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Past Perfect Tense Mr. Roe 6 th Grade English Room 19.

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2 Past Perfect Tense Mr. Roe 6 th Grade English Room 19

3 The past perfect tense Look at this sentence. I had eaten my breakfast before I went to school.

4 How is the past perfect formed? Ali had played football before he went back home. Had+Past Participle

5 Look at this example: he made a telephone call. After he had taken his music lesson,

6 What had Ali done before he went fishing? before he went fishing. Ali had repaired his car,

7 The use of the past perfect tense. We use the past perfect to talk about an action which happened before another action in the past

8 Make similar sentences using after and before. Finish work-watch TV After I had finished work, I watched TV. Before I watched TV,I had finished my work.

9 Make similar sentences using by the time and as soon as Eat breakfast-go to school By the time I went to school,I had eaten my breakfast. As soon as I had eaten my breakfast,I went to school

10 Make similar sentences using by the time and as soon as Police arrive-thief escape By the time the police arrived,the thief had escaped. As soon as the thief had escaped,the police arrived.

11 So it is correct to say: After he had finished the meeting,he made a telephone call. Before he made a telephone call,he had finished the meeting.

12 Partner Work *Create sentences in the past perfect using 1.Do Homework-Play Video Games 2.Do Chores-Watch a Concert 3.Eat Breakfast-Brush Teeth * Remember, HAD + PP goes with the event that happened FIRST!

13 Individual Work §Come up with two sentences in the past perfect, and two sentences in the future perfect. §After, you will share with your partner and decide if your sentences are written correctly. §We will share as a class.

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