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거대계산과학 허브 워크샵 2012. 7.12~13 부산대. 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4.

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Presentation on theme: "거대계산과학 허브 워크샵 2012. 7.12~13 부산대. 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 거대계산과학 허브 워크샵 2012. 7.12~13 부산대

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4 3 Geant4 동아일보 (2012.7.5) 2012 년 7 월 4 일 오후 4 시 ( 한국시각 ) 21C 물리학계 최고의 사건 ! – Higgs 입자 발견

5 Kihyeon Cho Three approaches to New Physics New particles and new interactions Leptonphysics Energy frontier experiments LHC, ILC, … LHC ILC Higgs, SUSY, Dark matter, New understanding of space-time… exp.,  LFV,  LFV, exp.,  LFV,  LFV, g  -2, … Neutrino mixing/masses, Lepton number non- conservation… J-PARC Quark flavor physics KEKB upgrade CP asymmetry, Baryogenesis, Left-right symmetry, New sources of flavor mixing… Super-B Factory, K exp., etc. M. Yamakuchi, Belle II meeting (2008)

6 5 Energy Frontier Lepton Physics Flavor Physics New Physics New Particles, New Interactions, etc. B- Factory LHC, ILC, etc. J-PARC, etc. Lepton mixing, Lepton number violation, etc. CP Violation, Baryogenesis, Left-Right Model, etc.

7 Why Flavor Physics? The first flavor of new phenomena often comes from flavor physics  Weak decays of light hadrons => existence of charm quark  CP violation => 3 rd quark family  B0 oscillation => heavy top quark B mesons are especially suitable for beyond SM searches  Large mass of b quark – stronger coupling to new particles  Abundant production  Well developed technique of experimental selection 6 G. Borissov

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9 8 Not so near future!! Grossman, Ligeti, Nir (May 2009)

10 Kihyeon Cho Flavor physics in the LHC era LHC (High P T )  A unique effort toward the high-energy frontier to determine the energy scale of NP. Flavor physics  A Collective effort toward the high-intensity frontier to determine the flavor structure of NP 9

11 International Collaborations 10 Belle*/Belle II* @ KEK, Japan CDF*@FNAL, USA e-Science @KISTI IN2P3@France France-Korea Particle Physics Laboratory * Official Collaborations The Leader of FKPPL - CDF Project (Kihyeon Cho) The Chair of Belle II Data Handling working Group (Kihyeon Cho )

12 Theory-Simulation PGS LQCD Geant4 To probe the Standard Model and search for New Physics CDF Belle/Belle II e-Science paradigm e-Science paradigm Theory-Experiment-Simulation K.Cho and H.W.Kim, JKPS (2009) Theory-Exp. FKPPL B physics e-HEP env. - Remote Cont. - DP, DH - EVO

13 Kihyeon Cho To find Higgs particle ex) e-Science paradigm for Higgs ex) e-Science paradigm for Higgs Theory-Experiment-Simulation Geant4

14 13 ⇒ Feed-back between experiments (Belle & CDF) and theories inside KISTI 1. Theory-Experiment 1. Theory-Experiment

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18 1. Data production CDF Remote Control Room @KISTI 2. Data processing Pacific CAF(CDF Analysis Farm) ⇒ North America CAF @KISTI 3. Data Analysis Collaboration EVO servers @KISTI 4. Belle II Data Handling System Working Group Chair (K. Cho) To study high energy physics anytime anywhere even if we are not on-site (accelerator laboratory) 2. Experiment-Computing Simulation

19 CDF Operation Center KISTI Remote Control Room We take shifts at KISTI even if we are not at Fermilab.

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21 Theory model – Simulations  PGS  LQCD  Geant4 => Today’s talk  Astro-Nuclear Simulation by RI accelerator’s user group 20 Ex) A study of Higgs model using cyberinfrastructur\ @KISTI 3. Theory-Simulation 3. Theory-Simulation

22 Kihyeon Cho 21 - To study high energy physics anytime and anywhere - Fusion research of experiment-computing–theory PublicationPublication comment Collider physics using e-Science paradigm of experiment-computing- theory B physics Leading Belle II Data Handling Working Group which consists of more than 30 persons from 12 countries

23 Kihyeon Cho 22 Summary We apply e-Science paradigm to particle physics which works very well. In the LHC era, flavor physics is still important to search for new physics.


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