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Digimap Site Reps: Update for 09/10 7 October, 2009 Emma Sutton.

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Presentation on theme: "Digimap Site Reps: Update for 09/10 7 October, 2009 Emma Sutton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digimap Site Reps: Update for 09/10 7 October, 2009 Emma Sutton

2 Digimap Training Workshops Session content Variation Agreement to Digimap’s OS Collection Data update – Thursday 17 September 2009 New underlying technology for Digimap Digimap Roam - new mapping facility in OS Collection Forthcoming changes to Digimap Collections Keeping up to date with Digimap developments

3 Digimap Training Workshops Variation Agreement Valid from 1 August 2009 until 31 July 2010 Key amendments: –Change to definition of authorised user –Change in the available Ordnance Survey products (Schedule 1 of Variation Agreement) –Change to publication sizes (Schedule 2 of Variation Agreement)

4 Digimap Training Workshops Authorised user Paragraph 2.2: Any students of, staff (both current or retired) of, or visitors to an Authorised Institution who are both properly: 1.Authorised by an Authorised Institution to access the Authorised Institutions electronic information services via secure authentication; and 2.Registered with a Datacentre in accordance with the procedure as set out in Schedule 7 of the Existing Agreement

5 Digimap Training Workshops Authorised user (cntd.) Paragraph 2.2 (cntd.): – For the avoidance of doubt, students who are registered at an overseas campus of an Authorised Institution (Overseas Students) do not qualify as Authorised Users of that Authorised Institution whilst they are overseas (studying or otherwise) for the purposes of this Variation Agreement. – However, Overseas Students may qualify as Authorised Users during any period spent studying in the UK as an Authorised Institution. Overseas Students will lose their Authorised User status as soon as they leave the United Kingdom.

6 Digimap Training Workshops Re-acceptance of licence

7 Digimap Training Workshops Re-acceptance of licence 2

8 Digimap Training Workshops Re-acceptance of licence 3

9 Digimap Training Workshops Re-acceptance of licence 4

10 Digimap Training Workshops Change to available OS products Schedule 1 of the Variation Agreement supersedes and replaces Appendix 2 of the Existing Agreement. Schedule 1 details all the Ordnance Survey products that comprise the Licensed Work i.e. Digimap’s Ordnance Survey Collection. Land-Line.Plus® removed. N.b. any continued use of Land-Line.Plus is subject to the relevant party entering into an archive licence. Boundary Line TM, MiniScale ® added.

11 Digimap Training Workshops Change in Publication sizes Schedule 2 of the Variation Agreement supersedes and replaces Appendix 4 of the Existing Agreement – details Paper and Electronic Publication Sizes. Schedule 2 defines and details publication sizes for the following types of publication: Paper, Electronic, Repositories, Intranet, Internet. Sizes no longer based on ground area. For any form of electronic publication, digital maps must appear as images and not be created in real time. Digital maps may be included in documents held in repositories provided the documents are in a locked format e.g. PDF. Digital data must never be stored in a repository.

12 Digimap Training Workshops Other changes Additional clause – Subject to the provisions of Appendices 3 and 4, throughout the term of this Sub- Licence the Sub-Licensee may for Education Purposes only: –3.1.16 ‘share data with other Authorised Users of both the same authorised Institution and different Authorised Institutions’. All references to the following removed: –Athens (replaced with UK Access Management Federation) –Ordnance Survey’s discontinued LandLine product –Class registrations (not possible with UK Access Management Federation authentication)

13 Digimap Training Workshops Session content Variation Agreement to Digimap’s OS Collection Data update – Thursday 17 September 2009 New underlying technology for Digimap Digimap Roam - new mapping facility in OS Collection Forthcoming changes to Digimap Collections Keeping up to date with Digimap developments

14 Digimap Training Workshops Data update What products have been updated? New, small scale, Ordnance Survey datasets: –MiniScale –1:250,000 Scale Colour Raster –The products are currently available in ShareGeo, but will be added to OS Data Download facility shortly

15 Digimap Training Workshops Session content Variation Agreement to Digimap’s OS Collection Data update – Thursday 17 September 2009 New underlying technology for Digimap Digimap Roam - new mapping facility in OS Collection Forthcoming changes to Digimap Collections Keeping up to date with Digimap developments

16 Digimap Training Workshops New underlying technology What is the new technology? –CadCorp What does it do? What does this mean for our users? Benefits: –Enhanced quality maps –Faster map generation –Clear prints in a single format – PDF –Adobe Reader 8.1 is required to view prints –EPS, PNG are no longer available

17 Digimap Training Workshops Session content Variation Agreement to Digimap’s OS Collection Data update – Thursday 17 September 2009 New underlying technology for Digimap Digimap Roam - new mapping facility in OS Collection Forthcoming changes to Digimap Collections Keeping up to date with Digimap developments

18 Digimap Training Workshops Digimap Roam OS Collection – now 3 mapping facilities Roam and Classic will run in tandem until Jan 2010 Key features of Roam: 12 fixed scale map views Simple search options Enhanced navigation – additional zoom and pan options

19 Digimap Training Workshops Session content Variation Agreement to Digimap’s OS Collection Data update – Thursday 17 September 2009 New underlying technology for Digimap Digimap Roam - new mapping facility in OS Collection Forthcoming changes to Digimap Collections Keeping up to date with Digimap developments

20 Digimap Training Workshops Forthcoming changes Historic Digimap: –New, separate download facility –Addition of Town Plans, to download facility in first instance –New mapping facility

21 Digimap Training Workshops Session Content Variation Agreement to Digimap’s OS Collection Data update – Thursday 17 September 2009 New underlying technology for Digimap Digimap Roam - new mapping facility in OS Collection Forthcoming changes to Digimap Collections Keeping up to date with Digimap developments

22 Digimap Training Workshops Keeping up to date Digimap login page –WAYFless URLs Digimap Home page Digimap blog – RSS feed available: – Training and online meetings – RSS feed available: –

23 Digimap Training Workshops Site Reps – Getting Support EDINA Helpdesk –email: –telephone: 0131 650 3302 –fax: 0131 650 3308 EDINA Digimap website: – Email discussion list for Site Reps: –

24 Digimap Training Workshops Questions?

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