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Bringing Structure to the Chaos Sarah M. Springsteen May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Structure to the Chaos Sarah M. Springsteen May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Structure to the Chaos Sarah M. Springsteen May 2014

2  The Inherent Issues in Communications Courses  Speaking  Listening  How to Structure  Identifying Skills to Teach from Objectives to Accomplish  Identify what’s required  From Skeleton Structure to Daily Structure to Homework  Relating to Student Understanding

3  Do we focus on accuracy or fluency?  Discovering the specific learning outcomes we want from a project  Designing original projects that fit the guidelines  Avoiding the class becoming presentation after presentation  Speaking activities which aren’t just idle chit chat.  Presenting the participating students with viable activities to keep them learning



6  How to organize portfolios to quantify their listening ability  Where does increasing vocab come in? How should it be accomplished?  How to make the outcomes consistent?  Integrating TOEFL skills  Getting them to TAKE notes.  What do listening activities look like? How to move from a youtube/Ted Clip to a viable lesson  Videonotes!

7  In General the Structure Can Become  A half-hazard assortment of random discussions  Presentation after presentation

8  Skills/Objectives  What’s required  Skeleton structure  Weekly structure  Daily structure  Ta da!!

9  Start with Objectives  Write out what skills are needed to achieve specific objectives.  Remember equal weight needs to be given to both speaking AND listening

10  What are my projects for the class?  What/When are the tests?  How can I/will I incorporate my necessary skills into the projects and tests?  i.e. How is listening present in Independent and Group Projects?  How do I involve spoken vocab and accurate grammar?  How will I mark these projects to reemphasize the skill learning I am going for?


12  Lay what’s required out in an identifiable order  ILP  GCP  ICP or ILP  ICP  GCP depending on what you are working towards  What is our listening goal and what kind of identifiable activities will lead us towards this goal?  (Podcasts, Randalls ESL lab, Youtube clip)  (Listening Skills must be EXPLICIT for you and students)

13  What grammar point do I want to focus on each week?  What listening point would they need each week?  What speaking point could we focus on per week?  At the end of the week what do I want my students to be able to say that they know?

14  What skills am I practicing today?  Is there a way to incorporate the other skills into the work?  Ex. If presentations are being done, what am I doing for my participating students?

15  Does the work assigned at home reinforce or relate to what we are doing in the class?  Is it enough to give speaking/listening practice to those who want it?  Does it give them a chance to demonstrate the skills/objectives I am going for?

16  Edmodo  LMS  Blackboard  Monthly Calendar  However you do it, it’s a great idea.

17 Thank You!

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