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SUCCESS Achieving Your Dreams at PGCC Language Studies Department.

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Presentation on theme: "SUCCESS Achieving Your Dreams at PGCC Language Studies Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUCCESS Achieving Your Dreams at PGCC Language Studies Department

2 WELCOME A few words from our chair, Esther Robbins.

3 Get to Know Your Teachers Know their names, faces, office location and hours. Use actual photos of staff and faculty

4 Get to Know your Campus Largo – with photos –Language Lab –Tutoring and Writing Center –Library –Food –Bookstore UTC – with photos –Labs –General assistance

5 Classroom Success All Classes (each can be a slide with visual and more details) –Connect with other students – create study groups –Get familiar with Blackboard –Get a calendar with important dates listed –Use your textbook wisely – grammar charts, appendices (study skill ideas – Brenan) –When planning schedule, think about study time outside of class –Designate a place to study – library, home

6 Language Class Success Language learning takes time – slide that explains average length of lang. learning. Specific grammar tips (specific to ESL and SPN, FRN Specific writing tips (SPN/FRN could skip this if not appropriate)

7 Assessment Using an assessment tool (such as a survey or quiz), we can gauge students’ retention of the materials presented. A follow-up assessment can also be given at the end of the semester to ensure that students are planning for the next semester and to ascertain any pitfalls/extra support that the students self identify.

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