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Published byCody West Modified over 8 years ago
2 UPDATED SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS The Council is constituted by members from all teacher unions, school governing body organizations,Further Education sector, Higher Education sector, Independent school sector and Ministerial nominees, and is appointed by the Minister of Basic Education to serve a four year-term, currently ending on 31 July 2017. The current Council has been appointed in August 2013. 1.1Performance Delivery Environment The South African Council for Educators (SACE) continues to realise its mandate of registering educators, promoting the development of educators, and ensuring that educators adhere to the Code of Professional Ethics in line with the SACE Act no.31 of 2000. In addition, SACE continued planning for and developing the Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) system as stipulated in the National Policy Framework on Teacher Education and Development, April 2007, and further legislated in Basic Education laws Amendment Act (BELA) of no 15 of 2011. SACE has taken time to focus on the area of registration to correct the processes that may lead to backlog of teacher registration. This process resulted in Council taking a decision to ensure that all vacant positions, in this division are filled, and that the call centre plays a key role in assisting the educators. The turn- around time was reduced significantly so as to ensure that educators are registered within seven working days. The number of foreign educators has also been causing pressure and this was reduced significantly when Council took a decision to move their application renewals from yearly to five yearly provided they have all the relevant documents, or at least in line with work permit periods. Due to the high rise of fraudulent qualifications, a decision was taken to have MOU’s with SAQA, Umalusi and the DBE. In the financial year Council will be focusing on piloting online registration. Council will vet applications and verify all qualifications of teachers (new and registered). Council receives close to 700 cases per annum, which are difficult to investigate and prosecute in the same year. Council has now trained a large group of experienced professionals to assist as investigators, prosecutors, panellists and presiding officers. The Council works closely with the different Provincial Education Department, to ensure that processing of complaints are streamlined and unprofessional teachers are vetted.
Due to the rise in the cases being reported on the alleged misconduct of educators, Council has taken a decision to vet all educators. Due to the increase of these cases Council also took a decision to communicate with all stakeholders in the school community. Council will continue to embark on thorough advocacy. SACE has taken its mandate further by going through a process of redefining its role, scope, and functions, for the 2015/16. This process resulted in Council taking a decision to focus more on promoting the development of educators and extending its scope by improving and strengthening its research capacity for purposes of evidence-based planning processes, advising the Ministers of Basic and Higher Education and Training and the public, and informing Council decisions and programmes. In realising this new area of focus, the policy and research unit is to be expanded during the 2015/16 financial year. Initial policy and research work commenced in the following areas: teacher migration, professional registration of the FET College lecturers, identifying gaps and role of SACE in teacher demand and supply. Council will also develop and implement professional standards and designations, including an induction methodology. Co-operation: SACE has developed good working relationships with the Departments of Basic Education, stakeholders and related entities and organizations. It has not encountered opposition but continues receiving good advice and support. SACE will further clarify the complementary obligations relevant. 1.2 Organizational Environment The Minister of Basic Education appointed a 30 member Council in August 2013 to continue with the work of the previous Council which ended its term in July 2013. The Council has staff complement of 87 of which 10 are at managerial level under the leadership of the Chief Executive Officer. The Council has appointed provincial co-ordinators to facilitate and manage Continuous Professional Teacher Development. There is also a need to improve the case management to process the increasing number of reported cases. Council will appoint two full-time investigators, a para-legal clerk and increase its pool of resource persons. At least two Provincial offices are to be operational in the current year. It is expected that the Council will generate R 64million per annum comprising of the following: - Registration fees Paid as once off on registration at a rate of R200 for South African educators and R400 for foreigners; - Annual membership fees of R120-00 per educator and, - Government subsidy to manage Continuous Professional Teacher Development System. 3
