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Published byTerence Miles Modified over 8 years ago
User requirements for interactive controlling and monitoring of applications in grid environments Dr. Isabel Campos Plasencia Institute of Physics of Cantabria Santander, Spain EGEE 07, 1-5 October, Budapest Hungary
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Outline Support for interactivity in Grid infrastructures Use Cases Middleware versus Use Cases Issues
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 3 Interactive Grid Infraestructure Acronym Financed in the FP6 Period May 2006 - May 2008 Project structure Networking Activities Dissemination of results Applications Identification and User Support Services Activities Infrastructure deployment Joint Research Activities Middleware development Project coordinated by CSIC (Dr. Jesus Marco)
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Objetivos Provide an advanced grid empowered infrastructure for scientific computing targeted to support demanding interactive and parallel applications Interoperability with EGEE-like Infrastructures Provide services to integrate computing resources into a grid Coordinate the deployment, maintenance and operation of the grid infrastructure Provide support for Virtual Organizations and resource providers Coordinate resource providers and virtual organizations Provide a development infrastructure for research activities Test and validation of new middleware components Ensure adequate network support
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Job submission in glite environments gLite Information Index Replica Manager SERVICES Resource Broker CE WN CE WN Internet gLite User Interface Job (.jdl) Submission Matchmaking Batch Job Running
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Use Cases where the batch approach is not enough
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 7 Visualization of Plasma in Fusion Devices Background Stellerator TJ-II (Madrid) Magnetic Confinement Investigate Plasma prop. National infrastructure Research CIEMAT Schema of the TJ-II design Visualization using Computational tools (OpenGL, Fox toolkit) Computing Visualization of TJ-II
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 8 Visualization of Plasma in Fusion Devices Computational details The plasma is analyzed as a many body system consisting of N particles The application visualizes the behaviour of plasma inside a Fusion device Applicability Stellerator Design (vacuum chamber damages, coil designs, etc…) Inputs Geometry of the vacuum chamber Magnetic field in the environment Initial number, position, direction, velocity of particles Possibility of collisions between particles Density of particles inside the device Solves a set of Stochastic Differential Equations with Runge-Kutta method Outputs Trajectories of the particles Average of relevant magnitudes: densities, temperatures...
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 9 Porting the application to Spread the calculation over hundreds of Worker Nodes on the Grid to increase the number of particles simulated using MPI Introduce remote Visualization tools Interactive Steering Design of a Grid collaborative environment for fusion device designing N particles distributed among P processes: MPI Particle trajectories are displayed graphically Interactive simulation steering
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Support to Environmental Applications IMS Model Suite Modelling dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere Study the movement of individual independent particles. The term particle denotes any air pollutant or substance (or multiple substances) in the volume of air under consideration The particles travel with the wind and the particle trajectory and particle composition reflects natural phenomena such as turbulent diffusion, dry deposition, wet deposition caused by the rain and radioactive decay Interactivity idea Send visualized output (images) to client as it is computed, enabling the user to watch the simulation evolve. When the user gives a command, particles are split, thus doubling their number.
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Support to Environmental Applications IMS Model Suite Work done Grid enabled batch sequential and MPI versions Migrating Desktop (MD) plugin Sequential version integrated with plugin To be done Integrate MPI version on MD Integrate interactive input channel (particle split)
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Summary of Requirements for Middleware Distributing the task among N processors MPI support The Job should be started inmediately on the user desktop Interactive job scheduling The graphical interface should be forwarded to the user desktop Graphical interface to the grid Supporting Visualization The user should be able to steer the simulation Real Time steering
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Requirements of Interactive Steering Interactive steering Changing the simulation parameters in running time Number of execution parameters in parametric simulations (eg. Number of particles, number of copies in MPI runs) Parameters of the run in serial and MPI runs Visualization properties: zoom-in, moving the scene, etc… Inmediate allocation of resources Mechanism of node reservation (MPI and serial Jobs) Glide-in mechanism
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Interactivity and Simulation Steering
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October REMOTE SITE Internet REMOTE SITE Middleware SERVICES Middleware Interactive Job Execution F1F2 Job F1F2 Job Fast start-up Execution in high-occupancy situations Interaction of the user with the app.
