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George Papanikolaou the inventor of test Pap Greek doctor, biologist and researcher Born : 13th May, 1883 Died : 19th February, 1962 (Aged 78)

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Presentation on theme: "George Papanikolaou the inventor of test Pap Greek doctor, biologist and researcher Born : 13th May, 1883 Died : 19th February, 1962 (Aged 78)"— Presentation transcript:

1 George Papanikolaou the inventor of test Pap Greek doctor, biologist and researcher Born : 13th May, 1883 Died : 19th February, 1962 (Aged 78)

2 Greek cell biologist and early cancer detection researcher George Papanikolaou invented the Pap smear test.

3 He became known for his invention of the Papanikolaou test, commonly known as the Pap smear or Pap test, which is used worldwide for the detection and prevention of cervical cancer and other cytologic diseases of the female reproductive system.

4 Papanikolaou’s procedure was a monumental breakthrough Pathologist George Papanikolaou discovered in 1928 that uterine cancer could be detected by microscopically examining cells from tissue surfaces scraped of the interior of the vagina. That was the most important invention of the 20 th century for cancer.

5 Papanikolaou made a discovery of incredible significance to women The detection of cervical cancer, prior to the Pap test, was often difficult. This is due to the fact that cervical cancer is both slow growing and often shows no symptoms.

6 Papanikolaou’s new test changed this. The Pap test was able to detect these cellular changes before they became cancerous. As Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, supported: “It’s better to prevent than cure”

7 Cervical cancer, the 3 rd most common cause of death for women worldwide Cervical cancer is the third most wide spread cancer in the world after breast and lung cancer. After breast cancer, it’s the second most common cancer and main cause of death in developing countries. About 270.000 women die from cancer of uterus every year. About 40 women die in Europe from this type of cancer every day.

8 A lifesaving test Since the widespread introduction of the Pap smear, deaths from cervical cancer have dropped over 70 percent and the lives of millions of women have been extended.

9 Though Papanikolaou made his discovery in 1928, it was not until the 1940s that the Pap test found acceptance within the medical community. In 1950 Papanikolaou was awarded a Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research. He won many other prestigious medical awards for his contribution. The acceptance in the medical community

10 In 1961 he moved to Florida to develop the Papanikolaou Cancer Research Institute at the University of Miami, but he passed away from heart failure not long after, in 1962. In 1978 his work was recognised by the US Postal Service with a 13- cent stamp for Early Cancer Detection.

11 In Greece, many hospitals are called “Papanikolaou”, stamps and bank notes were issued in order to honour him.

12 The women are grateful to Dr Pap

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