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‘Peaceful Co-existence would have succeeded if the U2 crisis did not happen’ Agree – Window Disagree - iBoard.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Peaceful Co-existence would have succeeded if the U2 crisis did not happen’ Agree – Window Disagree - iBoard."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Peaceful Co-existence would have succeeded if the U2 crisis did not happen’ Agree – Window Disagree - iBoard

2 Berlin Wall Doogle The Fall of the Wall

3 A traffic light— historical fact! Following the building of the Berlin Wall, the traffic lights used by the East and West were different. Now you can see a mixture of the different lights throughout the city !

4 Problems with Berlin Berlin was deep inside the Soviet sector, yet it was divided between the four Allied powers (USA, USSR, Britain and France). The countries differed as to how they felt Germany should be governed. The USSR wanted to keep Germany weak, but the USA and Great Britain wanted to rebuild the German economy. Germany was run by a joint Allied Control Commission, and Berlin was run by a joint Allied Kommandatura.

5 Who controlled Germany?

6 Who controlled Berlin? Copy the map P50 AQA


8 Create a model which explains the reasons behind building the wall and the impact of the wall.

9 Prep (due Friday) Create a Berlin Wall Memorial – which celebrates the fall of the Berlin Wall; however, it must include details of why the wall was built.

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