The Council will consider policy to deal with natural attrition and succession planning in the next financial year. REVISIONS TO LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 2.1 The Basic Education Laws Amendment Act (2011) The Basic Education Laws Amendment Act of 2011 amends Section 5 of SACE Act no. 31 of 2000 to mandate SACE to manage a system for the promotion of the Continuing Professional Development of all educators. It further amends Section 19 of SACE Act of 2000 to allow the state to fund the Council on request by Council. In effect SACE’s role in promoting the professional development of educators is clarified. It has to focus on quality assuring programmes and activities and monitoring and recording of uptake. 2.2Employment of Educators Act (1998) The Employment of Educators Act 1998 Section 15 (2) directs that if the name of an Educator is struck off the register of educators kept by The South African Council for Educators, the Educator shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act, be deemed to have resigned with effect from the day following immediately after the day on which the Educators name was so struck off. 2.3 South African Council for Educators (SACE) Act (2000) The SACE Act (2000) Section 26 (2) requires that in each case where steps were taken against any educator under Section 24 (2),other than the cautioning or reprimanding of the Educator, the Employer shall furnish The South African Council for Educators with the record of the proceedings at the inquiry and all other documents relating thereto. 4
Financial performance in R,000 2013/142014/152015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 Audited budget Medium term 69 00973 23569 80568 24595 47284 70085 020 Registration fees 4 1906 3144 8005 200 3 6003 000 Subscription fees 50 12249 73552 08050 40075 96075 60076 320 Reprints of certificates 1 0462 0594001 600 1 4001 200 Interest receivable 2 8514 3377681 4002 6003 8004 200 CPTD Subsidy 10 38610 53111 5579 3459 81200 Sundry income 414259200300 54 66661 43468 38468 24587 09479 67880 842 Administration43 24647 74550 32754 40066 48267 97868 842 Research736702 0001 0003 0003 200 Professional Development10 38510 53112 5579 84511 8122 500 Registration2963941 5001 0002 3002 500 Code of Ethics6662 0942 000 3 500 3 800 Net surplus14 34311 8011 42108 3785 0224 178
68,245,000 Advertising300,000 Audit fees5500,000 Bank charges150,000 Compensation commissioner6120,000 Cleaning of buildings7170,000 Consultation fees8400,000 Depreciation91,800,000 Insurance10390,000 Lease charges11200,000 Leasohold Improvements1,258,385 Legal cost500,000 Office rental128 00,000 Postage100,000 Printing and Stationery650,000 Repairs &maintenance13700,000 M/vehicle running cost36,000 Salaries1434,434,740 Staff development250,000 Sundry expenses61,000 Telephone780,000 TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATION153,674,440 Rates, Water and Electricity3,325,435 DATABASE DEV/ MAINTENANCE1,800,000 CODE OF CONDUCT162,000,000 REGISTRATION OF EDUC171,000,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT18 9,845,000 RESEARCH191,000,000 PUBLICITY AND COMMUNICATION2,000,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE0 RESERVE FUND200 Budget surplus/ Deficit0
REVENUE2 provinces 3,883,000 Transfer3,883,000 Sundry income0 OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURE3,883,000 Cleaning of buildings 30 000 Leasehold Improvements 0 Office rental 800 000 Postage 40,000 Printing and Stationery 60,000 Repairs &maintenance 30,000 Salaries 2,741,000 Sundry expenses 18,000 Telephone 24,000 Water and Electricity 140,000 7
Membership is the main source of funding at R10 per month per educator; Reduction in the mandatory functions budget,compared to last year owing to inflation effect; The Council will consider an increase of member subscription in its July 2016 meeting estimated at 50% to counter the effect of inflation and to increase its delivery levels at provincial levels; The annual membership increase will be determined in line with inflation to manage continuous consultations on increases ; Council receives funds from DBE to subsidize the administration of The Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) System. The amount of R9.3 million has been guaranteed. 8
Registration fees remain at R400 for Foreigners, R200 for South Africans and R50 for renewals. Reduction of interest income is in line with the reduced bank balances; The current provincial budget is included in the summation budget above; The Council is renting provincial office spaces ; All mandatory functions will be delivered at Provincial points; The Council projects to establish all 8 Provincial Offices within the MTEF period; and There will be no other office in Gauteng since the Head Office will serve the purpose. 9
Purpose: Register qualified educators and create sub registers for special categories; Maintain and update educator database; Enhance the quality of the registration of teachers by introducing standards; and Validate all registrations current and new. Key Functions: Determine minimum criteria and procedures for registration or provisional registration; Consider and decide on any application for registration or provisional registration; Keep a register of the names of all persons who are registered or provisionally registered; Determine the form and contents of the registers and certificates to be kept, maintained or issued, the periods within which they must be reviewed and the manner in which alterations thereto may be effected; Determine period of validity of the registration or provisional registration; and Verification of qualifications and standing.
