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Published byAnnabella Ferguson Modified over 8 years ago
천체 분광 특강 1. 항성의 원소 함량 연구 2. 항성의 자기장 연구
강의 개요 이 강좌의 목표는 최신 천문학에서 고분산 에셜 분광기와 고분산 분광편광기를 활용하여 연구되 고 있는 주제를 공부하여, 학생들 스스로가 창의 적인 연구 주제를 도출하여 국내 고분산 분광기나 고분산 분광 편광기를 활용하여 연구를 수행 할 수 있는 능력을 개발하는 것이다. 이 강좌의 목표는 최신 천문학에서 고분산 에셜 분광기와 고분산 분광편광기를 활용하여 연구되 고 있는 주제를 공부하여, 학생들 스스로가 창의 적인 연구 주제를 도출하여 국내 고분산 분광기나 고분산 분광 편광기를 활용하여 연구를 수행 할 수 있는 능력을 개발하는 것이다. 따라서 학습 내용은 크게 1. 항성의 원소 함량연 구, 2. 항성의 자기장연구를 중심으로 이루어 질 것이며 각 주제에 대한 강의와 아울러 주로 학생 들의 발표를 통한 토의 형식으로 강좌가 진행될 계획이다. 따라서 학습 내용은 크게 1. 항성의 원소 함량연 구, 2. 항성의 자기장연구를 중심으로 이루어 질 것이며 각 주제에 대한 강의와 아울러 주로 학생 들의 발표를 통한 토의 형식으로 강좌가 진행될 계획이다.
참고 문헌 1. 원소의 함량 연구 : 1. 원소의 함량 연구 : Observation and Analysis of Stellar Photosphere by D. F. Gray Observation and Analysis of Stellar Photosphere by D. F. Gray Ann Rev A & A 43, 2005 "New Light on Stellar Abundance Anayes : Departure from LTE and Homogeneity Ann Rev A & A 43, 2005 "New Light on Stellar Abundance Anayes : Departure from LTE and Homogeneity 2. 항성의 자기장 연구 : 2. 항성의 자기장 연구 : International Conference on Magnetic Fields in O, B, and A stars, by Balona et al 2003, APCS 305 International Conference on Magnetic Fields in O, B, and A stars, by Balona et al 2003, APCS 305 Solar and Stellar Magnetic Activity by C. J. Schrijver and C. Zwaan, 2000, Cambridge Astrophysics Series 34 Solar and Stellar Magnetic Activity by C. J. Schrijver and C. Zwaan, 2000, Cambridge Astrophysics Series 34 Lecture on Spectral-Line Analysis : F, G, K Stars by D. F. Gray 1988 Lecture on Spectral-Line Analysis : F, G, K Stars by D. F. Gray 1988
강의 진행 본 강의에서는 학생들의 발표 ( 과제로 40%) 가 많 은 비중을 차지하며 발표 후 그 내용을 영문으로 1 페이지 요약한 보고서를 제출하여야 합니다. 본 강의에서는 학생들의 발표 ( 과제로 40%) 가 많 은 비중을 차지하며 발표 후 그 내용을 영문으로 1 페이지 요약한 보고서를 제출하여야 합니다. 학생의 발표 후 토론 및 논의의 참여를 활성화 하기 위하여 수업시간 내에 질문과 답 ( 오답도 포 함 ) 의 횟수를 평소 학습으로 평가합니다. 학생의 발표 후 토론 및 논의의 참여를 활성화 하기 위하여 수업시간 내에 질문과 답 ( 오답도 포 함 ) 의 횟수를 평소 학습으로 평가합니다. 영문 보고서는 자신의 글로 만들어야 하며, 남의 글을 표절하거나, 무조건 인터넷에서 도용한 것을 금지하고 그런 사실이 적발될 경우 무효 처리됩니 다. 영문 보고서는 자신의 글로 만들어야 하며, 남의 글을 표절하거나, 무조건 인터넷에서 도용한 것을 금지하고 그런 사실이 적발될 경우 무효 처리됩니 다.
