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 You should copy for your notes ONLY 1-3. 1. new word 2. part of speech 3. definition 4. sample sentence Vocabulary Format.

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1  You should copy for your notes ONLY 1-3. 1. new word 2. part of speech 3. definition 4. sample sentence Vocabulary Format

2  Vocabulary List 2

3  Assimilate v. To absorb or incorporate food or knowledge; to absorb into a larger culture It was the dark of the moon when our family arrived at the deserted castle. I felt the necessity to assimilate all the information about our surroundings.

4  Cognizant Adj. aware of or informed about something Suddenly, I was keenly aware of someone or something watching us. I do not know what made me cognizant of this.

5  Discursive Adj. wandering or shifting from one subject to another; rambling; long winded Ian, my brother, was trying to hide his fear with his discursive speech.

6  Ennui n. Discontent and listlessness from lack of occupation or interest; boredom Ennui usually is a problem if we’re stuck in the car too long on trips.

7  Hyperbole n. Obvious exaggeration, made for effect and not meant to be taken literally I peered up through the darkness and saw a figure at an upstairs window. Whoever it was seemed as big a as a gorilla, and that’s no hyperbole.

8  Incognito n. One who is in disguise or using an assumed name Adj. disguised Maybe the person at the window was incognito, I thought. Otherwise, he really was a gorilla.

9  Omniscient Adj. knowing everything; having complete or infinite knowledge The knowledge also suddenly came to me that the strange person – if the figure was indeed a person – was omniscient and knew everything about me and my family.

10  Farcical Adj. ridiculous; silly; exaggeratedly comical The groom showed up to his wedding in a farcical outfit: short shorts, pink chucks, a vest without a shirt, and a giant stuffed Nemo as a hat. His bride did not find it funny.

11  Fortuitous Adj. occurring by chance; accidental; fortunate; lucky It was fortuitous you found five dollars in your bag since you forgot to pack your lunch.

12  Mesmerism n. hypnotism; hypnotic appeal; intense fascination Baseball has the power of mesmerism over Chris; he doesn’t notice a thing if the Orioles are on.

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