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Common Concern for the Arctic 9-10 September Ilulissat Greenland Claude Rouam DG Environment European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Concern for the Arctic 9-10 September Ilulissat Greenland Claude Rouam DG Environment European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Concern for the Arctic 9-10 September Ilulissat Greenland Claude Rouam DG Environment European Commission

2 Non-renewable resources: opportunities and concerns ► Adaptation to climate change ► Sustainable development ► Risk-management Question: does current environmental governance match up to the challenges?

3 Opportunities, concerns, solutions Economic opportunities Environmental concerns Possible solutions ► Oil, gas, minerals ► New shipping routes ► Tourism ► (Fisheries) ► Pollution (water, air, chemicals…) ► Climate change ► Ecosystem impact ► Accident-risk ► High standards ► EIA, SEA ► Monitoring ► Ecosystem management ► Prevention, preparedness, response ► Clean-up

4 Environmental governance: current mosaic ► National legislation ► UNCLOS ► MEAs (CBD, Espoo, CLRTAP…) ► OSPAR ► MARPOL ► Recommendations (Arctic Council…) ► Co-operation (Northern Dimension…)

5 Why is the mosaic inadequate? ► Absence of policy agenda setting ► Gaps ► Not designed for Arctic ► Lack of coordination between instruments ► Participation (key players not parties) ► Response too slow ► ‘Soft law’ too soft?

6 Why strengthen UNCLOS? ► General legal and political backbone – no need to reinvent BUT ► ‘Constitutional’ not operational ► Does not reflect recent developments of sustainable development ► Global – not tailored to Arctic ► Slow review process ► USA not party UNCLOS needs additional environmental measures for Arctic (NB: articles 123, 197, 234)

7 Possible options ► UNCLOS Implementing Agreement ► Regional Sea Agreement (OSPAR model) ► Develop MEAs ► Strengthen Arctic Council ► Increase civil society role ► EU role, tools to offer (ND Env Partnership, AC, BEAC…) ILULISSAT: Timely debate

8 "In 2007 the ice was 1.3 metres thick on average, compared with 2.6 metres in 2004" Quoted from issue 2667 of New Scientist magazine, 02 August 2008, page 7

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