SOME THOUGHTS ON HOW TO WRITE A WINNING PROPOSAL (from literature) (1) Select a new idea, either entirely new science or a new approach to answer an old problem. (1) Select a new idea, either entirely new science or a new approach to answer an old problem. Clearly state in the proposal that this is a new idea. Clearly state in the proposal that this is a new idea. Proposals to do more of the same science with an old approach generally get lower grades than something new. Proposals to do more of the same science with an old approach generally get lower grades than something new.
Conti- (2) Tie the objectives of the proposal to a major theme of modern astrophysics. (2) Tie the objectives of the proposal to a major theme of modern astrophysics. If the reviewers conclude that your proposal is just another study of "weather", you are lost. If the reviewers conclude that your proposal is just another study of "weather", you are lost. (3) Describe your proposed science as a critical element of a larger scientific program involving observations at other wavelengths, similar targets, or the same targets in a monitoring program. (3) Describe your proposed science as a critical element of a larger scientific program involving observations at other wavelengths, similar targets, or the same targets in a monitoring program.
Conti- 4) Describe in detail how you will proceed from the science objectives to the observing program, to the data analysis, and then to the theoretical interpretation/modelling effort that will accomplish the scientific objectives listed in the proposal. In other words, complete the circle with no lose ends. 4) Describe in detail how you will proceed from the science objectives to the observing program, to the data analysis, and then to the theoretical interpretation/modelling effort that will accomplish the scientific objectives listed in the proposal. In other words, complete the circle with no lose ends. 5)Utilize the unique capabilities of the instrument/telescope. 5)Utilize the unique capabilities of the instrument/telescope. 6) Bring in coordinated or ancillary observations at other wavelengths from other telescopes that add value to the requested observations. Already scheduled observations (especially coordinated observations) on other space or ground-based telescopes provide a strong argument for getting observing time. 6) Bring in coordinated or ancillary observations at other wavelengths from other telescopes that add value to the requested observations. Already scheduled observations (especially coordinated observations) on other space or ground-based telescopes provide a strong argument for getting observing time.
(7) Previous or ongoing theoretical studies relevant to the interpretation of the requested data should be cited clearly in the proposal. (7) Previous or ongoing theoretical studies relevant to the interpretation of the requested data should be cited clearly in the proposal. (8) Verify that the selected targets have not already been observed with the telescope or a similar instrument and that they are not already approved for future observing. (8) Verify that the selected targets have not already been observed with the telescope or a similar instrument and that they are not already approved for future observing. (9) Clearly state why the requested targets are particularly interesting to observe. (9) Clearly state why the requested targets are particularly interesting to observe. (10) Be very clear in your write-up. Quality figures showing previous data,simulated data, or predictions of competing theories are critically important. Use bullets and bold face type to emphasize your points. Confused reviewers rarely accept proposals. (10) Be very clear in your write-up. Quality figures showing previous data,simulated data, or predictions of competing theories are critically important. Use bullets and bold face type to emphasize your points. Confused reviewers rarely accept proposals.
Conti- (11) The reviewers may have to select the best among 100 proposals. So, select an interesting title and put as much content into the abstract as space will allow. Unfortunately, some reviewers may not have time to read beyond the abstract or may not be paying complete attention to your brilliant proposal. (11) The reviewers may have to select the best among 100 proposals. So, select an interesting title and put as much content into the abstract as space will allow. Unfortunately, some reviewers may not have time to read beyond the abstract or may not be paying complete attention to your brilliant proposal.
