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7/7/2016 Chapter 5 - The Professional Teacher Dr. Thomas G. Ryan Nipissing University.

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1 7/7/2016 Chapter 5 - The Professional Teacher Dr. Thomas G. Ryan Nipissing University


3 7/7/2016 Classroom Management is: A dimension of curriculum, instruction, and school climate 1

4 Classroom Management involves,  the establishment and maintenance of effective learning environments 2

5 Basics of Effective Teaching LLesson Design - Clarity uIuIntroduction - ‘Hook’ uCuCoached Practice - “Like this” uCuClosure - draw together uIuIndependent Practice - U try uRuReview - A,B,C,D... 3

6 Student Motivation  Interest level - ballet vs nintendo  Student Needs - hunger - food  Novelty - field trip  Variety - Success - Win, play, win, play.  Tension - Affective state  Feeling tone - climate  Feedback - coaching 4


8 Teacher’s Classroom Questioning ? EEffective questions are clear, purposeful, brief, naturally sequenced, and thought provoking. CCognitive levels - list to evaluate CCall on volunteers/nonvolunteer WWait 3-5” MMultiple student responses before feedback - OK! BBe Positive - tell student why answer is good EExtend answer via probing questions. 5


10 Maximizing Learning Time  Good Teaching(Instruction) + Good Tasks = Learning  Time on tasks = Teacher directed(Coaching) + individual practice time = progress, example Sports Skills  Student Misconceptions problematic - See p. 109 bottom - read carefully - Lets discuss this as a class! 6

11 Constructivism  Active construction of knowledge by learner  Teacher coaches, guides, supports, facilitates, questions socratically  Prior knowledge informs current growth  restructuring prior learning is key to new learning  Knowledge is socially constructed  Thinking skills, Critical thinking, Multiple Intelligence's 8 7

12 Teaching for Understanding DDeep Understanding - Howard Gardner EExplain in your own words MMake Predictions AApply concepts to new context FFind exemplars in new situations uSuSo - Cover less curricula but go deeper rather that wider and shallow

13 Authentic Instruction  Higher Order Thinking Skills HOTS emphasis  Depth of coverage  Connection to ‘real world’  Achievement via trial and error/risk taking  Emergent teaching style - self regulation develops

14 Emphasis on Thinking & Problem-Solving  Thinking Dimensions (5) u 1 Positive attitudes/perceptions - Physical - Psychologically comfortable - Order/Routine u 2 Acquiring new knowledge/skills - relate new to old u 3 Extension & Refinement of knowledge using HOTS u 4 Using knowledge in meaningful and productive habits of mind - self-direction - long term projects


16 Create Community CCooperative learning activities uFuFace-to-face interaction uPuPositive interdependence (team approach/sink or swim together) uIuIndividual accountability (we are all responsible)

17 Multiple Intelligences = MI  8 types at present –  linguistic u logical-mathematical u spatial u body-kinesthetic u musical u inter-personal u intra-personal u nature - ecology - environment

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