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Introducing Components Diodes & LEDs ELECTRONICS (PART 1 OF 4) Developed by Jonathan Freese WCED: METRO SOUTH EDUCATION DISTRICT.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Components Diodes & LEDs ELECTRONICS (PART 1 OF 4) Developed by Jonathan Freese WCED: METRO SOUTH EDUCATION DISTRICT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Components Diodes & LEDs ELECTRONICS (PART 1 OF 4) Developed by Jonathan Freese WCED: METRO SOUTH EDUCATION DISTRICT

2 ELECTRONICS AROUND US o ATM machines, cell phone, TVs, microwaves, hearing aids, cars all function with electronic components. o Electrons are manipulated in these machines to perform millions of functions that benefit society. o Learning about electronics begins with understanding these basic components.

3 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 9 V cell battery 1,5 Volt cell This 9V battery consists of six 1,5V cells

4 A BASIC ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT Example of a basic electronic circuit: Battery Resistor LED This light is known as a LED (Light emitting Diode)

5 DIODES: TWO TYPES Diode Light Emiting Diode (LED)

6 LED: LIGHT EMMITING DIODE They are a member of the diode family. Diodes only allow current to flow in one direction. So they need to be connected correctly LEDs are very cheap and last very long Remember: When using more than 3 Volts an LED must be protected by A resistor.

7 A CLOSER LOOK AT LEDS Do you see that one leg is longer than the other. Anode The longer leg is the ANODE. It is connected to the positive (+ve) Cathode The shorter leg is the CATHODE. It is connected to the negative (-ve) What do you do if both legs are cut to the same length? Bottom view The flat side of the LED is the CATHODE


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