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Review Meeting – December 16, 2014 Task 2.5 Energy Prices Data Capturing Module.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Meeting – December 16, 2014 Task 2.5 Energy Prices Data Capturing Module."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Meeting – December 16, 2014 Task 2.5 Energy Prices Data Capturing Module

2 Outline Task 2.5 in a nutshell Task 2.5 Implementation Task 2.5 Validation Task 2.5 Conclusions

3 Task 2.5 Nutshell 1/2: Overall description Associated deliverable: D2.5Energy Prices Capturing Module (delivered) Partners involved –TECNALIA Objectives Provide to the DSS dynamic inputs about the energy prices for the different energy sources used at pilot level To define the data model required to reliable information exchange with the DSS. The quality of the managed data is a key factor for further energy performance studies

4 Task 2.5 Nutshell 2/2: Overall description Energy trading Spots: Regular trading spots based on bids only for electricity markets Future GAS trading spots planned. For other energy sources standar client-supplier trading schema Pilots interest on energy prices updates: Participate in the day ahead markets On-line evaluation of the energy prices and consumption on billing. Forecast coming bills. Evaluate profitability of self-consuming energy management policies.

5 Task 2.5: 1/3 Implementation Task 2.5 Context in OPTIMUS and Operation Sequence:

6 Task 2.5: 2/3 Implementation Sant Cugat Pilot Case: Spanish electricity market regulator OMEL (includes Portugal). Data available online, free of charge. Only for electricity. For data no available online alternative mechanism developed Not all the market details are released within 24h timeframe. Some data has a delay. Gathered information: Energy SourceData item to handle ElectricitykWh price within 24h divided in 1h periods ElectricityTraded kWh within 24h divided in 1h periods ElectricityRenewables market quote within 24h divided in 1h periods. Electricity Total electricity demand managed by the market spot within 24h divided in 1h periods. Electricity Total electricity production managed by the market spot within 24h divided in 1h periods. GaskWh price within 24h divided in 1h periods Biomasskg price within 24h divided in 1h periods FuelFuel m 3 price within 24h divided in 1h periods

7 Task 2.5: 3/3 Implementation Savona Campus University: Italian market regulator GME (Gestore Mercatty Energetici) Data available on FTP server, free of charge, but requires registration process. Only for electricity. For data no available online alternative mechanism developed Not all the market details are released within 24h timeframe. Some data has a delay. Gathered information: Energy SourceData item to handle ElectricitykWh price within 24h divided in 1h periods ElectricityTraded kWh within 24h divided in 1h periods ElectricityRenewables market quote within 24h divided in 1h periods. Electricity Total electricity demand managed by the market spot within 24h divided in 1h periods. Electricity Total electricity production managed by the market spot within 24h divided in 1h periods. GaskWh price within 24h divided in 1h periods

8 Task 2.5:Validation Sant Cugat: Validation for electricity prices gathering with real market spot access. Validation for energy prices not available online done using dedicated file patterns Validation includes from online data gathering to final RDF formated data publishing Savona Campus University: Registration with GME not finished yet. Pending to receive by ordinary post mail the second half of the FTP server password. Validation for electricity prices gathering with XML file available for manual download in the GME site. In principle the format of the XML file and the files available on the FTP server is the same. Independently access to FTP server tested. Validation for energy prices not available online done using dedicated file patterns Validation includes from online data gathering to final RDF formated data publishing

9 Task 2.5: Conclusions Regulated energy trading spots only available for electricity. In some countries GAS trading spots are arising. There is not any standard in the way the energy trading spots provide the information. Participating in day ahead markets is tricky in the sense of the requirements to meet and the way in which the final price is stablished.

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