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Welcome to the Adult Two Couples Class Immanuel Baptist Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Adult Two Couples Class Immanuel Baptist Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Adult Two Couples Class Immanuel Baptist Church

2 Question of the Day If you inherited $10 million, what would one of the first things you would do with the money?

3 Announcements December Fellowship December Fellowship Woffords – Date? Woffords – Date? January thru March fellowship January thru March fellowship You too can be a host You too can be a host Benevolence donations Benevolence donations

4 Prayer Requests

5 Question of the Day If you inherited $10 million, what would one of the first things you would do with the money?

6 Context The Book of Romans Written by Paul to the church at Rome Written by Paul to the church at Rome Composed of Jewish & Greek Christians Composed of Jewish & Greek Christians It is the longest letter of the Apostle It is the longest letter of the Apostle Probably written around 56 A.D. Probably written around 56 A.D. Jews in the church were causing problems Jews in the church were causing problems Debate over grace vs. the role of the Law Debate over grace vs. the role of the Law Instructions for living Spirit filled life Instructions for living Spirit filled life

7 Overview More Than a Slave More Than a Slave More to Look Forward To More to Look Forward To More Strength to Endure More Strength to Endure

8 Key Truth We can draw strength for enduring in this life through our relationship as adopted children of God.

9 Romans 8 : 15 – 17 Mark 10:45 More Than a Slave

10 It’s the relationship, stupid! It’s the relationship, stupid! Being a Christian brings about a real relationship with God Being a Christian brings about a real relationship with God Being a slave to God is different from the world’s understanding of slavery Being a slave to God is different from the world’s understanding of slavery Submitting to the Lordship of Christ results in adoption as children of God Submitting to the Lordship of Christ results in adoption as children of God Romans 8:14 Romans 8:14 “Abba! Father!” “Abba! Father!” Our perception of God changes Our perception of God changes This relationship with God gives us comfort through the Holy Spirit This relationship with God gives us comfort through the Holy Spirit The Spirit reassures us The Spirit reassures us God does not want us to live in doubt & anxiety God does not want us to live in doubt & anxiety

11 More Than a Slave Adoption as God’s child gives us full rights in His kingdom Adoption as God’s child gives us full rights in His kingdom When we move in as adopted heirs, we are identified equally by our relationship to God’s true Son Jesus When we move in as adopted heirs, we are identified equally by our relationship to God’s true Son Jesus Identifying with Christ means that we accept some type of His suffering Identifying with Christ means that we accept some type of His suffering Mark 10:45 Mark 10:45 How do we suffer today? How do we suffer today? Identifying with Christ means we can expect the glorification that He enjoys Identifying with Christ means we can expect the glorification that He enjoys

12 Romans 8 : 18 - 23 2 Corinthian 4:17-18 2 Corinthians 2:9 More to Look Forward To

13 A promise to help get through life A promise to help get through life What did Paul know about suffering? What did Paul know about suffering? 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 Suffering, when we are faithful to God, brings about questions Suffering, when we are faithful to God, brings about questions Paul must have wondered about the reason for his sufferings Paul must have wondered about the reason for his sufferings Paul did allow preoccupation with this life to be dominated by suffering Paul did allow preoccupation with this life to be dominated by suffering Paul was focused on the quantity of what was to come Paul was focused on the quantity of what was to come 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 Paul was focused on the quality of what was to come Paul was focused on the quality of what was to come 2 Corinthians 2:9 2 Corinthians 2:9

14 More to Look Forward To Nature and man are corrupted together Nature and man are corrupted together When sin entered the world through man, in also infected all of creation When sin entered the world through man, in also infected all of creation Creation suffers under the burden of sin Creation suffers under the burden of sin Christians are sensitive to the destructive affects of sin on creation Christians are sensitive to the destructive affects of sin on creation All will be glorified in the end All will be glorified in the end There is a purpose to the mess creation endures There is a purpose to the mess creation endures Until then, all creation groans and suffers Until then, all creation groans and suffers Creation and man will be restored fully Creation and man will be restored fully As believers, should have a longing for that day As believers, should have a longing for that day All creation longs for that day as well All creation longs for that day as well

15 Romans 8 : 26 - 27 More Strength to Endure

16 We have an ever present help to endure till that time We have an ever present help to endure till that time God does not expect us to walk in this life by our own strength God does not expect us to walk in this life by our own strength Paul’s call for the church to patiently endure led him to highlight the resource for endurance Paul’s call for the church to patiently endure led him to highlight the resource for endurance True or False: Living daily by God’s strength comes naturally to me. True or False: Living daily by God’s strength comes naturally to me. We have a weakness to “pray as we should” We have a weakness to “pray as we should” We often do not know what to ask God to do for us We often do not know what to ask God to do for us The Holy Spirit bridges this gap by laying His intimate knowledge of our needs directly on God’s throne The Holy Spirit bridges this gap by laying His intimate knowledge of our needs directly on God’s throne The Holy Spirit is one with God and is able to perfectly intercede in our prayers The Holy Spirit is one with God and is able to perfectly intercede in our prayers God hears exactly what we are trying to express in our prayers God hears exactly what we are trying to express in our prayers

17 Recap…. Having the Holy Spirit’s affirmation of our status as children and co-heirs with Christ gives us the encouragement to live in a sinful world. Having the Holy Spirit’s affirmation of our status as children and co-heirs with Christ gives us the encouragement to live in a sinful world. We have the assurance of a wondrous eternity when we will be free from sin in our glorified bodies to live a restored creation. We have the assurance of a wondrous eternity when we will be free from sin in our glorified bodies to live a restored creation. Despite our weaknesses, we can be encouraged that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us before the throne of God. Despite our weaknesses, we can be encouraged that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us before the throne of God.

18 Overview More Than a Slave More Than a Slave More to Look Forward To More to Look Forward To More Strength to Endure More Strength to Endure

19 Adult Two Couples Class

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