12 Strategic objectiveProgramme performance indicator AuditedBudgetMedium-term targets 2014/152015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 To register all qualified educators. Number of educators registered in the reporting period including on-line registrations. 26 000 20 000 Or 80% 20 00018 00015 00010 000 Number of registrations updated in the reporting period. 25 00030 00040 00030 00040 00030 000 Verification of qualifications and vetting. -50 00060 00048 00055 00040 000 Programme performance indicators and Annual Targets for 2016/17
Performance indicatorReporting period Annual target 2016/17 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of educators to be registered and to be issued with specialized certificates. Quarterly20 000(or 80% of applications) 5 500 4 0005 000 Number of educator registrations to be updated in the reporting period Quarterly40 000 (80%of applications) 12 5007 00012 5008 000 Verification of qualifications- (at least 5% per quarter.) Quarterly60 00018 00012 50016 50013 000 13 Quarterly targets for 2016/17
In the 2016/17 financial year we are expecting to register 20 000 new educators and update 40 000 provisional registrations. SACE provides two kinds of registration statuses,which are full and provisional registration. All Foreign Educators are given up to a maximum of 5 years or the expiry date on their work permits. Student educators will still continue being given Provisional registration when they are doing their fourth year of study, however Council is considering the registration of these student teachers from their first year of study where they will be provided with a 4 year provisional registration and update upon completion to full registration. 14
In pursuance of the key function of determining the registration criteria, Council is also researching the Post Graduate Certificate qualification in education, in relation to its relevance in addressing the knowledge gaps identified as the main reason that has lead to negative out puts from the Education system. In 2015/16 we were depending on our own processes in relation to the registration requirements and criteria for verifying. Amongst some of the processes which SACE will engage in to realise this objective will be: 15
Meeting CHE and HESA to establish working relations and exchange data in relation to verification of qualifications; Working and concluding MOU’s with SAQA in relation to verifying foreign Qualifications; Finalizing MOU’s with the Department of Home Affairs in dealing with issues relating to work permits; Working with the Department of Social Development in verifying the status of individuals against the child protection register. 16
For the current year SACE will be vetting all the 20 000 new applicants, and verifying their qualifications and those of the 40 000 updating their registration status. 17
18 Purpose: Promote ethical conduct among educators through the development and enforcement of the code of Ethics. Facilitate interventions and support for schools, educators and school communities on ethical matters. Key Functions: To uphold the image of the teaching profession by reviewing the Code of Professional Ethics periodically; To investigate complaints of improper conduct against educators; To institute disciplinary hearings at the behest of the Council where evidence of a breach of the Code of Professional Ethics for Educators has been found; and To render legal advice to the Council.