Where to Find Information OUTLINE OUTLINE SIMBAD: Stellar Properties SIMBAD: Stellar Properties VizieR Catalog Service VizieR Catalog Service Aladin Interactive Sky Atlas Aladin Interactive Sky Atlas Astrophysical Data Service (ADS) Astrophysical Data Service (ADS) Spectrum Services for the Virtual Observatory : Spectrum Services for the Virtual Observatory : SpectroWeb : SpectroWeb :
SIMBAD: STELLAR PROPERTIES Query by object name (e.g., capella), catalog number (e.g., hd34029), coordinates (RA and Dec, e.g., 05 16 41 +49 51 52), lists or parameters. Query by object name (e.g., capella), catalog number (e.g., hd34029), coordinates (RA and Dec, e.g., 05 16 41 +49 51 52), lists or parameters. Coordinates are specified by epoch and equinox. Specification of epoch (if different from 2000) extrapolates proper motions from year 2000. Specification of equinox (if different from 2000) implements precession of the equinoxes from year 2000 (the large effect). The equinoxes precess with a 25,800 year period. This can be done in line 2d. Coordinates in RA and DEC. Also Galactic longitude and latitude and, if you specify in line 2d, ecliptic coordinates. (This is a good place for coordinate transformations). Coordinates are specified by epoch and equinox. Specification of epoch (if different from 2000) extrapolates proper motions from year 2000. Specification of equinox (if different from 2000) implements precession of the equinoxes from year 2000 (the large effect). The equinoxes precess with a 25,800 year period. This can be done in line 2d. Coordinates in RA and DEC. Also Galactic longitude and latitude and, if you specify in line 2d, ecliptic coordinates. (This is a good place for coordinate transformations).
Simbad Proper motion in RA (mas/yr) and Dec (mas/yr). (mas=milliarcsecond) Proper motion in RA (mas/yr) and Dec (mas/yr). (mas=milliarcsecond) Radial velocity (km/s) and parallax (mas). Distance = 1000 pc/parallax(mas). Radial velocity (km/s) and parallax (mas). Distance = 1000 pc/parallax(mas). Many alternative names. Click on alternative name to get reference catalog where the star was listed based on an observing criteria (e.g., instrument used to observe it). Many alternative names. Click on alternative name to get reference catalog where the star was listed based on an observing criteria (e.g., instrument used to observe it). Can make lists of types of objects in groups. For example, to get a list of the 10 brightest B stars in the cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe) type in line 1 Cl* NGC 2632 B and specify 10 in line 1a. Can make lists of types of objects in groups. For example, to get a list of the 10 brightest B stars in the cluster NGC 2632 (Praesepe) type in line 1 Cl* NGC 2632 B and specify 10 in line 1a. To get the brightest T Tauri stars in NGC 6611 type Cl* NGC 6611 T. To get the brightest T Tauri stars in NGC 6611 type Cl* NGC 6611 T. Go to the "Dictionary of Nomenclature" for more information. Go to the "Dictionary of Nomenclature" for more information.
Aladin Previewer Aladin previewer of the star field around the specified coordinates using data from different telescopes and satellites. One can display references to studies of the s tar (fetch the abstracts and the full papers) and the mea surements (best value given first). Read the Aladin Sky Atlas Tutorial. Aladin previewer of the star field around the specified coordinates using data from different telescopes and satellites. One can display references to studies of the s tar (fetch the abstracts and the full papers) and the mea surements (best value given first). Read the Aladin Sky Atlas Tutorial. Go to the external archives and fetch the data. Go to the external archives and fetch the data. Can query the SIMBAD data base to get all objects meeting specified criteria (Query by parameter)(A very useful way to create observing lists):Coordinates and search area. Constrained coodinates, parallax, radial velocity, magnitudes, spectral types, etc. Can query the SIMBAD data base to get all objects meeting specified criteria (Query by parameter)(A very useful way to create observing lists):Coordinates and search area. Constrained coodinates, parallax, radial velocity, magnitudes, spectral types, etc. Presence in specified catalogs. Existence of specified measurements. Existence of stars in identified catalogs. Presence in specified catalogs. Existence of specified measurements. Existence of stars in identified catalogs.
