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Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 Credit for Proficiency Taskforce Update Presented to: Implementation Advisory Task Force May 22, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 Credit for Proficiency Taskforce Update Presented to: Implementation Advisory Task Force May 22, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 Credit for Proficiency Taskforce Update Presented to: Implementation Advisory Task Force May 22, 2008

2 Teachers High School & District Administrators Educational Service Districts Community Colleges Oregon University System & Private Universities Business and Industry Alternative Programs and Private School Teachers Standards and Practices Oregon Education Association Non-profit organization Task Force Membership Oregon Department of Education, May 2008

3 State Board of Education Issue 2001-2002 How can a proficiency-based system co-exist with a time-based system? How should we utilize time if students are engaged in learning at their own rate and level of learning? How do we create value for a proficiency-based system? What policies would help empower schools to implement a personalized, proficiency-based system? Perspective of National Thought Leaders Context for Task Force Work Oregon Department of Education, May 2008

4 Status of Current Work Existing Policy “Credit Option” Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 2004 Pilot Sites ODE and Business Education Compact Partnership Context for Task Force Work Oregon Department of Education, May 2008

5 Assumptions to Guide Task Force Work A Proficiency-based system: Is essential to learning Promotes best practices in teaching and learning Is based on standards and defined levels of performance Views proficiency as the constant and time/clock hours as the variable Connects to a student’s Education Plan Provides a variety of methods, pathways and assessment options to demonstrate learning Should evolve developmentally to ensure growth and sustainability over time. Oregon Department of Education, May 2008

6 Credit for Proficiency Defined Units or part units of required and elective graduation credit Demonstrated defined knowledge and skills (standards) Meet or exceed defined levels of performance May be demonstrated: inside traditional classroom, outside the classroom, prior learning, examination, or any combination. Draft Recommendations Oregon Department of Education, May 2008

7 Increase learning options for students Provide flexibility to districts and schools to meet diverse needs of students Empower and encourage local decision-making to prepare students for next steps Purposes of Credit for Proficiency

8 Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 Oregon school districts shall provide the opportunity for each and every student to earn required and elective credit for graduation based on proficiency in lieu of, or in addition to, traditional clock hours. Each school district shall have local policy, procedures and processes in place by 2013-14 documenting district implementation of credit for proficiency options. Draft Task Force Recommended Policy

9 Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 1.Standards-based State or other recognized standards 2.Proficiency Defined levels of performance 3.Sufficiency Defined quantity and quality of evidence Draft Task Force Recommended Policy

10 Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 System Supports Professional Development Research Needs Task Force Recommended Implementation Supports

11 Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 Final Agreement on Recommendations Resources necessary to build capacity & implement Cost of resources – Local and State Additional work – Proficiency and Sufficiency Revision of Oregon Administrative Rules Next Steps

12 Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 Discussion Question: What questions or concerns do you have with the proposed: policy statement and required elements?

13 Oregon Department of Education, May 2008 Task Force Website

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