Strategic objective Programme performanc e indicator AuditedBudget Annual Target Medium-term targets 2014/152015/162016/172017/182018/192019/20 To maintain the ethical standards of the teaching profession. Number of beneficiarie s to be apprised of the Code of Professional Ethics, i.e. Educators, parents and officials. 10 00015 00020 00015 00010 00015 000 The number of concluded cases as measured against the number of cases received for the year. 650700600 plus 140 carry over from 2015/16 500400300 700720 or 80% of cases received 700400300 19 Programme performance indicators and Annual Targets 2016/17
Programme performance indicatorsReporting period Annual target 2016/17 Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Number of beneficiaries to be apprised of the Code of Professional Ethics, i.e. Educators, parents and officials. Quarterly20 0004 0005000 6000 5000 The number of concluded cases as measured against the number of cases received for the year. Total number of cases to be finalized per year Quarterly 700200 or 80% of the complaints received per quarter. 200 150 Total number of cases received per year 740 Includes 140 cases from 2015/16 200 150 190 20 4.2 ETHICS CONT …. Quarterly targets for 2016/17
The main function of this division is to promote ethical conduct amongst educators through the development and adhering of the code of Ethics; SACE facilitates interventions and supports schools and all its stakeholders on ethical matters; In the 2016/17 year SACE will be appraising 20 000 stakeholders including Educator parents, Learners and the broader society on the Professional Code of Ethics; There will be more emphasis given to this indicator this year, so as to minimise violations of the Code; We are expecting to receive 600 new complaints plus the 140 carryover from 2015/16 in this financial year; More panellist will be utilized this financial year to finalise all cases received. 21
SACE plans to meet all nine Provincial Heads of Departments in the Provinces to facilitate working relations which would ensure the streamlining of cases and also implementation of sanctions given to educators. All names that are struck off the roll will be forwarded to the Department of Social development so as to be included in the Child Protection Register. The SACE website can now be used to verify the professional standing of educators. All Employer/ school’s SGB will be mobilised to verify with SACE any person they intend to employ in relations to their professional standing. 22
Programme Purpose Enhance the quality of the practicing educators through the management of the CPTD system; Develop various strategies and processes of assisting and supporting educators with regard to professional matters and needs; Improve and maintain the status and image of the teaching profession; Facilitate processes of ensuring that more and better teachers join the teaching profession; and Ensure the quality of initial teacher education and ongoing professional development through quality assurance mechanisms and standards.
24 The orientation and sign-up of 34 426 (93.27%) Principals and deputy principals. The (93.22%) Principals and Deputy Principals commencing their third year of the first three year CPTD cycle from January 2016. All participating principals and deputy principals will be receiving their three year CPTD cycle certificates at the end of 2016 Principals and Deputies – 1 st Cohort The orientation and sign-up of 34 348 (75.08%) School HODs. HODs moving into their second year of the first three year CPTD cycle from January 2016 HODs – 2 nd Cohort The orientation and sign-up of 70 424 (64.02%) Post Level 1 educators in Secondary and Combined Schools in 2015 Commencing their first year of their three year CPTD cycle from January 2016 onwards. The orientation and sign-up of primary schools and special education needs 2016 PL1 Teachers – 3 rd Cohort Reflecting on the last 3 years of implementation
25 241 Approved Providers in the catalogue of approved providers. All PEDs, Teacher Unions / PDIs and DBE have SACE Provider Approval Status Concentrated in GP, WC, KZN Very few providers from FS, EC, LP, MP, NW No providers from the Northern Cape Provider capacity research (possible collaboration with the ETDP-SETA) SACE APPROVED PROVIDERS 1881 Endorsed PD Activities – in the catalogue of approved providers. 3 PEDs (MASTEC, CTLI, MGSLG) with SACE Endorsed PD Activities – Role of PDIs DBE and Partners SACE Endorsed Activities Low level of uptake (Time, Funding, Numbers, Accessibility) SACE ENDORSED PD ACTIVITIES Fitness for Purpose Quality Fitness for Purpose Quality
2015/16 APP TARGETSPROGRESS TO DATE Sign-up and Orientation of 110 000 PL1 teachers in secondary and combined schools 62 240 (56.58%) PL1 Teachers in secondary and combined schools signed-up for participation in the CPTD System from January 2016. Sign-up of 7000 final year student teachers from 3 rd quarter onwards 2172 student teachers orientated and signed-up for the CPTD system online and manually – Database and profile of student teachers, tracking teaching post uptake as well. 50% of the signed-up principals, deputy principals, HODs participating in the CPTD system and taking-up PD activities 19 959 (+44%) for Type 1 PD Activities 18 969 (+41.4%) for Type 2 PD Activities 7004 (15%) for Type 3 PD. 200 approved providers 112 newly Approved providers 500 endorsed PD activities 732 newly Endorsed PD activities 26