VizieR Website - VIZIER CATALOG SERVICE Useful for finding stars and data in catalogs (5159 available on line). Useful for finding stars and data in catalogs (5159 available on line). Can find observations of a specified object in specified catalogs. Can find observations of a specified object in specified catalogs. Can get a list of catalogs that meet a specified criterion (e.g., ultraviolet) or mission or keyword. Can get a list of catalogs that meet a specified criterion (e.g., ultraviolet) or mission or keyword. Can get data listings for the star requested (e.g., capella) from all catalogs meeting a criterion (e.g., ultraviolet). (For some reason HST was not included). Can get data listings for the star requested (e.g., capella) from all catalogs meeting a criterion (e.g., ultraviolet). (For some reason HST was not included). Click on a specified observation in the listing for a given catalog to get the metadata and to a browse spectrum or the data. Click on a specified observation in the listing for a given catalog to get the metadata and to a browse spectrum or the data. To browse catalogs directly go to Astronomer's Bazaar To browse catalogs directly go to Astronomer's Bazaar
ALADIN INTERACTIVE SKY ATLAS Visualize digitized images of any part of the sky and superimpose entries from any catalog or personalized data files. Visualize digitized images of any part of the sky and superimpose entries from any catalog or personalized data files. Very useful for visualizing multispectral band images. One can superimpose images from different catalogs using different color to identify different spectral bands. Very useful for visualizing multispectral band images. One can superimpose images from different catalogs using different color to identify different spectral bands. Read the documentation before you get too deep into Aladin. Read the documentation before you get too deep into Aladin.
Spectrum Services for the Virtual Observatory more than 1,000,000 spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR1, DR2, DR3, DR4, DR5) and the 2 degree Field redshift survey (2dFGRS). more than 1,000,000 spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS DR1, DR2, DR3, DR4, DR5) and the 2 degree Field redshift survey (2dFGRS).Sloan Digital Sky SurveySloan Digital Sky Survey Query remote data sources in parallel using the standard web service interface Browse and select result for further processing in an easy way Query remote data sources in parallel using the standard web service interface Browse and select result for further processing in an easy way On-the-fly dereddening using Schlegel's dust maps On-the-fly dereddening using Schlegel's dust maps Continuum and line fitting using different template sets Continuum and line fitting using different template sets Keeping with the VO standard ConeSearch, one can also select objects in a given virtual pointing allowing to find objects by their RA, Dec coordinates Keeping with the VO standard ConeSearch, one can also select objects in a given virtual pointing allowing to find objects by their RA, Dec coordinates
Betelgeuse M2, Arcturus K1, The Sun G2, Beta Aqr Go Procyon F5, Canopus F0
ASTROPHYSICAL DATA SERVICE (ADS) Excellent for locating published papers in the refereed and nonrefereed literature. Astronomy and Astrophysics literature and ArXiV preprints (primarily astro-ph). Excellent for locating published papers in the refereed and nonrefereed literature. Astronomy and Astrophysics literature and ArXiV preprints (primarily astro-ph). Can search by author and/or words in title and/abstract. Can search by author and/or words in title and/abstract. A new and very powerful tool is to seach the full text of all 2.5M papers in the ADS data base for a given word or a string of words. Simplify the output by specifying date intervals to be searched and use filters (i.e., only refereed papers). When you click on a reference, you can read abstract and download the full paper. A new and very powerful tool is to seach the full text of all 2.5M papers in the ADS data base for a given word or a string of words. Simplify the output by specifying date intervals to be searched and use filters (i.e., only refereed papers). When you click on a reference, you can read abstract and download the full paper. Also One can get a list of all papers that have cited the paper in question (to see later papers on the same topic). Also One can get a list of all papers that have cited the paper in question (to see later papers on the same topic).
ADS Also can list the "also-read articles" on the same topic or "find "similar abstracts". Also can list the "also-read articles" on the same topic or "find "similar abstracts". To download figures and tables from papers choose the "electronic version" option and click on the small version of a figure. Then save the file and play with it. To download figures and tables from papers choose the "electronic version" option and click on the small version of a figure. Then save the file and play with it.
WHY WRITE PAPERS FOR THE SCIENTIC JOURNALS telling the rest of the world what you have done and making yourself known. Great ideas, excellent observing and data analysis skills, and hard work are not sufficieint. Your collegues need to know what you have done. So developing writing skills and lecture skills are critically important. Creativity and the ability to bring together insights, data, and theory from different fields of research is important in creating an excellent paper. telling the rest of the world what you have done and making yourself known. Great ideas, excellent observing and data analysis skills, and hard work are not sufficieint. Your collegues need to know what you have done. So developing writing skills and lecture skills are critically important. Creativity and the ability to bring together insights, data, and theory from different fields of research is important in creating an excellent paper.
