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THE OVERLOOKED STEM IMPERATIVES: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Kendall N. Starkweather Executive Director/CEO International Technology and Engineering Educators.

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Presentation on theme: "THE OVERLOOKED STEM IMPERATIVES: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Kendall N. Starkweather Executive Director/CEO International Technology and Engineering Educators."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE OVERLOOKED STEM IMPERATIVES: TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Kendall N. Starkweather Executive Director/CEO International Technology and Engineering Educators Association

2 Why STEM? All indicators show that American schools have lost their lead in providing high quality science, mathematics and technology education. (2008 Report – 25 th in math, 21 st in science out of 30 industrialized nations) To excel in most contemporary endeavors, young Americans will need at least a basic understanding of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts. This problem needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

3 Why are the T & E in STEM so important? The superiority of a country as a leader in technology is a desired quality. The ability of an educational system to produce individuals with the technological abilities is also a desired quality. No school subject unleashes the spirit of innovation like technology and engineering education. Students must be able to apply their knowledge to improve people’s lives in meaningful ways. Education should be the cornerstone in terms of helping students be creative problem solvers while helping to shape futures. Imagine an education based on thoughts that turn ideas into reality…

4 The power and promise of T & E! It is impossible to imagine a life without technology and engineering. It is an education that can start at the earliest grade levels and continue through life. Imagine experiences to study the grandest skyscraper, personal transportation vehicles, microscopic medical devices, and more…

5 What is STEM? A current movement in the United States to address scientific and technological education considered essential to our economic growth, national security, and a productive future. Our nation’s prosperity depends on how well we educate our children in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics for an innovative thinking future. STEM is directed towards satisfying the need for skilled, knowledgeable, and ethical citizens, ready to succeed in life. STEM is an acronym. What it can teach is far greater than the sum of its parts.

6 What are selected goals of a STEM education? Provide a rigorous and diverse curriculum. Create a pipeline of STEM learning experiences that start early and go through higher education. Develop career awareness and a passion to excel. Increase the number of graduates who have an interest and expertise in STEM subjects.

7 Additional attributes of a STEM education! Critical thinking learned through STEM education can be applied across all disciplines - from humanities; everyday problem solving; and higher-level math, science, and engineering. Any learning environment can include a STEM education. Draws students from all economic levels, diversity levels, and various types of schools.

8 Where did STEM originate? What year? Colonial Era – Benjamin Franklin (1749). “Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania.” Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1824). First University in the English speaking world to teach practical arts to tenant children. Land Grant Act (1862). Agricultural and Mechanical Institutions were created. Vocational Education Act (1917). Federal Government supported career and technical education National Science Foundation (started 1950). With Sputnik came physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. The overlooked STEM Imperatives – Background and history of the STEM movement by Salinger and Zuga. (2009)

9 How is STEM being interpreted? Another way to get more math and science. STEM title with math and science funding. Funding for profession in addition to Perkins money. Career orientation – technical engineering, and more. STEAM, SEM, and more.

10 What is the ability of the science community to deliver the study of technology and engineering in classrooms and laboratories? Why is the focus only on engineering and not on architecture, industrial design, biotechnology, computing, etc.? Why is the framework void of the laboratory nature of science, technology, or engineering? What research shows that such an approach is significant and effective within a science framework? Why is the framework heavy on products and less than satisfactory on “doing and making?” Where is the avenue for providing students depth with content and process? How do we prepare and qualify licensed teachers for teaching technology and engineering? Questions about technology & engineering within a framework for science education:

11 National Studies/Publications

12 What does the technology and engineering teacher need to consider? Constantly read, study, and stay apprised of the latest technological developments. Help students be dreamers and thinkers. Arouse their abilities to be doers, makers, tinkers, creators, and inventors. Work with your students and their ability level and help them raise their technological and engineering talents to the next level. Be more than a teacher of students in your class – teach fellow teachers, administrators, and parents.

13 What do STEM activities look like? Focus on rocket design, physics, fluid dynamics, engineering, and aerodynamics. Students build a rocket unit. Emphasize mathematics, physics, and engineering by building a LEGO robot and presenting designs. Projects about the evolution of new farming equipment, safer drinking water and food, electric vehicles, faster micro chips.

14 Current rationales for engineering: Increase interest, improved competence and demonstrate the usefulness of mathematics and sciences. Improve technological literacy which promotes economic advancement. Provide a career pathway to an engineering profession. Improve the quality of student learning experiences. Prepare for university engineering courses. Elevate technology education to a higher academic and technological level. P. John Williams, “Musings about Technology and Engineering Education,” Journal of Technology Education, Volume 21, #2 Spring 2010

15 The design process: A work in progress. The design process: A work in progress. Engineering Education Analytical design Functionality Endurance Static/dynamic leads Consequent stresses/deflections Predictions possible prior to development Experimentation and modeling that leads to verification of a solution More deterministic, limited range of outcomes Less opportunity for divergent and creative ideas Less scope for creativity and lateral thing Difference often considered to be the absence of mathematical rigor and analysis in predictive results and consequent repeatability. John P. Williams, 2010 Technology Education Conceptual design Less predictive What “works” Research process Idea development Judgements about success Predictions not always possible with certainty Experimentation and modeling that leads to a solution Less deterministic with a range of outcomes More opportunity for divergent and creative ideas More scope for creativity and lateral thinking

16 What needs to happen with technology & engineering? Determine core standards for K-12 technological literacy. Develop core standards for K-12 engineering literacy. Integrate core standards for K-12 technological and engineering literacy. Create STEM core connections.

17 EbD Requirements Developed by teachers for teachers Standards-based Inquiry-based learning cycle Culturally proficient Developed using a backwards design process Relevant for national implementation Research-based Reflective of feedback from focus groups Grade-specific Sustainable

18 EbD Features Advances the “T and E” of STEM Engages students in inquiry and design-based learning Collaboration skill development Employs the “Grand Challenges for Engineering” Highlights real researcher/inventor case studies Formative and summative assessment Compliments elementary science and math programs Supports math by reinforcing “Focal Points” Supports literacy through vocabulary and comprehension strategies Supports writing with STEM notebooks

19 How will success be measured? Number of graduates in STEM fields. Number of people who choose a STEM career. Reduction of achievement gaps and enhanced student learning in higher-level thinking. Engaging formal and informal educational assets. Better curriculum, assessment, teacher quality, leadership, and community engagement.

20 What is our challenge? Avoiding silos Putting the T & E in STEM Articulating success Avoid STEM being SteM only Asserting our role in STEM

21 Our call to action is educating various publics. Talk to parents, administrators, curriculum developers. Provide examples and models of excellence. Articulate our role in STEM education. Constant contact with legislators and corporate leaders.

22 “The technology curriculum of any country is a product of the history of that country and reflects the prevailing social attitudes toward education and technology. Diversity in technology education across the world is therefore inevitable.” P. John Williams

23 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association 1914 Association Drive, Suite 201 Reston, VA 20191 Phone: 703.860.2100 FAX: 703.850.0353

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