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Recycler Operation and studies Week Nov. 10- Nov.16 2006 Meiqin Xiao.

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Presentation on theme: "Recycler Operation and studies Week Nov. 10- Nov.16 2006 Meiqin Xiao."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycler Operation and studies Week Nov. 10- Nov.16 2006 Meiqin Xiao

2 Operations We had transverse emittance blow up several times, which were related to the damper System:  The A-B amplifiers where replaced and a low pass filter were removed from the vertical damper on Thursday  Without the low pass filter, some higher harmonics have the wrong phase for damping. This was verified at (588-10.466) and (588-10.534)frot Friday. The low pass filter has been restored and the phase advance has been verified.

3  The transverse emittance appears to be blowing up (from flying wire data) (Saturday)  A huge response on the damp output. This is more indicative of a damper problem than a real instability.  Both the horizontal and vertical damper phases were checked. No large errors were found to account for the transverse emittance blowups noted over the weekend.

4  Beam loss and emittance growth just as we were starting shot setup (Wednesday)  It was decided to switch the damper to the new upgrade. However, there are some problems with the new damper system and had to revert back to the old system.  The new system can be repaired/modified. But it’s not ready yet to re-install till now.  Currently we are on the old system, we wrote a procedure on what to do if the event occurs again.

5 Poor Transfer efficiency problem (over the weekend) Shot # Transfer Time Accumulator (mA) Recycler (e10) Eff (%) Start End unstashed Start End Stashed 4689 11/10/2006 12:38 104.19 19.39 85.00 89.99 158.95 71.59 81.32 4693 11/10/2006 19:52 52.59 10.99 41.80 43.93 79.07 36.09 84.46 4694 11/10/2006 22:35 51.99 10.79 41.20 78.69 113.47 35.71 84.42 4695 11/11/2006 1:17 52.59 8.59 44.20 113.05 149.84 37.98 83.61 4696 11/11/2006 4:16 52.39 6.99 45.40 149.29 187.13 38.85 83.35 4697 11/11/2006 7:13 51.99 2.19 39.80 186.17 219.25 33.87 83.12 The only thing that is certain at this point is that the majority of the beam loss happens on the transfer from Main Injector to Recycler.  We looked at the trim settings and orbits (beamline and ring), they were O.K.  We also examined Main Injector flying wire data and found no relationship between the profile and the efficiency of the transfers. Even with lower emittance beam, we had reduced transfer efficiencies(80%). It turns out that it’s due to a large energy mismatch between the Accumulator and the MI.


7 Pelletron tripped during the weekend, and re-set unproperly.  This event happened at a low Pelletron voltage. The gun was never closed and was emitting a beam, keeping the gun (BIASV) voltage at 12 kV. Increase of the Pelletron voltage increased radiation, tripping the Pelletron.  We already wrote a procedure and pasted on the web to guide on-call person to do the resetting if the Pelletron tripped again

8 Studies we have done Rapid transfer attempt – Cons & Dave VANDER MEULEN First two regular transfer just as a normal shot setup, and then return the Pbar source to stacking for 15 min while leaving the recycler in the shot setup mode, then the rapid transfer of 1 parcel of beam to the recycler. Success!!!, able to transfer in 91 sec stacking to stacking, efficiency: ~87%

9 With the current mining waveforms the peak pbar density and energy spread is large – not good from the point of beam stability Schematic of Current Mining Improvements in Momentum Mining for Tevatron Shots – Chandra

10 Comparing current and proposed mining Current Mining Proposed Mining Mini-Bucket Sharp Rise Softer (190ns) 185E10pbars RF Waveform 245E10pbars

11 Comparison of WCM data 15.5E10 pbars  T(H,V)~(3.1,2.9)pi LT~1400 hrs (061010)* 27.2E10 pbars  T(H,V)~(8,8)pi LT~700 hrs (061113) Conclusions: For the same bunch intensity the peak density can be reduced by a factor of ~ 2 by using (13-10-13) type bucket Total intensity normalized to unity Current Proposed 20.5E10 pbars  T(H,V)~(6, 7)pi (~5% reduction during cooling for about 30 min) LT~600hrs (060828)

12 Studies request Apply soft mining bucket for Tev shot – Chandra Boomerang study – Cons BPM response to local 3-bump at 702 BL22 to check QM702 – Cons, Meiqin

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