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 OVARIES o Produce eggs (ova) and sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone)  UTERINE TUBE/FALLOPIAN TUBE/OVIDUCTS o Contains ciliated columnar cells that.

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Presentation on theme: " OVARIES o Produce eggs (ova) and sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone)  UTERINE TUBE/FALLOPIAN TUBE/OVIDUCTS o Contains ciliated columnar cells that."— Presentation transcript:

1  OVARIES o Produce eggs (ova) and sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone)  UTERINE TUBE/FALLOPIAN TUBE/OVIDUCTS o Contains ciliated columnar cells that secrete mucus to draw egg from ovary through tube o Fimbriae: finger-like projections that aid in drawing egg out of ovary

2  UTERUS o Hollow, muscular organ shaped somewhat like an inverted pear o Receives developing embryo and sustains its development o 3 layers  Endometrium: innermost mucus layer (endometriosis)  Myometrium: thick, middle, muscular layer  Perimetrium: outer, serosa layer that covers o 3 parts  Body; cervix; vagina o Papsmear: procedure that scrapes cells of cervix to test for cervical cancer


4  VAGINA o Receives penis; conveys uterine secretions; open channel for birth o Hymen: thin membrane of connective tissue that partially covers vaginal orifice  VULVA o Labia Majora  Enclose and protect external organs  Same as scrotum in male  Rounded folds of adipose tissue o Labia Minora  Flattened folds b/w labia majora that surrounds clitoris  Contains blood vessels

5 o Clitoris Contains erectile tissue Same as penis in male Rich supply of sensory nerve fibers (8,000) o Vestibule Space between labia minora that contains vaginal and urethral openings Vestibular glands: ( corresponding to the bulbourethral gland ) secrete fluids that moisten and lubricate vestibule

6  FEMALE SEX HORMONES o Are secreted by hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries o FSH and LH: controlling female sex cell maturation and in producing sex hormones o Estrogen Stimulate enlargement of accessory organs Breast development Increase adipose deposits on thighs and hips o Progesterone Changes uterus during reproductive cycle Helps maintains pregnancy

7  OOGENESIS: process of egg cell formation  Oocyte supply is determined before birth  Meiosis in females results in 1 ova and 3 polar bodies Polar bodies die

8  Menarche: a females first reproductive cycle  Menopause: ceasing of cycle, reproductive organs shrink and reduction of hormones  28 day cycle – ovulation occurs about ½ way through (day 14) o DAYS 1-5 (Menstrual phase) Endometrial lining sloughs off (50-150ml of blood loss) o DAYS 6-14 (Proliferative phase) estrogen increases causing endometrium regeneration Ovulation occur at end of phase o DAYS15-28 (Secretory phase) Progesterone increases making endometrium ready for embryo implantation If embryo does not implant, endometrium will spasm and die


10  BIRTH CONTROL: voluntary regulation of the number of offspring produced o CONTRACEPTION Coitus Interruptus Rhythm Method: abstinence 2 days before and 1 day after ovulation Mechanical barriers: condoms; diaphragm Chemical barriers: creams, foams and jellies with spermicidal properties Oral contraceptives Nuvaring Orthro Evra patch Depo-Provera shot IUD Vasectomy or Tubal ligation

11  STD’s  Most have common symptoms including: burning sensation during urination; lower abdomen pain; fever; discharge from penis or vagina; pain; itching, sores, rash o AID’s - virus o Chlamydia - bacteria o Genital warts - virus o Genital herpes - virus o Gonorrhea - bacteria o Syphilis - bacteria

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