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Published byAdela Wiggins Modified over 8 years ago
David Hitlin Caltech Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics Elba May 26, 2009
Crystals for Dual-Readout Calorimetry Gabriella Gaudio Measurement of the Detection Efficiency of a Lead- Scintillating Fiber Calorimeter to Neutrons from 10 to 174 MeV (KLOE-2 ) Stefano Miscetti Beam Test of Shashlyk EM Calorimeter Prototypes Readout by Novel MAPD with Super High Linearity Igor Chirikov-Zorin Tile Calorimeter for KLOE-2 Upgrade Matteo Martini A Large Scale Prototype for a SiW Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the ILC - EUDET Module Kaloyan Krastev The ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeter Sebastian White Study of the Limitations of the Operation of the ATLAS End-Cap Calorimeters at sLHC Luminosities: the HiLum Experiment Yuriy Tikhonov Contributions Gamma Ray Reconstruction with Liquid Xenon Calorimeter for the MEG Experiment Yusuke Uchiyama Comparison Between GEANT4, Fluka and the ATLAS TileCal Test-Beam Data Michele Cascella ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Data Quality Assessment and Performance with Calibration, Cosmic and First Beam Data Matteo Volpi Plans for Checking Hadronic Energy Depositions in the ATLAS Calorimeters Nadia Davidson Status of the calibration of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter after the commissioning phase Alessio Ghezzi Jet Calibration in the ATLAS Experiment at LHC Vincent Giangiobbe Pulse Shapes for Signal Reconstruction in the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Imai Jen-La Plante LASER Monitoring System for the ATLAS Tile Hadron Calorimeter Sebastien Viret Calibration, Data Quality, Reconstruction The CMS Preshower Construction and Commissioning Rong-Shyang Lu Quality Assurance Issues of the CMS Preshower Anna Elliott-Peisert Construction Detector Development Rate limitations, radiation hardness
Crystals for Dual-Readout Calorimetry Gabriella Gaudio Measurement of the Detection Efficiency of a Lead- Scintillating Fiber Calorimeter to Neutrons from 10 to 174 MeV (KLOE-2 ) Stefano Miscetti Beam Test of Shashlyk EM Calorimeter Prototypes Readout by Novel MAPD with Super High Linearity Igor Chirikov-Zorin Tile Calorimeter for KLOE-2 Upgrade Matteo Martini A Large Scale Prototype for a SiW Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the ILC - EUDET Module Kaloyan Krastev The ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeter Sebastian White Study of the Limitations of the Operation of the ATLAS End-Cap Calorimeters at sLHC Luminosities: the HiLum Experiment Yuriy Tikhonov Contributions Gamma Ray Reconstruction with Liquid Xenon Calorimeter for the MEG Experiment Yusuke Uchiyama Comparison Between GEANT4, Fluka and the ATLAS TileCal Test-Beam Data Michele Cascella ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Data Quality Assessment and Performance with Calibration, Cosmic and First Beam Data Matteo Volpi Plans for Checking Hadronic Energy Depositions in the ATLAS Calorimeters Nadia Davidson Status of the calibration of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter after the commissioning phase Alessio Ghezzi Jet Calibration in the ATLAS Experiment at LHC Vincent Giangiobbe Pulse Shapes for Signal Reconstruction in the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Imai Jen-La Plante LASER Monitoring System for the ATLAS Tile Hadron Calorimeter Sebastien Viret Calibration, Data Quality, Reconstruction The CMS Preshower Construction and Commissioning Rong-Shyang Lu Quality Assurance Issues of the CMS Preshower Anna Elliott-Peisert Construction Detector Development Rate limitations, radiation hardness n.b. I have been as inclusive as time permits; actually, probably more inclusive than time permits. I apologize in advance if your poster is not mentioned or is not covered as extensively as it obviously deserves.