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 16 Grid Environment Constraints Internet middleware Information Index SERVICES LRMS middleware LRMS LRMS (PBS, LSF, Condor): limited external control Non cooperative LRMS Local user jobs Outdated information Dynamic changes No privileges No preinstalled elements No changes to the LRMS or applications
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October CrossBroker CrossBroker: meta-scheduler Offers the same functionalities as the EGEE Resource Broker Plus: Support for Interactive Applications via GVid/Glogin Full support for Parallel Applications PACX-MPI and OpenMPI Scheduling for intra-cluster and inter-cluster jobs Flexible MPI job startup based on MPI-START PACX-MPI and OpenMPI support MPI job startup based on MPI-START Support for interactivity via GVid/Glogin RBCrossBroker
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October CrossBroker: Interactive Job Support Scheduling priority Interactive jobs are sent to sites with available machines If there are not available machines, use time sharing Support for interactivity in all kinds of jobs sequential and all the MPI flavors CrossBroker injects interactive agents that enable communication between user and job Transparent to the user Full integration with i2glogin & gVid
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Complex Visualization: i2glogin Fully interactive connections into the Grid Functionality comparable to SSH Shell sessions Port and X11 forwarding Encrypted transmission of arbitrary traffic
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October CrossBroker Scheduling Agent Resource Searcher Application Launcher Condor-GDAGMan Migrating Desktop Information Index Replica Manager CrossBroker EGEE/Globus LRMS EGEE/Globus LRMS CE WN
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Job Description Language Jobs described in a text file using JDL (Job Description Language) Same JDL as gLite WMS JobType = “Normal"; Executable = “myapp"; Arguments = “-f –o data.out"; InputSandbox = {" myapp, "}; StdOutput = “std.out” StdError = “std.err” OutputSandbox = {“std.out”, “std.err”, “data.out”} VirtualOrganisation = “imain"; Rank = other.GlueHostBenchmarkSI00 ; Requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus=="Production";
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October JDL: Parallel jobs JOBTYPE: Normal: sequential jobs, just one CPU Parallel: more than one CPU SUBJOBTYPE: openmpi pacx-mpi mpich mpich-g2 plain JOBSTARTER (if not defined, mpi-start) JOBSTARTERARGUMENTS
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October JDL: Interactive jobs INTERACTIVE: true/false. Indicates that the job is interactive and the broker should treat it with higher proirity INTERACTIVEAGENT INTERACTIVEAGENTARGUMENTS These attributes specify the command (and its arguments) used to communicate with the user.
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October JDL: Interactive jobs Type = "Job"; VirtualOrganisation = "imain"; JobType = "Parallel"; SubJobType = “openmpi"; NodeNumber = 11; Interactive = TRUE; InteractiveAgent = “glogin“; InteractiveAgentArguments = “-r –p“; Executable = "test-app"; InputSandbox = {"test-app", "inputfile"}; OutputSanbox = {"std.out", "std.err"}; StdErr = "std.err“; StdOutput = " std.out " ; Rank = other.GlueHostBenchmarkSI00 ; Requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == " Production " ;
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Interactivity gLite Information Index Replica Manager SERVICES Roaming Access Server Cross Broker CE WN CE WN Internet gLite G-login Glogin submission support Migrating Desktop Java visualization plugin GVid GSS secured Video Stream Interactive Job Submission Plugin G-login GVid Gvid GSS secured Video Stream Java visualization plugin
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October key components gLite Information Index Replica Manager SERVICES Resource Broker CE WN CE WN Internet gLite User Interface Matchmaking Batch Job Running Resource Broker User Interface Matchmaking Migrating Destop Roaming Access Server CrossBroker Parallel & Interactive Jobs Running
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October I/O streaming $ i2glogin -p 24599: VirtualOrganisation = "imain"; JobType = “Normal"; Interactive = TRUE; InteractiveAgent = “i2glogin“; InteractiveAgentArguments = “-r –p 24599: -c“; Executable = “/bin/sh"; InputSandbox = {“i2glogin"};
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October I/O streaming CrossBroker WN User applicationi2glogin $ i2glogin -p 24599: Job
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October WN i2glogin I/O streaming CrossBroker User application $ i2glogin -p 24599:
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October WN i2glogin I/O streaming CrossBroker User application $ i2glogin -p 24599: sh-2.05b$ hostname sh-2.05b$ exit exit Connection closed by foreign host $
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Time Sharing on Grid Resources For each task, the broker submits an agent to the Grid. The agent is created in a temporarily-acquired Grid resource. The agent reports back to the CrossBroker and waits. One can think of a sort of pilot job Several approaches are possible
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 32 Time Sharing Scheduling Agent Condor-G CrossBroker Application Launcher Grid Resource LRMS Agent VM1VM2
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 33 Time Sharing Scheduling Agent Condor-G CrossBroker Application Launcher Grid Resource LRMS Agent VM1VM2 VM1 Waiting For job to arrive
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 34 Time Sharing Scheduling Agent Condor-G CrossBroker Application Launcher Grid Resource LRMS Agent VM1VM2 VM1 JOB
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 35 Time Sharing Scheduling Agent Condor-G CrossBroker Application Launcher Grid Resource LRMS Agent VM1VM2 VM1 JOB Batch Job
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 36 Time Sharing Scheduling Agent Condor-G CrossBroker Application Launcher Grid Resource LRMS Agent VM1VM2 VM1 JOB Int. JOB
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October 37 Time Sharing Scheduling Agent Condor-G CrossBroker Application Launcher Grid Resource LRMS Agent VM1VM2 JOB Int. JOB Interactive Job Priority is Adjusted
EGEE 07, Budapest 1-5 October Response Time Mechanism Resource Searching Resoruce Selection Submission Campus Grid Remote Site Free machine submission 3s0.5s17.2s22.3s Glidein submission to free machine 3s0.5s29.3s33.25s Virtual Machine submission 0.5s6.79s8.12s CrossBrokerCE + WN
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