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Our own faces are quite symmetrical Face Symmetry and our body Activity one: It is your turn to play mirrors!

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Presentation on theme: "Our own faces are quite symmetrical Face Symmetry and our body Activity one: It is your turn to play mirrors!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Our own faces are quite symmetrical Face


4 Symmetry and our body Activity one: It is your turn to play mirrors!


6 Symmetrical Balance

7 Activity two: Find symmetrical objects in the classroom!

8 Symmetry with building blocks Activity three: What can you do with the blocks?

9 Symmetry with a mirror Activity four: Go, build something with the tangrams, stand a mirror against the shape and see the reflectional symmetry!

10 Symmetrical drawings: Folding and pressing the paper well the picture gets printed on the other half. The symmetrical axis of our drawing is the line where it's folded.




14 Symmetry with cuts outs

15 Now, homework: Draw the other half of the drawing!

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