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVEPROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 TARGETS To promote career-long quality continuing professional development for all school- based educators Number of practicing educators signed up for the CPTD system 160 000 PL1 Educators in Primary and Special Education Needs School Number of student teachers signed-up for participation in the CPTD system 7500 student teachers Percentage of SACE registered Educators, NOT signed up for the CPTD System Principals: 8% HODs: 20% PL1Teachers in Secondary and Combined Schools: 50%
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVEPROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR2016/17 TARGETS To promote career-long quality continuing professional development for all school-based educators. Percentage of signed up teachers who engage in three types of Professional Development (PD) Activities from January to December: Type 1: Self-Initiated PD Activity Type 2: School Initiated PD Activity Type 3:Externally Initiated Percentage of signed up teachers who engage in three types of Professional Development (PD) Activities from January to December: Type 1: Self-Initiated PD Activity Type 2: School Initiated PD Activity Type 3:Externally Initiated Type 1: 55% of signed-up principals, deputies, HODS and PL1 Educators in Secondary and combined schools Type 2: 50% of signed-up principals, deputies, HODS and PL1 Educators in Secondary and combined schools Type 3: 35% of signed- up principals, deputies, HODS and PL1 Educators in Secondary and combined schools
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVEPROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 TARGETS Number of new Professional Development Providers Processed in the quarter of submission (in terms of approved status, not approved status, rejected and in process) 99 Number of new Professional Development Activities Processed in the quarter of submission 245 Number of Approved Professional Development Providers subjected to quality assurance by SACE in a financial year 100
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVEPROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 TARGETS To improve the effective utilisation of the CPTD Information System (CPTD-IS). Percentage of educators that use the CPTD-IS to electronically: Sign-up Upload participation in Type 1 Professional Development activities and the PD Points earned. Develop online professional development portfolio. Search for approved providers and endorsed professional development activities. Sign-up: 55% Upload participation in Type 1 Upload participation in Type 1 Professional Development activities and the PD Points earned: 40% Develop online professional development portfolio: 35% Search for approved providers and endorsed professional development activities: 30%
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVEPROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 TARGETS Percentage of signed-up schools that use the CPTD- IS annually to electronically: Upload teachers’ participation in Type 2 Professional 30%
Programme purpose: Enhance the quality of the practicing educators through the management of the CPTD system; Develop various strategies and processes of assisting and supporting educators with regard to professional matters and needs; Improve and maintain the status and image of the teaching profession; Facilitate processes of ensuring that more and better teachers join the teaching profession; and Ensure the quality of initial teacher education and ongoing professional development through quality assurance mechanisms and standards. 32
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVEPROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 TARGETS To enhance teacher preparation and professional practice Professional standards set and implemented Draft Professional standards completed for consultation and public comments processes with stakeholders Professional designation for teachers developed and registered Draft Professional Designation for principals, deputy principals, HODs finalised for the consultation processes with employers and stakeholders
Programme purpose: To enhance policy and research coordination within SACE. To strengthen the SACE advisory role and services that is informed by policy, research, and consultative processes. To promote research on professional matters and any other educational matter relevant to SACE. 34
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVEPROGRAMME PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2016/17 TARGETS To influence national policy and initiatives through quality evidence-based research and advice The number research report produced in line with the SACE Research Policy and Agenda 5 To influence national policy and initiatives through quality evidence-based research and advice Number of Policy advice and briefs produced per annum 2
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