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Aspects Of Professional Teacher Preparation: An overview DR. HARDEEP KAUR ASSOC. PROFESSOR UCON, FARIDKOT.

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1 Aspects Of Professional Teacher Preparation: An overview DR. HARDEEP KAUR ASSOC. PROFESSOR UCON, FARIDKOT


3 PROFESSION It is a vocation requiring advanced training and usually involving mental rather than manual work, as teaching, engineering, especially medicine, law or theology (religion study).” “It is a vocation requiring advanced training and usually involving mental rather than manual work, as teaching, engineering, especially medicine, law or theology (religion study).” - By Webster,1989

4 TEACHING “Teaching is an interaction process. Interaction means participation of both teachers and students and both are benefited. This interaction takes place for achieving desired objectives.” - - By Ned A Flanders,1970


6 PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION It usually takes place in a college or university setting. Preparation is prolonged in order to include instruction in the specialized body of knowledge and techniques of the profession. It includes more than knowledge & skill.

7 However it also includes orientation to the belief, values and attitudes expected by the members of the profession. Standards of practice & ethical considerations are part of process of socialization into a profession. PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION (Cont..)

8 CHARACTERSTICS OF A PROFESSION  Skill based on theoretical knowledge: Professionals are assumed to have extensive theoretical knowledge and to possess skills.  Professional association: Professions usually have professional bodies organized by their members, which are intended to enhance the status of their members.

9  Extensive period of education: The most prestigious professions usually require at least three years at university. Undertaking doctoral research can add a further 4–5 years to this period of education. CHARACTERSTICS OF A PROFESSION

10  Testing of competence: Before being admitted to membership of a professional body, there is a requirement to pass prescribed examinations  Institutional training: There is usually a requirement for a long period of institutionalized training where aspiring professionals acquire specified practical experience. CHARACTERSTICS OF A PROFESSION

11  Licensed practitioners: Professions seek to establish a register or membership to recognize licensed individuals.  Work autonomy: Professionals tend to retain control over their work, even when they are employed outside the profession in commercial or public organizations. CHARACTERSTICS OF A PROFESSION

12  Code of professional conduct: Professional bodies usually have codes of conduct or ethics for their members and disciplinary procedures.  Self-regulation: Professional bodies tend to insist that they should be self-regulating and independent from government. Professions tend to be regulated highly qualified members of the profession. CHARACTERSTICS OF A PROFESSION

13  Public service and altruism : The earning of fees for services rendered can be defended because they are provided in the public interest, e.g. the work of doctors contributes to public health.

14 INTRODUCTION The Teacher Preparation is a process through which students pursue teacher training and certification for teaching in the various nursing colleges.

15 INTRODUCTION (Cont..) The Mission of the teacher preparation is to provide exemplary classroom and field experiences for its students so that they may become successful teachers dedicated to life-long learning, personal growth, community leadership in a global context.

16 DEFINITION Teacher preparation refers to the policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school and wider community.

17 AIMS OF TEACHER PREPARATION The two pillars of the Teacher Preparation are solid knowledge of a discipline and extensive practical experience. This seeks to develop pre-service teachers who: are competent, caring and qualified educators are well prepared in their subject knowledge

18 AIMS OF TEACHER PREPARATION (Cont…) are able to implement "best teaching practices" are proficient readers, writers, listeners, and able to model expertise in these fundamental aspects. are knowledgeable about the impact of technology on education and how to use technology in an effective manner.


20 1.INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING/ EDUCATION A pre-service course before entering the classroom as a fully responsible teacher. It may be organized according to two basic models: a) Consecutive Model b) Concurrent Model

21 a) Consecutive Model A teacher first obtains a qualification in one or more subjects (often an undergraduate Bachelor's degree), and then studies for a further period to gain an additional qualification in teaching (this may take the form of a Master's degree).

22 Criteria for Admission to the Bachelor's Degree Nursing Program A candidate seeking admission should have:- Passed the two year Pre-university examination or equivalent as recognized by the university with science subjects. Obtained at least 45% of the total marks in science subjects & for ST or SC, should have obtained 40% of the total marks.

23 Completed 17 years of age at the time of admission. Working days in the academic year not less than 260 working days including University examination. 80% of attendance in both theory and practical. Criteria for Admission to the Bachelor's Degree Nursing Program (Cont..)

24 Criteria For Admission to Master’s of Nursing Program Passed B.Sc. Nursing (Basic) or Post basic B.Sc. Nursing. Minimum of 1 year of experience after obtaining B.Sc. Nursing, in a hospital or in Nursing educational institution or in community health setting. Registered in state Nursing Council as a registered Nurse and Registered Midwife.

25 b) Concurrent Model A student simultaneously studies both one or more academic subjects, and the ways of teaching that subject, leading to a combined Bachelor's degree and teaching credential to qualify as a teacher of that subject.

26 Curriculum For Teacher Preparation The teacher preparation curriculum can be broken down into four major areas:-  Foundational knowledge in education-related aspects  Skills in assessing student learning, using technology to improve teaching and learning, and supporting students with special needs.