PLANNING TO WRITE A SCIENTIFIC PAPER You need a new idea or a way to take an existing idea forward. This involves either a new dataset with which to address a problem, a new or more developed theoretical approach, or a way of combining or reanalyzing existing data sets from the archives. Acquire the data you need either from new observations or from data archives. Find from the literature or (better) develop yourself a model for understanding the data. Work closely with collaborators who can provide the data, models, or understanding of what has been done in the past. Don't be afraid to ask for help (even from somebody who you do not know.) You need a new idea or a way to take an existing idea forward. This involves either a new dataset with which to address a problem, a new or more developed theoretical approach, or a way of combining or reanalyzing existing data sets from the archives. Acquire the data you need either from new observations or from data archives. Find from the literature or (better) develop yourself a model for understanding the data. Work closely with collaborators who can provide the data, models, or understanding of what has been done in the past. Don't be afraid to ask for help (even from somebody who you do not know.)
TECHNIQUES FOR WRITING A SCIENTIFIC PAPER Develop a logical approach including the following steps: Develop a logical approach including the following steps: Clearly state the problem to be solved. Clearly state the problem to be solved. Describe the previous work (observational and theoretical) and say why this work should and can be improved. Describe the previous work (observational and theoretical) and say why this work should and can be improved. Describe the new data (which instruments, which modes, when, S/N, where archived, etc.). Describe the new data (which instruments, which modes, when, S/N, where archived, etc.). Describe the data reduction and analysis procedure. Describe the data reduction and analysis procedure. Develop or cite the theoretical approach used to make the mode used to understand the data. Develop or cite the theoretical approach used to make the mode used to understand the data. Discuss the implications of your work and what new observations of theory are needed to carry this work forward. Discuss the implications of your work and what new observations of theory are needed to carry this work forward. Summarize your work and its conclusions. Summarize your work and its conclusions.
Consider writing the paper in the following order Data figures(Plot measured quantities against time, space, and other quantities to show functional or statistical relations. Include predictions of various theories or models in the figures for comparison with the data). Data figures(Plot measured quantities against time, space, and other quantities to show functional or statistical relations. Include predictions of various theories or models in the figures for comparison with the data). A "cartoon" that shows how your model works and how it explains the data. A "cartoon" that shows how your model works and how it explains the data. Title (Summarize your conclusions in a few words. This can be a real challenge so be creative.) Title (Summarize your conclusions in a few words. This can be a real challenge so be creative.) Abstract (Say what you have done and why it is important in the grand scheme of astrophysics all in one paragraph). Abstract (Say what you have done and why it is important in the grand scheme of astrophysics all in one paragraph). Tables of data or model predictions. Tables of data or model predictions. Text that says what you have already shown in the figures, "cartoon", title, abstract, and tables. (At this point the text is easy since you have already done most of the work.) Text that says what you have already shown in the figures, "cartoon", title, abstract, and tables. (At this point the text is easy since you have already done most of the work.) References and acknowledgements. References and acknowledgements.
과제 1. Make a list of all B-type stars with B magnitudes between 2 and 4 which can be observed from Seoul. Plot their locations in the sky in Galactic and ecliptic coordinates. Is there a pattern in the data? Make a list of all B-type stars with B magnitudes between 2 and 4 which can be observed from Seoul. Plot their locations in the sky in Galactic and ecliptic coordinates. Is there a pattern in the data? Make a list of all brown dwarfs described in the catalogs of infrared observations. Plot their locations in Galactic coordinates. Which of these stars have been detected at x-ray and ultraviolet wavelengths? Make a list of all brown dwarfs described in the catalogs of infrared observations. Plot their locations in Galactic coordinates. Which of these stars have been detected at x-ray and ultraviolet wavelengths?
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