Monday, February 23, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "HEP Group Activity Kihyeon Cho (KISTI) KISTI-Belle II Open Meeting, KISTI, Daejeon, Korea Monday, February 23, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEP Group Activity Kihyeon Cho (KISTI) KISTI-Belle II Open Meeting, KISTI, Daejeon, Korea Monday, February 23, 2014

2 Contents HEP Group & KISTI Activities 1. Physics 2. Belle II Data Handling System 3. Belle II Community Supports Summary and Plan

3 HEP Group Man Power Activity –Physics: Rare B, Dark Matter –Belle II Data Handling System –Korean Belle II Community Support NameBelle IBelle IIStatus Kihyeon ChoOOContinue Junghyun KimOOContinue Youngjin KimO-Left in 2012 Taegil Bae-OLeft in 2013 Hui-Young Ryu-OLeft in Jan. 2015

4 Organization of KISTI National Institute of Super- computing & Network: Philwoo Lee Supercomputing R&D Center: Keum Won Cho Dept. of Computational Science; (HEP Group: Kihyeon Cho) Dept. of Supercomputing Technology: Soonwook Hwang (AMGA Team) Supercomputing Service Center: Kwangjin Oh GSDC: Seo-young Noh Networking Center: Hyungwoo Park Dept. of Network Service: Booseung Cho … …… New header

5 Physics - BSM (Rare B, Dark Matter) Data Handling System - AMGA GSDC  Network HEP Group (User) AMGA Team GSDC/ Network Team Korea Belle II Community: Eunil Won Korea Belle II Computing: Doris Kim KISTI KEK Belle II Experiment

6 상위 20% 이내 논문 1. Physics: Rare B mode

7 2. Belle II Data Handling System Belle II Data Handling Group (Chair: K. Cho) + Distributed Computing Group (Chair: Martin Sevior) => Distributed Computing (Chair: Martin Sevior) on February, 2014 Belle II Distributed Computing Meeting (EVO @ Belle II Remote Control Room) –Wednesday 4:00 PM –Thursday 1:00 AM –Thursday 9:00 AM 4 th MC Challenge: 9.22~10.31, 2014 7

8 Belle II Distributed Computing

9 Data Handling System

10 관련분야 논문 랭킹 2 위 상위 5% 이내


12 4 th MC Production Campaign Duration: Sep. 22 ~ Oct. 31, 2014 Purpose –To test re-factored gbasf2 –Proto-production system –Improved AMGA –Multiple DIRAC servers Condition –build-2014-08-01 –Produce mDST as output –Physics with Background Place: Belle II remote Control Room

13 4 th MC Production Campaign >gb2_transformation_summary

14 4 th MC Production Campaign AMGA system for metadata works well. Belle II data handling system with gbasf2 works well. Thanks a lot for technology and resource provider. AMGA server @KEK

15 3. Bell II Community Supports HEP Group also supports: –“KISTI” community at EVO system and two KISTI EVO severs. –Belle II M&O Money $5,000 in 2014. –Host of K-Belle Meeting on Dec. 5, 2014

16 Summary and Plan To work on –Physics: Rare B, Dark Matter, etc. –Belle II Data Handling System based on Distributed Computing –Belle II Remote Control Room, a successor of CDF Remote Control Room To be a contact person between KISTI and KEK Belle II Experiment To support for Belle II experiment 16

17 Thank you for altogether. We are just at beginning.

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