G. Gaudio - 11th Pisa meeting on advanced detectors - Calorimetry - Poster Session Dual REAdout Method principle The Dual REAdout Method allows to improve the performances of hadronic calorimeters by measuring event-by-event the electromagnetic fraction of the hadronic cascade, thus reducing its fluctuation and obtaining a better resolution and linearity. The method is based on the separation of the Scintillation light due to ionization and Cherenkov light produced almost exclusively by relativistic particles, i.e. the electromagnetic component of the hadronic shower. Separation of Cherenkov (C) and Scintillation (S) light in crystals can be achieved by exploiting: ✴ Time structure: C light is prompt, while S is characterized by one or several time constants ✴ Spectral Properties: C emission exhibits a λ -2 spectrum, while for S the emission spectrum is characteristic of the crystal type, usually it shows some peaks. ✴ Directionality: C light is emitted at a characteristic angle θ C = arccos(1/βn), while S is isotropic (not feasible in real detectors) DREAM Method in Crystals In order to have the best possible separation a crystal must have a scintillation emission: ★ in a wavelength region far from the Cherenkov one ★ with a decay time of order of hundreds of nanoseconds ★ not too bright to get a good C/S ratio (<50% BGO emission) Characteristic of optimal crystal for DREAM
G. Gaudio - 11th Pisa meeting on advanced detectors - Calorimetry - Poster Session Results from 2008 Test Beam Molybdenum doped PbW0 4 Molybdenum doping causes: ★ shift of the S spectra to higher λ wrt undoped crystal ★ longer S decay time (50 ns) ★ shift of the absorption cut-off to higher λ This allows to obtain a very good C/S separation using filters. Very narrow window where C light can be collected results in strong light attenuation. Praseodymium doped PbW0 4 Praseodymium doping causes: ★ shift of the S spectra to higher λ (emission in the red region) ★ too long S decay time ( ∼ μs) ★ shift of the absorption cut-off to higher λ The high wavelength shift allow for higher cut-off filters, resulting in no light attenuation effect. The too long tail in scintillation emission is not suitable for fast calorimetry.
scint = 175nm
N. Anfimov a, I. Chirikov-Zorin a *, A. Dovlatov a, O. Gavrishchuk a, A. Guskov a, N. Khovanskiy a, Z. Krumshtein a, R. Leitner a, G. Meshcheryakov a, A.Nagaytsev a, A. Olchevski a, T. Rezinko a, A. Sadovskiy a, Z. Sadygov a, I. Savin a, V. Tchalyshev a, I. Tyapkin a, G. Yarygin a, F. Zerrouk b a Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia b Zecotek Company Beam test of Shashlyk EM calorimeter prototypes readout by novel MAPD with super high linearity
Quad-calorimeter for KLOE-2 QCALT are a pair of new quadrupole calorimeters to increase acceptance for ’ s Dodecagonal structure Tungsten radiator and scintillator tile readout by SiPM Total calorimeter length: 1m 5x5 cm 2 tiles along Z Scintillator 5 mm Tungsten 3.5 mm Air 1 mm Total calorimeter depth 4.75 cm equivalent to 5.5 X0 New custom electronics to manage signals from SiPM and for HV regulation. For the system made by: BC408, Saint Gobain multiclad fiber and Hamamatsu 400 pixels SiPM, we obtain a response of 32 pe/mip with a time resolution of 750 ps. Obtained light yield and time resolution are already sufficient for our purposes. 5 mm tile 32 pe/mip t =750ps KLOE-2 IP
KLOE-like SPACAL-like
ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Data Quality Assessment and Performance with Calibration,Cosmic and First Beam Data. 11th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy) May 24 - 30, 2009 Matteo Volpi on behalf of ATLAS Collaboration TileCal Online Tile Calorimeter Data Quality Infrastructure We study the data and provide a first feedback Offline We update the detector conditions before the bulk reconstruction starts. Tool to update the bad channel list In COOL offline database Shifter tools: -The Online Histogram Presenter (OHP) is the ATLAS tool to display Histograms produced by the online monitoring system Online Monitoring: Average cell energy vs module for EBC partition. Online monitoring: Atlantis display of cosmic muon event -Online ATLAS event displays and Data Quality Monitoring Framework (DQMF) perform automatic checks to assess Data Quality. - Monitoring of the physics performance of the detector, integrated in ATLAS-wide monitoring and DQMF. Offline Monitoring/DQ is called Tier0 DQ. - The detector status is also evaluated in calibration runs:CAF Monitoring/DQ (Calibration streams): DQMF summary and muon energy loss per mm for run91891 Pedestal calibration run and DQMF checks
