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Inquiry-Based Learning in Engineering Laboratory Courses Bryan Webler Carnegie Mellon University Keywords: laboratory, project-based learning, active learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry-Based Learning in Engineering Laboratory Courses Bryan Webler Carnegie Mellon University Keywords: laboratory, project-based learning, active learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry-Based Learning in Engineering Laboratory Courses Bryan Webler Carnegie Mellon University Keywords: laboratory, project-based learning, active learning

2 Why? Prescriptive labs often passively connected to course content & engineering problems Objective: Connect class/lab with projects relevant to students Three objectives to activity: 1.Perform & interpret x-ray diffraction experiments 2.Make a conclusion with engineering relevance 3.Write concise & informative reports

3 When? Class: Structure of Materials Semester: Fall Enrollment: approx. 40 Level: Sophomores, just declared major My 3 rd time teaching the class Second attempt at this activity

4 Where? Only tried at Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Materials Science & Engineering Targeted to Structure of Materials class

5 What? Series of small projects for last lab –Build on previous prescriptive labs –Computational & experimental projects –Conclusions relevant to an engineering problem 3D Visualization Biocompatibility Crystallization of polymers Phase transformations in metals Curve fitting Students plan & execute work Variety of projects well- received

6 Prognosis? Activity can be tailored to any lab class Challenge: Picking small-scope projects Challenge: Ensuring sufficient support –Project experiments are means to an end –Keep focus on class objectives –How to handle this? Checkpoint meetings/assignments? Frequency?

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