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Collision, Injury and Severity Report Fiscal Year End 2014 OPERATIONS, PLANNING, and SAFETY COMMITTEE.

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Presentation on theme: "Collision, Injury and Severity Report Fiscal Year End 2014 OPERATIONS, PLANNING, and SAFETY COMMITTEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collision, Injury and Severity Report Fiscal Year End 2014 OPERATIONS, PLANNING, and SAFETY COMMITTEE

2 RISK MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT TEAM PROGRESS  Formed in January 2013 to develop and manage a comprehensive and coordinated approach to safety and security  Based on FTA Safety Management Systems Framework: Prep for MAP-21  Developed and submitted comments to FTA on MAP-21 Guidelines  Revised accident response procedures based on review of lessons learned  Continued accident trend analysis internally and engaged Texas Transportation Institute for additional analysis  Enhanced safety education campaigns  Completed audits of all contractor system safety requirements  All corrective action plans in Risk Management Audit addressed 2

3 Vehicle Collisions - YTD Rates vs. FY 2014 Goals Accident Rate per 100,000 miles Through 9/30/14 3

4 Preventable Vehicle Collisions – YTD Rates vs. FY 2014 Goals Accident Rate per 100,000 miles Through 9/30/14 4

5 Passenger Injuries – YTD Rates vs. FY 2014 Goals Accident Rate per 100,000 passengers MV rate per 10,000 passengers Through 9/30/14 5

6 All Services Vehicle Collision and Passenger Injury Rates by Fiscal Year FY 2010 Through FY 2014 * Transition to contractors began August 19, 2012. 6

7 *FY12 through FY14 numbers reflect workers compensation coverage for MV and McDonald employees Medical and Lost Time Injuries by Fiscal Year FY 2010 Through FY 2014 7 Number of Injuries

8 8 Injury Rate per 100 Covered Individuals FY 2009 Through FY 2014 * FY12 through FY14 rates reflect workers compensation coverage for MV and McDonald employees * Transition to contractors began August 19, 2012.

9 Vehicle Collision and Incident Severity for Bus and Paratransit FY 2014 Through 9/30/14 1 37 490 Category I Catastrophic Death or severe injury, system loss, extreme financial loss, damages greater than $100k Category II Critical Severe injury/illness resulting in transport, significant equipment damage, minor service disruption, damages $25 - $100k Category III Minor No injury, damage and insignificant service disruption; damages less than $25k 9

10 Vehicle Collision Severity by Mode FY 2014 Through 9/30/14 1 33 426 0 4 64 Category I Catastrophic Severe loss, damages greater than $100k Category II Critical Significant loss, damages $25 – $100k Category III Minor Insignificant loss, damages less than $25k BUS McDonald, First Transit and Veolia PARATRANSIT 10



13 Peers from CAMPO peer review Systems with similar congestion rating in TTI study COLLISION RATE FOR CMTA AND PEER CITIES 2013 [ SOURCE: NATIONAL TRANSIT DATABASE & TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE ] 13

14 Rail Collisions, Derailments and Passenger Injuries FY 2014 14 MetroRail – DMU collisions with other vehicles or with pedestrians

15 Rail Collisions and Derailments FY 2014 Through 9/30/14 15 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 METRORAIL VEHICLE COLLISIONS FREIGHT DERAILMENTS FREIGHT COLLISIONS Red =Category I Catastrophic Severe loss, damages greater than $100k Yellow = Category II Critical Significant loss, damages $25 – $100k Green =Category III Minor Insignificant loss, damages less than $25k 0 0 1 COMMUTER PASSENGER INJURIES I II III

16 Rail Collisions, Derailments and Passenger Injuries By Fiscal Year 16

17 Future Steps  Contractor completion of Safety Management System Plans  Total Cost of Risk Report  Texas Transportation Institute Collision Study presentation  Continue regular Risk Management Oversight Team meetings  Implementation of new risk management database system 17

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