Tile Calorimeter Performance with calibration, cosmic rays and LHC single beam data Matteo Volpi on behalf of ATLAS Collaboration TileCal -During 2008, the Tile Calorimeter was commissioned with the other ATLAS sub-detectors. -Cosmic data was analyzed to verify the Data Preparation. -The commissioning culminated when the Large Hadronic Collider (LHC) circulated proton beams. ATLAS preliminary 8-fold structure in phi of the beam splash events. The structure and the up-down asymmetry are due to the material in front of TileCal. Effect observed in OHP Monitoring during the shift. Measure of the timing inter-calibration with splash events. Within each partition, an almost flat distribution was observed, demonstrating the very good time equalization performed with laser data, as of the first beam date. performed with laser data, as of the first beam date. Electronic Noise as a function of time from the start of ATLAS continuous running in Aug. 2008 to Nov. 2008 The relative variation in time is within 1%. Direct correlation between cosmic results and beam results. Cosmic cell time response vs beam cell time response both referenced to the time of one channel. Timing Noise Energy response
Plans for checking hadronic energy depositions in the ATLAS calorimeters N. Davidson (The University of Melbourne) On behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration Background The energy deposited by selected hadrons was contaminated by energy from neutral particles accompanying the selected charged hadron. Selecting isolated pions in minimum bias events Calorimeters Energy (E) is taken as the sum of cells or clusters within a cone Inner Detector Momentum (p) is taken from track of charged hadron Range: |η|< 2.5 Use isolated charged tracks reconstructed in the inner detector to improve understanding of jet reconstruction and calibration scale in the calorimeters Results All values of the mean E/p were found to be statistically consistent with the isolated pion sample without background. Systematic effects were studied such as hadron species (pion, kaon or proton) and the limitations of the background estimation technique. The estimated systematic effects were statistically dominated, but always below 10% p T =4-6 GeV Late showering hadrons There was little overlap between hadron Showers and showers of other particles Had. Cal. EM Cal. core cone Hadron shower Showers from other particles Early Showering hadrons There was overlap between hadron showers and showers of other particles Hadron shower Showers from other particles Had. Cal. EM Cal. Region where background was measured
The ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeter Sebastian White Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA The ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeter Sebastian White Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA A position sensitive calorimeter for multi Gigarad applications: Challenges:. METHOD : The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) is a sampling device with alternating 1cm Tungsten radiator plates and 1.5 mm diameter fused silica rod layers (strips). The total calorimeter consists of 4 modules- each 1.14 L int (29 X 0 ) thick. Modules 1 and 2 are built to reconstruct positions of Electromagnetic and hadronic showers, respectively. In each case1 mm diameter silica rods (rods) pass through holes drilled through the Tungsten Plate in a 1x1 cm pattern. Fused silica (GE-124) is chosen for radiation hardness and a hybrid of strip layers and penetrating rods provide sufficient light signal as well as spatial resolution. Radiation Damage Studies: 1. ATLAS Heavy Ion Physics Performance Report 2. ATLAS ZDC Letter of Intent- CERN/LHCC/2007- 001 LHCC I-016 3. Grad-level Radiation Damage of Si O 2 Detectors N.Simos, S.White et al.