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USAC/Schools and Library Funding Commitments Searches and Data Retrievals.

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Presentation on theme: "USAC/Schools and Library Funding Commitments Searches and Data Retrievals."— Presentation transcript:

1 USAC/Schools and Library Funding Commitments Searches and Data Retrievals

2 To look at funding commitments click on this link.

3 Click on Advanced Search of Commitments. Then click on Advanced Search.

4 Enter your query information here. If you are interested in a specific funding wave, enter it here. Example of funding wave 1, enter 001. If you enter nothing, you will get all funding waves for the year. Then click on the create detailed report box and click on the search bar.

5 This is what you get. You can click on the wave links to the left or select the Export to Excel option below.

6 Click on Open to see and use immediately, OR save it to review at a later date.

7 This is the excel report you get. Funding Request # BEN/Applicant Name BEN/Applicant Address BEN/Applicant Type Wave # it was Funded In Category of Funding Discount % Amount Committed

8 Data Retrieval - Basic Click on Search Tools Link.

9 Click on Data Retrieval Tool. Then Click on Data Retrieval Tool AGAIN!

10 Top part of query definitions page.

11 Bottom half of query input page. If you click on Select Data Points you can get more information, like names, full addresses, statuses, etc. If you click on Select Standard Report you get only FRN, BEN #, Form 471 #, SPIN #, service start date, amount requested, amount funded and amount paid out. Works great when you know Applicant BEN # and SPIN #.

12 For today, let’s gather the following data…. FRN #, Form 471#, Applicant Name, Service Provider Name, 486 Service Start Date, Amount Committed and Total Amount Disbursed. Then click on Build Data File bar.

13 Click on Download Data File. This is what you see next.

14 What you see….. This means that a form 486 has been completed and a service start date has been registered. In column F, if there is a dollar amount this FRN has had a funding commitment decision. If the cell is blank, commitment has not been determined yet. In column G, if there is a dollar amount, a BEAR form or SPI has been processed and money has been paid out on that FRN. If there is nothing in the cell, payment has not been processed. (If zero BEAR or SPI may have been rejected.)

15 So, where are we at statewide……… For Funding Year 2008, Fiscal Year 2009 Drum roll Please ………..



18 Lots of great data to interpret… Go ahead and play…

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