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 DCIC serves Madison and Dane County including: ◦ Medical providers ◦ Pharmacists ◦ Insurers ◦ Clinic staff/managers ◦ School nurses ◦ ICPs ◦ Home.

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3  DCIC serves Madison and Dane County including: ◦ Medical providers ◦ Pharmacists ◦ Insurers ◦ Clinic staff/managers ◦ School nurses ◦ ICPs ◦ Home health ◦ Corrections ◦ Etc…

4  $7,000 for outreach and education to increase HPV vaccine rates in Dane County  State provided quarterly connections with other coalitions to collaborate and share ideas


6  Imm update at 7 local clinics (webcast), reached, ~45 attendees  Annual Immunization Symposium ~ 200 attendees. HPV emphasis, handouts, flyers, posters  Planned to utilize recorded presentation by specialists, for lunch-and-learns to local clinics  But, didn’t happen.

7 Movie theatersSchools  HPV “Close the Door to Cancer” movie trailer at 3 area theaters for 6 weeks over holidays  Contacted school nurses. Offered info/posters to school nurses with Limited uptake.



10  Nuestro Salud Spanish radio health program, in June, 2015, featuring Dr. Patricia Tellez- Jiron.  HPV outreach materials provided to Latino outreach events “Dia de los Ninos”, May 2015  Planned Parenthood –Update on HPV for “Promotoras de Salud” May 2015


12  Community health workers—lay workers  Provide home health parties of women, with food, fun and social connections  Visited 420 people in 2015  Already talking about sexual health and other health topics

13  Began with DCIC member active in the African American community  African American Health Network event  Madison City Hues (newspaper) article followed


15 Capital City Hues newspaper article followed event

16  It’s all about who you know—get connected to the community/leaders/relationships  Find the source of trusted connections— leaders, churches, centers, etc.  Equip and let go. Accept style differences  Communicate clearly the expectations, needs, rules/guidelines, in advance

17  Diane McHugh, RN BSN ◦

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