-IEEE Nucl.Sci. Figure 1 Configuration of the ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDC’s). Detectors are located in the TAN absorber housing at +/- 140 m from IP1. Detectors are on the line of site for forward neutral particles. They consist of 4 modules (in depth) some of which have coordinate readout. Figure 2 Principle of coordinate readout. Sampling is by 11 -1cm plates with layers.of 1.5 mm fused silica rods (strips). In addition 64 (96) 1mm rods penetrate the stack and are projective along the beam. Rods are read out by individual Hamamatsu R1635 PMTs. Figure 3. Schematic of position determination method (left) and 2g reconstructed mass spectrum from 1 M simulated Pythia events. Requirements: 1) extend ATLAS coverage to h>8. 2) Characterize Heavy Ion collisions (impact parameter and orientation). 3) Provide a trigger for inclusive and diffractive hard photoproduction in Pb-Pb and Pb-p. 4) Measure 2.75 TeV neutron energy to ~20%. 5) Reconstruct p 0, h 0 at large x F. Figure 4 Annual integrated dose expected for 1 year of LHC running in pp mode with 10 33 luminosity. Calculation uses MARS code and full beamline geometry. Figure 5 Transmittance at several wavelengths as a function of dose in a 64 mm long fiber. Figure 6 Pre and post irradiation micrographs of our fused silica fibers. Figure 7 Digitized waveforms ( 8 PMTs x 7 time slices) through full ATLAS daq (May 15 ’09)/ 1)Highest Radiation dose of any detector at the LHC (-2 GRad/yr at L=10 33 cm -2 s -1 ) 2) Measure energy and position of neutrals to mms. Fibers were exposed to an integrated dose of up to 28 Grad at the BNL light Ion Producer. Transmission loss was observed at ~5 Grad. Microscopic inspection shows damage to both bulk and surface. Visible dislocations are likely due to energetic nuclear fragments. Figure 8. Final installation of the sector 1-2 ATLAS ZDC,
Calibration of the CMS Ecal before the assembly: 1/4 of the barrel have been calibrated exposing them to an electron beam (120 GeV) reference calibration with high accuracy In the endcaps the calibration are obtained from laboratory measurement of the crystal LY and of the VPT signal. The accuracy of this calibration is about 10%. The CMS Ecal is made of 75848 PbWO4 crystals, readout by APD in the barrel and by VPT in the Endcaps. To achieve excellent energy resolution a precise calibration of the response of the different channels is needed. All the barrel modules have been exposed to cosmic ray muons in a dedicated setup and the calibration is obtained by equalizing the responses of the different channels to the energy (~250MeV) deposited by muons (m.i.p) aligned with the crystal axis. By comparison with the beam calibration the average precision of this technique have been measured to be better than 2%. Status of the calibration of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter after the commissioning phase Alessio Ghezzi
Calibration of the CMS at the LHC startup: -symmetry : in MB events expected uniform energy deposition in The expected precision varies with from ~1% in the central region to ~4% at the barrel end. Calibration with 0 and : fit (S+B) of the invariant mass distribution and use the 0 mass to equalize the response of the different channels. With and integrated luminosity of ~5 pb -1 a calibration accuracy at the 0.5% level is expected for most of the barrel. Both for the -symmetry and for the calibration with 0 and decays specific triggers and data streams have been designed in order to increase the rate of storable events. More than 600 M cosmic muon events have been collected during the CMS commissioning. Possibility to measure the stopping power for muons in ECAL Good agreement with the expected values for PbWO 4
137,216 channels >99.9% are operational 64 channels not biased due to a short ~100 channels are noisy For details of quality control, see poster by Anna Peisert: Quality control issues of the CMS Preshower
Discernable trends in calorimetry? Testing of full scale article flow calorimeters and, recently, potential alternatives Total absorption devices –First large LXe calorimeter in use –Increasing use of new crystals such as LYSO in HEP experiments –Search for crystals suitable for dual-readout calorimeters Strong emphasis on commissioning and calibrating the calorimeters of the LHC experiments –Energy scale –Linearity –Stability –Rate capability Improvements in SiPM devices and increasing deployment in new calorimeters and other detectors Exploration of techniques usable at SLHC rates and radiation levels
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