27  Content area - This area overlaps with foundational knowledge and it includes that the teacher must deliver the content according to the needs.  Practice at classroom teaching or at some other form of educational practice usually supervised and supported in some way. Curriculum (cont..)

28 2. INDUCTION OF BEGINNING TEACHERS It is the process of providing training and support during the first few years of teaching or the first year in a particular school / college. It includes providing the support necessary to help the beginning teacher develop a professional identity, and to further develop the basic competences that were acquired in college.

29 Elements of Induction of Beginning Teachers  Mentoring:- the allocation to each beginning teacher of an experienced teacher, specifically trained as a mentor; the mentor may provide emotional and professional support and guidance.  A peer network:- for mutual support but also for peer learning.

30  Input from educational experts:- e.g. to help the beginning teacher relate what she learned in college with classroom reality Elements (Cont..)

31 Importance of Induction Increase the retention of beginning teachers in the profession. Improve teaching performance. Promote the teachers' personal and professional well-being.

32 3. CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is the process by which teachers (like other professionals) reflect upon their competences, maintain them up to date, and develop them further.

33 Continuous Professional Development activities should:- be spread over time. be collaborative. use active learning. be delivered to groups of teachers. include periods of practice, coaching &follow-up. encourage experimentation and respond to teachers' needs.

34 Approaches Of Professional Development ConsultationCoaching Lesson Study Mentoring Reflective Supervision Technical Assistance

35 Planning And Organizing In- Service Education Program The principal or the nursing administrator will organize faculty development programs, staff development programs, leadership training programs to enhance the knowledge in relevant fields for specific group of teaching faculty. For newly appointed staff, orientation training programs will be conducted.

36 To update the faculty in relevant fields with technological advancements, in-service training programs through workshops, seminars, conferences, demonstrations, discussions will be organized. The report will be written and maintained in a register. Planning And Organizing In- Service Education Program

37 Stages of professional teacher preparation Graduate teacher Professional Competence Professional Accomplishment Professional Leadership


39 Qualities Of A Professional Teacher Good motivator Role model Good guide and counselor Effective organizer Good administrator Good communicator Researcher

40 Keen observer, supporter and listener Maintaining good human relations Good evaluator Good leader Mastery over the subject Professionally well groomed Qualities Of A Professional Teacher

41 Responsible and creative Kind and patient Well balanced personality Effective utilization of resources Qualities Of A Professional Teacher

42 Criteria to become a P&E Teacher  PTT(Primary Teacher Training)  ETE(Elementary Teacher Education): Candidate must have passes +2 with minimum marks.  D.Ed.(Diploma in Education):Candidate must have 50% aggregate marks in 12 th and the duration of the course is 2 and half yrs.  B.Ed.(Bachelour of Education):have 50% marks in B.A.

43 Criteria to become a M.Ed. Teacher It is UGC(University Grants Commission) which is whole responsible for this programme. A candidate must have: Passed B.ED. With 50% marks. NET(Nationality Eligibility Test) with 50% marks

44 Criteria to become a Medical Teacher Medical Council of India(MCI) is the official accrediting agency for all programs which includes:  Candidate must have Cleared +2 with 50% marks  Have Qualified PMET  MBBS (5 yrs.)  MD/MS(3 yrs)  DM

45 Criteria to become a Nursing Teacher Indian Nursing Council(INC) is the official accrediting agency for all programs of nursing which includes:  B.Sc. Nursing(both basic & post basic)  M.Sc. Nursing of 2 yrs.  M. Phil  Ph.D.(Doctoral programme in nursing)

46 NATIONAL LEVEL AGENCIES OF TEACHER EDUCATION 1.UGC (University Grants Commission) 2.NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) 3.NUEPA/NIEPA (National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration 4.NCTE (National Council of Teacher Education)

47 1. UGC (University Grants Commission)

48 The University Grants Commission (UGC) of India is a statutory body set up by the Indian Union government in accordance to the UGC Act 1956 under Ministry of Human Resource Development, and is charged with coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of higher education. It provides recognition to universities in India

49 UGC was formally inaugurated by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad the Minister of Education on 28 December 1953. Chairman ‎ : ‎ Prof. Ved Prakash Headquarters ‎ : ‎ New Delhi Motto: Gyan-Vigyan Vimuktaye (Knowledge Liberates) 1. UGC (University Grants Commission) (Cont..)

50 Professional Councils for Accreditation Higher Education All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) Distance Education Council (DEC) National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) Medical Council of India (MCI) Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) Indian Nursing Council (INC) Dental Council of India (DCI) Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) State Councils of Higher Education

51 2. NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) NCERT established in 1961, is an organization set up by the Government of India, with headquarters located at Sri Aurbindo Marg in New Delhi,

52 NCERT assist and advise the central and state governments on academic matters related to school education. Dr Hrushikesh Senapathy was official appointed as new Director of NCERT in September 2015. 2. NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training)

53 OBJECTIVES OF NCERT Implementation of National Curriculum Framework Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE) Vocational education Education of groups with special needs Early childhood education Evaluation and examination to reform IT education

54 Competitive Value education Education of girl child Production of teaching-learning experience Improvement in teacher education Improvement of thought of student OBJECTIVES OF NCERT



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